Business Weekly Affiliate Digest: What’s Hot in Affiliate Marketing [888 Affiliate Program]

Quick Disclosure: We’re about to tell you how the 888 Affiliate Program is pretty great. And we really mean it. Just know that if you click on an 888 Affiliate Program link, we may earn a small commission. Your choice.
Apparently, AI was meant to pose major threats to this year’s election.
But, as any marketer can tell you, cheap content doesn’t mean anyone’s actually going to see your content. That’s why, despite the AI fear-mongering, this election hasn’t been run over by AI disinformation — let’s call it bullshit 2.0.
Instead, it’s been full of good ol’ bullshit 1.0.
You know, the human-generated kind.

Of course, not to be outdone, Republicans have been hitting back.
And hey, look ma, no AI.

Anyway, all that was nothing more than a segue into this week’s top affiliate program.
PS: And yeah, there is a link between the program and the election. But you’ll have to stick around for the news to find out what it is.
PPS: See our Prowly Affiliate Program review edition for more about the problem with the promised land of cheap AI content. Affiliate Program of the Week — 888 Affiliate Program
Let’s cut straight to the chase. This week’s top affiliate program award goes to the 888 Affiliate Program.
Why’s it going to the 888 Affiliate Program?
You’ll just have to read on to find out.

888 Affiliate Program — The Product
The first thing you’ll notice about the 888 Affiliate Program is that number.
Any idea what it means?
Yep, in Chinese numerology, 888 is the number that signifies “triple fortune”.
By now, you should’ve guessed that 888 Affiliate Program has three things that bring good fortune. What you might not know is what those three things are. So here goes:
- Casino
- Poker
- Sports betting
Your job as a member of the 888 Affiliate Program is to take your pick and sell any of these products.
Or just sell all three… the 888 Affiliate Program will leave that choice up to you.

888 Affiliate Program — The Commissions
Now to the good part — the 888 affiliate program commissions.
What you get paid in the 888 affiliate program will largely be a function of two things — the brand you promote, and your ability to promote it.
Let’s start with the last factor in your 888 affiliate program success — your ability.
Like just about every other sportsbook/casino, most affiliates in the 888 affiliate program will end up on a tiered rev share commissions plan where the more conversions you drive, the bigger your cut of the revenue.
Now, usually, I like to keep these things fairly brief, so we’ll skip over the nitty-gritty details of the 888 affiliate program commissions for now and just mention the top rates of 30% and 40% for sportsbook and casino, respectively.
And, of course, there are also CPA and hybrid plans on offer, so be sure to reach out to your 888 affiliate program manager if you think you should switch.

888 Affiliate Program — Why It’s This Week’s Top Affiliate Program
So, I did promise you’d find out why the 888 Affiliate Program was our top program of the week if you read on.
But guess what?
I ain’t gonna tell you yet.
Instead, I’m gonna reveal the real reason why once we get into the news. (Hint: there’s a lucrative tie-in to a big affiliate opportunity that the 888 affiliate program will help you monetize.)
In the meantime, let me just say this — the 888 Affiliate Program offers some solid, high-converting products that pay some of the top affiliate commissions in the industry. So that should be reason enough.
But, just in case it’s not, go head over to to see our full 888 Affiliate Program review.
Or, do the smart thing and just go sign up for the 888 affiliate program. (Trust me, you’ll thank me later.)

Affiliate News Takeaways
Corrupting Democracy for Fun & Profit
The title of this news item probably has you thinking I’m about to launch into a little something about Project 2025 or Moldbuggian Formalism.

But guess what?
I’ve got something much juicier for you. It’s this letter a bunch of US senators wrote on Monday, addressed to the CFTC Chairman.
Now, I promise you, there’s an opportunity here. But, to get to the opportunity, we’re first gonna have to cover what’s in this extremely long-winded letter. So here goes.
- Betting on the US elections is a threat to democracy.
There you go, I just summed up 500 words of waffle for ya.
So now you know what’s the 411, where’s the bit where this becomes a money-making opportunity?
Well, to get there, first we gotta talk about Barbara Streisand.

Now, if you already know what the meme above is all about, skip the next few lines. Otherwise, let me explain it to you.
Back in 2002, the California Coastal Records project took a bunch of overlapping photos that, when stitched together, showed the entire California coastline. Barbra Streisand, who just so happened to have a mansion along this coastline sued, claiming it was a violation of privacy.
Before she sued, the image had been viewed a total of 6 times. Within one month of her lawsuit, that number shot up to almost half a million. And thus, the famous “Streisand effect” was born — the effect that happens when you try to hide something, but doing so brings even more attention to it.
So, now we’re all on the same page, what’s this got to do with 2024 US election betting?
Well, that’s simple.
I reckon the harder people try to ban betting on the US election, the more people are gonna wanna bet on it.
Now sure, it’s not exactly the same as the Streisand effect. Banning something isn’t quite the same as trying to cover it up.
But, I’d argue, the psychological impact is the same — tell someone you don’t want them to see something and they’re gonna wanna see it. Tell someone they can’t do something, and they’re gonna wanna do it.

Remember our 888 affiliate program review? Remember how I promised to reveal why it was the top affiliate program of the week once we got to the news?
Well, here it is.
The 888 Affiliate program was named our top affiliate program of the week for the simple fact it offers betting on the US election.
Well, that and it’s otherwise great affiliate program and top commissions.
But it was mostly for the US election betting thing.
So go fire up your best political memes and go make some money.

Summer Smackdowns
Head into any office, gather around the water cooler, and you’re guaranteed to hear some trite debate about something inconsequential. You know, like how toasted you like your bagels.

But this summer, it turns out some slightly more serious debates have been taking place. Something that’s now spilling over onto the internet and right into the Wall Street Journal.

Yep, according to the Journal, “some of the more ambitious fashion envelope-pushers are dabbling in, if not cargo shorts, at least dress shorts.”
And, apparently, “Dress-wear traditionalists are appalled.”
And you thought you’d already seen peak culture wars.

Anyway, if you’re wondering why this is making the news here, I honestly have no idea. Guess I didn’t see any quick and easy way to monetize the real news from this week… you know, like Google getting told it was an illegal monopoly… stuff like that.
So instead, here’s a cheap content idea instead.
Now, of course, I have a theory about a path to monetization here. So hear me out for just a minute longer.
You see, I reckon if office workers are debating whether it’s okay to wear shorts, then those office workers are probably pretty bored. I mean, really? Isn’t there something better to talk about?
Apparently not.
But here’s what you can do.
Once you capture their attention with your snarky office shorts memes, you then remind them there are better debates to be had. You know, like who’s gonna win the US election.
And while you’re at it, don’t forget to tell them to put their money where their mouth is. The 888 Affiliate Program has a product that’ll help them do just that.

Closing Thought
Have you ever looked at other people and thought they were weird?
I know I have.

But have you ever wondered what other people thought of themselves?
Turns out, YouGov has. They just published the results of a poll that asked people if they thought they were weird.
Guess what they found?
48% of respondents consider themselves “very weird” or “somewhat weird.”
Weird, right? That’s what I thought.
So then I thought, “Maybe I don’t have the same definition of weird as everyone else.”
At first I thought maybe my common sense understanding of weird was maybe not the same as everyone elses. So I looked it up.
Weird [adj.] — “Of strange or extraordinary character” (Merriam-Webster)
Alright, so something weird is definitely going on here if literally half the population thinks they’re of “extraordinary character.”
But what can we take away from it?
Well, how about this — even if your mommy told you so, chances are, you’re not as unique as you think.
I mean, if 50% of people think they’re “extraordinary”, then something’s gone awry.

But that doesn’t really help you, does it?
Alright, I’ve got an idea. But it’s a little more complicated.
Let’s start with an assumption. Presumably, each person who thinks they’re “weird” thinks so for a reason.
Maybe it’s because they think riding a Honda makes them “unique”.

Or maybe it’s because they’re a really special snowflake who cooked up their own gender pronouns.

Now, taken alone, none of these things are that weird. But maybe, just maybe, if you take a honda-riding man in a unicorn costume who identifies as… forget it, I’m not gonna repeat that part… you get the point…
Maybe, just maybe, you have something no one else has, even if you’re more than likely a regular joe in every other way.
So what’s the moral of the story?
Simple, figure out what makes you “weird”.
Maybe you’ve got an unusual obsession with archaic trivia tidbits about American presidential history.
Now combine that with your other unusual obsession for, I don’t know, shitposting memes at 4 in the morning.
What did you just find out about yourself?
That’s right, you’ve got exactly what it takes to churn out a bunch of attention-grabbing political content that’s got all the power to get eyeballs.
So now you’ve got those eyeballs, time to monetize.
Remember that news story about betting on the US Election?
Yeah, go monetize it with the 888 affiliate program your weird, but otherwise completely normal thing.

(Featured image by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS via Pexels)
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This article may include forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words “believe,” “project,” “estimate,” “become,” “plan,” “will,” and similar expressions, including with regards to potential earnings in the Empire Flippers affiliate program. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks as well as uncertainties, including those discussed in the following cautionary statements and elsewhere in this article and on this site. Although the Company may believe that its expectations are based on reasonable assumptions, the actual results that the Company may achieve may differ materially from any forward-looking statements, which reflect the opinions of the management of the Company only as of the date hereof. Additionally, please make sure to read these important disclosures.

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