Business Weekly Affiliate Digest: What’s Hot in Affiliate Marketing [1xBet Affiliate Program Review]
This week, I wanna talk about the two most insanely profitable things in the world. #1 is gambling (duh!), and #2 is… religion. Yep, we’re gonna talk about both and show you where (and how) you can make a pretty penny in both of these niches. Plus, we’re gonna introduce you to one of the best affiliate programs around if you wanna monetize one of those niches: the 1xBet Affiliate Program.

Quick Disclosure: We’re about to tell you how the 1xBet Affiliate Program is a great partner program for sportsbook offers. And we really mean it. Just know that if you click on a 1xBet Affiliate Program link, we may earn a small commission. Your choice.
Hey there affiliates.
This week, we’re gonna talk about the two most profitable things on the earth.

And… religion.

Let’s start off with gambling. Affiliate Partner Program of the Week — 1xBet Affiliate Program
If you’re a regular reader, then I apologize for what comes next — another 1xBet Affiliate Program review.
But, there’s a good reason I’m bringing the 1xBet Affiliate Program up again just a few weeks later — there’s a bunch of profit-making opportunities coming up in the news, and the 1xBet Affiliate Program might be one of the only ones that you’ll be able to monetize with.
And besides, the 1xBet Affiliate Program is also insanely good.

1xBet Affiliate Program — The Product
Sign up with the 1xBet Affiliate Program and you’ll have a choice of two products to promote.
The sportsbook that takes the 1xBet Affiliate Program’s first name.
And a casino that also takes the 1xBet Affiliate Program’s first name.
So, which one should you choose to promote once you’re all signed up with the 1xBet Affiliate Program?
Well, here’s one idea (and you should remember it for the news section) — why not promote both 1xBet Affiliate Program products? After all, they’re kinda complimentary.
They’re also both really good. (Just like the 1xBet Affiliate Program.)
And, they both pay really good commissions.
Speaking of, let’s take a look at the 1xBet Affiliate Program commissions.

1xBet Affiliate Program — The Commissions
Let’s keep this short and sweet. The 1xBet Affiliate Program will pay you up to 40% on a rev share basis.
That’s pretty good, right?
Yeah, it is. But there’s a catch. You’re gonna have to work your way through the ranks of the 1xBet Affiliate Program to earn that rate.
New affiliates in the 1xBet Affiliate Program will start out at just 25%.
But hey, that’s still pretty good. (In fact, without naming names, it’s not far off the top rate at some other 1xBet Affiliate Program competitors.)
If CPA/hybrid deals are your thing, then you’re gonna have to reach out to your 1xBet Affiliate Program manager.
And as for what else you need to know about the 1xBet Affiliate Program commissions, there isn’t all that much.

1xBet Affiliate Program — Next Steps
Look, I know this 1xBet Affiliate Program review was pretty short and light on details. So I’ll make you a deal.
I’ll give you a link to a more detailed review if you promise to come back here.
Alright, here’s your link to the full 1xBet Affiliate Program review.
And for those of you who wanna get started right away, here’s your link to sign up with the 1xBet Affiliate Program today.

Bezos and the Book of God
There are two things we generally refuse to talk about here.
Amazon “Associates” and Religion.
As for why we don’t talk about Amazon Associates, that should be obvious from the program’s name. Any time a company has to take a well-established industry term and euphemize it, then you know there’s something wrong with it.
And yeah, there’s plenty wrong with it. And I’m not just talking about the commission rates which, let’s be honest, kinda suck.
But that’s not the worst of it. Because Bezos can’t help but be Bezos — an evil little effer who’s always trying to steal your money in a thousand different ways.
Need an example?
Okay, how about that one clause that says if your referrals download too many free Kindle ebooks in a month, then your entire commission cheque gets canceled?
Yep. That’s a real thing — it’s right there in their terms and conditions. No matter how much your referrals spend with Amazon, you get nothing if they download too many free Kindle eBooks.
Told ya Bezos was an evil little effer.

Now, as for why I don’t talk about the whole religion thing… well, I don’t know actually.
It can be insanely profitable if done right.

So let’s talk about religion… and Amazon because… well, I’m also gonna talk about books. And, let’s face it, if you’re gonna sell books, you ain’t got many other options besides Amazon.
They control about 50% of the market… and that’s the market that includes hokey, old-fashioned retailers who don’t even offer an affiliate program. Which basically means Amazon controls waayyy more than 50% of the market if you only count sellers who’ll cut you an affiliate check.
Anyway. Where was I?
That’s right. Books and religion.
Let’s start with the books.
This week, The Washington Post (Jesus Christ, it’s Bezos all the way down…) published this survey.
Now, it’s kinda long and not that interesting. But there was one thing that stood out to me. (Actually, there were two things… but I’ll get to the second thing later.)
The percentage of Americans who read at least one book in 2024 shot up to 63%, up from 54% in 2023.
So, Americans reading books is a growing trend.
Good to know.
Wonder what they’re all reading?

Just kidding.
To give a more serious answer to that question, let’s introduce another news item — some money stats, courtesy of the Association of American Publishers.
Now, firstly, yes — American Publishers have all seen a nice little bump in their year-over-year revenue.
That’s good to know, because it matches up with the growth in Americans reading a book.
But there’s something that’s even better to know.
Religious books saw the biggest increase of all to the tune of 18.5% YoY.
So, what religious books were actually selling?
Well, unsurprisingly, the Bible features pretty high on the best sellers list. But then there’s also the sales of books that are “about” the bible. You know, books about “interpreting” and “studying” the bible. That sorta stuff.
Now, in a moment I’m finishing up with this news item. But I also promised you one more stat from the Washington Post survey before.
So here it is…

Now, religion might not quite be as big as murder mysteries and stuff like that. But it’s also not that far off.
Also, that graph above is of the “entire population, not just readers”.
So, given only about 63% of the population actually read a book, you can pretty much multiply any number in the above graph by 1.6x.
This is the first (and probably the last) time I’m gonna do this.
But I’m actually gonna suggest there’s an opportunity here to make some mullah with Amazon “Associates”. With books on the up and religious books leading the charge, it’s clear there’s a monetizable niche right here… but just make sure you don’t get caught out by Bezos’s “I’ll steal your commissions if your referrals download free eBooks” rule.
Or, if all that sounds like too much work for too little commission, then just go sign up with someone who’ll pay you waaayyyy better rates for selling a waaayyyy more fun product.
I think the 1xBet Affiliate Program might help here.

Sportsbooks in the USA
This week, a bunch of sports betting news about new laws and new stats dropped.
Here’s a quick overview of it all.
Alright, let’s kick off with the latest from Pennsylvania.

Now, unfortunately, I’ve got some bad news here. So I’m just gonna rip the bandaid off.
Here goes.
Pennsylvania’s sportsbook revenues are WAYYYYYYYYYYY down.
Like 51.6% YoY down.
In December 2023, sportsbooks in the state apparently posted gross revenues of $98 million. That fell to just over $47 million in December 2024.
But here’s the good news.
iGaming is WAYYYYYYYYYYY up.
Like 35.5% YoY up.
As for the exact numbers, that iGaming bump translates to $224 million in gross revenue in December 2024 vs about $165 million in December 2023.
So, now we’ve got the hard numbers in place, who wants to do some math?

Yah. I know, I know.
Math be boring.
But this math is worth doing. Watch this.
If you subtract 2023’s sportsbook revenues from 2024’s, you get:
$47 million – $98 million = -$51 million
And if you subtract 2023’s iGaming revenues from 2024’s, you get:
$224 million – $165 million = $59 million
Do you see what I see?
Yeah, that’s right. Combined iGaming + Sportsbook revenues are still $8 million up on a year-over-year basis.
Also, fun fact, slots were the leading revenue driver at a little over $164 million for the month.
There are two things to note here.
- iGaming is BOOMING in Pennsylvania.
- Gambling in general is holding steady.
Now, is this just a seasonal thing?
That I don’t know.
But here’s what I do know.
If you’re promoting with a partner that offers you both a casino offering and a sportsbook offering, then Pennsylvania’s mood swings are nothing to worry about.
Nor are those of any other state in which you’re promoting.
In fact, they’re probably the perfect chance to nab a few extra referrals as sports bettors go looking for a casino and vice-versa.
The only question is, where are you going to find an affiliate program with both a casino and a sportsbook offering???
Here’s one idea (and it’s a good one) — the 1xBet Affiliate Program.
Yep. The 1xBet Affiliate Program has both a casino and sportsbook offering.
And, did I mention the 1xBet Affiliate Program pays out 40% commissions?

If you’re ever feeling sorry for Pennsylvanians suffering through the cold, then spare a thought for Minnesotans.
They’ve got it worse. And I’m not just talking about the cold.

Along with the cold, they’re also suffering through winter as one of the only states that still hasn’t legalized sports betting.
Anyway, that might be set to change this year with State Senator Jeremy Miller introducing the Minnesota Sports Betting Act 3.0.
And yeah, that 3.0 wasn’t a mistake.
It’s the third time the poor, sports betting-deprived senator has attempted to push through a sports betting bill.
But this time, I reckon he likes his chances.
For starters, by now it’s starting to look a bit silly not to legalize sports betting. According to Miller, “So far, 39 other states, plus Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C., have already legalized sports betting.”
And that means 39 other states (plus Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C.) are not only keeping their residents better entertained. It also means they’re raking in the big, sportsbook tax bucks.
Surely standing by on the sidelines and watching all the other states have all the fun must be starting to upset a few Minnesotans by now.

But as if that wasn’t enough, Miller reckons he’s got a few more tricks up his sleeve.
First, his “updated proposal” has taken all the best bits from other states that have already legalized sports betting.
And second, he did some math.
He reckons the state will pull in a healthy $80 million in tax revenue based on a 20% tax rate.
Look, you’ve got two options here.
Your first (and more boring) option is to sit on your hands and watch this space.
Your second option (and the one I like best), is to take a look at Miller’s math, use that as inspiration, and then get “creative”.
So let’s start with Miller’s math.
Remember the bit about him forecasting the state would generate $80 million at a 20% tax rate?
Now imagine what happens to that $80 million once you apply… I don’t know… let’s say a 40% affiliate commission rate.
Yeah. This is a huge market that’s yet to be properly tapped.
As for the second bit about getting “creative”, that’s simple. Instead of searching high and low for sportsbook operators in Minnesota, why not turn your gaze offshore a little?
I’m 100% sure you can find one that’s open to a “global” audience. And I’m equally sure you can find one that’s also offering that mythical 40% commission rate I mentioned before.
In fact, I think I even mentioned one such sportsbook before. You can promote it with the 1xBet Affiliate Program.

Here’s a fun question.
What two things do the following four things have in common?
If you guessed “Hawaii” and “make sports betting/gaming legal”, then you guessed right.
Now, if you’ve been following along with the whole legalization of sports betting and gaming in the US in recent years, you might have noticed something.
Hawaii’s been particularly resistant to it all.
In fact, it’s one of the only states where no form of gambling is allowed. Not even land-based casinos or anything like that.
As for why, that’s kinda complicated. There are a bunch of people holding out for various reasons.
Sure, there’s all the usual stuff about what will it do to the degenerate Hawaiian youth.

But then there’s also Hawaiian’s hatred for mainlanders.
And no, I’m not making that up. Here’s a quote from Hawaiian Rep. John Mizuno — “The reason we are concerned about DraftKings, FanDuel is we don’t want a mainland corporation coming in and just taking all the money.”
So yeah, while there might be a bunch of momentum finally building behind legalizing gambling in Hawaii, maybe don’t be too surprised if nothing changes this year.
As with anything, there’s good news and bad news here.
The bad news is, you’re not gonna be promoting with any mainland sportsbooks or casinos in Hawaii anytime soon.
The good news is, there are plenty of non-US-mainland operators that would be more than happy to help keep the citizens of the world entertained. 1xBet Affiliate Program might be one such program… but don’t take my word for it. Go sign up with the 1xBet Affiliate Program yourself and see.

The USA Loves…
And now for something completely different.
Optimove just dropped the results of a new pole.
And the title of the article more or less gives away what I’m about to tell you about. So here’s the title.
Live Betting, or In-Play Betting Drives Higher Player Spending and Garners More Betting Budget
And here are the numbers that brought Optimove to that conclusion, starting with the percentage of in-play vs pre-game wagers.

Now, if you paid attention to the title I stuck on this news item (The USA Loves…), then you probably think this chart’s a bit weird. After all, in-play betting is clearly more popular in Greece.
Meanwhile, the USA’s more or less an even split between live and pre-game.
But now let me introduce the second set of numbers — the average monthly bet amounts by both groups of players.

See that red bar on the right-hand side?
Yeah, it’s at least 50% higher than any other line on that chart.
And just like that, you unlocked the secret to targeting the most lucrative bettors anywhere in the world — USA-based live-betting fans.
Whoops, I think I just gave away the takeaway before we even got to it.
But not to worry, here’s a bonus takeaway — did you pay attention to Greece?
70% of the betting population are live-bet degens. And, the best part is, they’re second only to the USA in terms of monthly amounts wagered.
Λοιπόν, αν θέλετε να δοκιμάσετε λίγο affiliate marketing στα ελληνικά, τότε φαίνεται να αξίζει τον κόπο. Και το καλύτερο μέρος είναι ότι μπορείτε απλώς να αφήσετε την τεχνητή νοημοσύνη να κάνει όλη τη μετάφραση για εσάς.
If you didn’t understand the above, the drop it into a translator.
Then go sign up with the 1xBet Affiliate Program to earn some sweet 40% commissions on degenerate Greeks.
And yeah, you can totally promote live betting with the 1xBet Affiliate Program.

Closing Thought
That opening news item got me thinking about religion.
So let’s talk about religion… and marketing. Funny combination, I know. But I think you’ll agree what comes next will make sense.
Let’s start with a dictionary definition. (And no, not in a wanky “I know best” way. I just want us to be all on the same page.)
Religion: “A particular system of faith and worship”.
So, what’s this got to do with marketing?
Well, the keyword above is “faith” — that blind, unquestioning belief or trust in something, even in the face of zero or contradicting evidence.
See where I’m going yet?
Alright, here’s an example.
There’s a commonly held belief that “aged domains” get you a boost in the SERPs. And then there are those who vehemently argue that this is just a myth.
Now, here’s where the religion bit kicks in.
Wanna know what all the aged-domain-deniers like to show as evidence of their superiority?

Now, that seems kinda strange right? I mean, why would you blindly believe the guy who’s acting as a spokesperson for the company you’re waging war against?
And it’s not just a small number of people either — apparently, 28% of all SEOs blindly accept whatever Mueller says as gospel.
Now, for all you Mueller haters out there, (which, according to the same source as above, should be about 43% of you), don’t get too smug just yet.
Let me first ask you what your stance on the “aged domain” thing is.
And now let me ask you “how do you know”?
Be honest here.
I’m gonna take a bet and say the grand majority of us have no idea how we “know” whatever it is we believe.
Chances are, we heard it from someone we trust. And so we accepted it.
And that applies to just about everything we do in marketing (and in life).
So, what’s the advice here?
Question everything, believe nothing, and seek out absolute proof for anything before believing it?
Well, not quite.
That’s not really all that practical, is it?
At some point, to keep moving forward, we kinda just have to accept “received wisdom” for what it is, and save our energy to focus on the hard work of “proving” stuff that’s actually important.
I mean, take the “aged domain” example above — it doesn’t cost that much more to buy an “aged domain”, so if it makes you feel better, then why not? Proving whether it works or not will probably cost you a lot more in the long run.
And the same applies to a lot of stuff.
Here’s one more example — picking an affiliate program to sign up with.
Now, you could go out and do the hard work of finding the “best” one yourself.
But, if you want to do a good job of it, you’re gonna spend days doing it.
So here’s what you should do instead — have a little faith when we tell you that 1xBet is about as good as it gets.
And hey, with 40% commissions on offer, it’s not even like trusting our opinion on the 1xBet Affiliate Program is gonna cost you that much, is it?
In fact, the 1xBet Affiliate Program will probably do the opposite of that.

(Featured image by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS via Pexels)
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This article may include forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words “believe,” “project,” “estimate,” “become,” “plan,” “will,” and similar expressions, including with regards to potential earnings in the Empire Flippers affiliate program. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks as well as uncertainties, including those discussed in the following cautionary statements and elsewhere in this article and on this site. Although the Company may believe that its expectations are based on reasonable assumptions, the actual results that the Company may achieve may differ materially from any forward-looking statements, which reflect the opinions of the management of the Company only as of the date hereof. Additionally, please make sure to read these important disclosures.

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