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Burkina Patriotic Fund Mobilized over 86 Billion CFAF as of June 25th, 2024

As of June 25, 2024, the Patriotic Support Fund (FSP) has mobilized 86.2 billion CFA francs, 86.2% of its annual target. The funds come from compulsory deductions, salary deductions, telecommunications, and voluntary contributions. These resources support VDP social expenses and enhance combat forces. Challenges include human resource shortages and lack of infrastructure, with solutions proposed for improvement.



burkina patriotic fund

The session of the Steering Committee of the Burkina Patriotic Fund for the 2nd quarter of this year was held around two main items on the agenda. First, the examination and adoption of the 2nd management report 2024 of the Burkina Patriotic Fund, then the examination and adoption of the draft allocation of resources to beneficiaries.

As of June 25th, 2024, the Patriotic Support Fund (FSP) of Burkina has managed to mobilize 86,203,443,477 CFA francs. This represents 86.20% of the initial annual target of 100 billion CFA francs to be collected. The Chairman of the Management Board of the Patriotic Support Fund (CGFSP), Vieux Abdoul Rachid Soulama, specified that 55,188,741,877 CFA francs were collected for the second quarter. This represents, he added, 64.02% of the total collections since January 1th, 2024.

The composition of the Burkina Patriotic Fund

Thus, according to Mr. Soulama, the total amount collected as of June 25 is made up of the following elements: compulsory deductions, deductions from private sector salaries, deductions from public sector salaries and bonuses, resources collected from mobile telephone and television services, voluntary transfers and voluntary contributions.

The values ​​of these components are estimated as follows: 58,191,214,691 CFA francs for compulsory deductions, 1,461,559,118 CFA francs for private sector salaries, 12,658,940,518 CFA francs for deductions from public sector salaries and bonuses, and 11,350,193,682 CFA francs for resources from telephone and television services.

As for voluntary transfers and voluntary contributions, they amount to 680,931,962 CFA francs and 1,857,603,595 CFA francs respectively. The total amount collected was used, among other things, to finance the effective management of social expenses of the VDPs, and to strengthen the intervention capacities of the combat forces.

The hope of reaching 100 billion CFA francs

“The more than 86 billion CFA francs collected give rise to real grounds for hope in achieving the annual recovery target set at 100 billion CFA francs. The resources mobilized have not only made it possible to effectively ensure the payment of VDP personnel expenses, but also to provide them with individual and collective equipment,” confided Fatoumata Bako/Traoré, Minister Delegate in charge of the Budget, to the Minister of Economy, Finance and Foresight. She was delivering the Prime Minister’s speech.

These “highly appreciable” results achieved in a difficult sub-regional and international socio-economic and political context, are an expression of the Burkinabe’s support for the objectives of the FSP, she said.

Expenditure situation of the Burkina Patriotic Fund

The expenditure situation of the Burkina Patriotic Fund is drawn up according to three main points: allocated resources, the release situation and the state of execution of expenditure as of June 25, 2024. Thus, from January to June 2024, according to the FSP management report, an amount of 113,677,144,221 CFA francs of allocated resources is recorded.

The total amount of releases from the Burkina Patriotic Fund made over the same period amounts to 45,875,000,000 CFA francs. “This sum was made available to the Brigade of Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (BVDP) following three operations of respective amounts of 5,385,000,000 CFA francs, 18,020,000,000 CFA francs and 22,470,000,000 CFA francs,” explained the president of the CGFSP.

Major achievements and difficulties

Thanks to all the Burkina Patriotic Fund’s sources of supply, significant progress has been made, Mr. Soulama emphasizes. These include the effective management of VDP social expenses and the strengthening of the intervention capacities of the combat forces. The achievements also include the establishment of partnership frameworks for the implementation of insurance coverage and the medical-surgical management of VDPs. In addition, communication actions are continuing.

“We have signed an agreement for a period of one year between the BVDP and the Captain Hassane Coulibaly military hospital for the medical and surgical care of VDPs through the delivery of medical and surgical procedures. These procedures concern in particular medical exploration, hospitalization, rehabilitation and re-adaptation, as well as the purchase of medicines and medical consumables,” presented Vieux Abdoul Rachid Soulama.

Two main difficulties were noted during the presentation of the Burkina Patriotic Fund report. On the one hand, there is the lack of human resources in the BVDP, particularly in the decentralized structures. On the other hand, the difficulty highlighted is the lack of premises to house the services of the BVDP General Staff at both the central and decentralized levels.

Solutions and perspectives

To address the difficulties mentioned, the report proposes providing the BVDP with human resources to ensure greater efficiency in the missions entrusted to it. This report also recommends the construction of emergency infrastructure to house the BVDP services at both the central and decentralized levels.

In terms of prospects, it is particularly clear that the communication plan for 2024 will be operationalized, in order to supervise the planned intensification of the actions undertaken. Monitoring with companies will be strengthened to optimize the collection of resources for the benefit of the FSP. It is also envisaged in the future, the payment of VDP operation bonuses by mobile money.

The institution of the Patriotic Support Fund is intended to be an endogenous response from the government to the difficult security, political and socio-economic context. This is to channel the contributions of Burkinabe from the interior and the diaspora to finance actions to fight for the restoration of territorial integrity. The Fund is placed under the administration of an Orientation Council and a Management Committee.


(Featured image by Pepi Stojanovski via Unsplash)

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Helene Lindbergh is a published author with books about entrepreneurship and investing for dummies. An advocate for financial literacy, she is also a sought-after keynote speaker for female empowerment. Her special focus is on small, independent businesses who eventually achieve financial independence. Helene is currently working on two projects—a bio compilation of women braving the world of banking, finance, crypto, tech, and AI, as well as a paper on gendered contributions in the rapidly growing healthcare market, specifically medicinal cannabis.