Business Weekly Affiliate Digest: What’s Hot in Affiliate Marketing [ComeOn Connect Affiliates Review]
It’s Super Bowl week, so of course that means we’re gonna talk about makeup, e-wallets, and public displays of affection. And yes, it’s all related, and it’s all got the potential to make you some serious affiliate $$$. We’ll also take a quick look at the ComeOn Connect Affiliates program for anyone who wants to get serious about monetizing this stuff to the tune of 40-45% rev share commissions.

Quick Disclosure: We’re about to tell you how ComeOn Connect Affiliates is a great partner program for sportsbook offers. And we really mean it. Just know that if you click on a ComeOn Connect Affiliates link, we may earn a small commission. Your choice.
Listen up affiliates. This week, we got one giant Super Bowl coming up.

Now, it’s probably too late to get in on the action if this is the first you’re hearing about it. But, that’s okay — there’s plenty more ways to spin this year’s Super Bowl for a profit.
But we’ll get to that later. First, you’re gonna need a good affiliate program to monetize with. Affiliate Partner Program of the Week — ComeOn Connect Affiliates
I’ll cut right to the chase here — if you’re gonna profit off of Super Bowl related stuff, you’re gonna be hard pressed to beat ComeOn Connect Affiliates.
Here’s what you need to know about ComeOn Connect Affiliates.

ComeOn Connect Affiliates — The Product
If you know me, then you know I love to steal. So I’m gonna do just that — I’m gonna steal from ComeOn Connect Affiliates in an attempt to tell you all about what you’ll be promoting.
Here’s what I stole from ComeOn Connect Affiliates:
“We offer more than 15 brands to its partners, showcasing a wide variety of casino, live casino and sportsbook products.”
Got all that?
Now, before I move on, there’s one more thing I wanna cover about the product side of ComeOn Connect Affiliates.
Pay attention, this will be important later (in the news section after this ComeOn Connect Affiliates review).
The casinos and sportsbooks behind ComeOn Connect Affiliates offer multiple payment options.
And some of those payment options offered by ComeOn Connect Affiliates brands are more interesting than others.
Here they are… see if you can guess which ones are the most interesting:
- Credit Cards
- E-Wallets
- Prepaid Cards
- Mobile Payments
- Instant Banking
- Bank Wire Transfer
- Cryptocurrency
Now, I’m not usually the type to favor one payment method over the other. So long as it gets a player’s account funded, who am I to care?
But this time, I want you to pay attention to “alternative” types of payments. You know, like crypto and e-wallets.
As for why… you’ll see why in the news section after this ComeOn Connect Affiliates review.
For now, I’m getting back to the ComeOn Connect affiliates review and moving on to the good stuff — commissions.

ComeOn Connect Affiliates — The Commissions
Like any good affiliate program in this niche, ComeOn Connect Affiliates offers a bunch of commission plans if you wanna get down into the nitty gritty of some CPA/Hybrid Deals.
But, as you probably guessed (based on the fact that literally everyone else does this), all that’s usually only available if you reach out to your ComeOn Connect Affiliates manager to talk.
For the vast majority of ComeOn Connect Affiliates, we’re gonna be on the rev share plan.
Luckily, the default, no-need-to-talk-to-anyone plan at ComeOn Connect Affiliates is pretty sweet.
It’s split into two sides — Casino and Sportsbook.
Let’s start with the ComeOn Connect Affiliates casino commissions.
Net Revenue | Commission |
€0 – €10,000 | 25% |
€10,001 – €20,000 | 30% |
€20,001 – €30,000 | 35% |
€30,001 – €50,000 | 40% |
€50,001+ | 45% |
And now for the ComeOn Connect Affiliates sportsbook commissions.
Net Revenue | Reward |
€0 – €10,000 | 20% commission |
€10,001 – €20,000 | 25% commission |
€20,001 – €30,000 | 30% commission |
€30,001 – €50,000 | 35% commission |
€50,001+ | 40% commission |
Honestly, those ComeOn Connect Affiliates rev share commissions look pretty sweet.

ComeOn Connect Affiliates — Next Steps
That just about does it for this little ComeOn Connect Affiliates review.
If you wanna get a more in-depth breakdown of everything else, head on over to and read our full ComeOn Connect Affiliates review
Otherwise, if you’re ready to connect, go signup with ComeOn Connect Affiliates right here.

Affiliate News Takeaways — Super Bowl News Roundup
No surprises here. But, with the Super Bowl coming up, every man and his dog have been dropping hot takes.

And that means, there’s been a whole bunch of news coming out about it.
And some of it has been kinda interesting.
Even if you’re already too late to the party to do much Super Bowl related affiliate marketing yourself.
So this week, I’ve done a quick roundup of a bunch of stuff that’s been written about the Super Bowl this week, but which we can take to the bank any time of the year.
Some Stats
First things first.
Let’s get some numbers out of the way. For that, let’s turn to this article.
Now, I know I literally said we were going to be covering stuff you could take to the bank anytime of the year.
But, at the same time, I reckon there’s one number everyone wants to know.
How much money is actually bet on the Super Bowl.
Any guesses?

Well, last year’s Super Bowl delivered $23.1 billion in bets from Americans alone. And as for this year’s edition — that’s expected to drive “record-breaking betting volumes”.
So, what does “record-breaking betting volumes” actually mean?
That, I don’t know.
But here’s something you can bet on — it will be big. (PS: fun fact, if you divide $23.1 billion by the number of American adults, you get a number that’s not too far off $90 per person.)
Also, here’s something else you can bet on — every year, we always hear about “record-breaking” betting revenues. So, if you do the whole trend analysis thing, you can probably bet to see more of the same for next year’s Super Bowl… and the next… and the next…
Moral of the story — if you missed out on promoting around this year’s Super Bowl, just start planning for next year’s. And make sure you sign up as an affiliate with a good sportsbook beforehand. ComeOn Connect Affiliates will help you out… just saying.

Anyway, back to the numbers.
But this time, we’re gonna look at something I thought was kinda a bit more interesting than “how much” types of data.
Specifically, there are these two stats:
- 44% of U.S. bettors prefer e-wallets over traditional payment methods.
- 81% of global bettors prioritize anonymity in payment options.
Anyway, time for the takeaway.
Before I deliver the final takeaway here, I want you to do something first.
Cast your mind back to our ComeOn Connect Affiliates review above.
Remember how I told you to pay attention to the available payment methods?
And remember how I made a point about calling out crypto and e-wallets?
Now go and read those two last statistics above about anonymous payment methods and e-wallets.
Given that, don’t you think it’d be wise to sign up for ComeOn Connect Affiliates?

Kiss & Makeup
In case you missed the news, DraftKings and Nyx are doing a joint promo at this year’s Super Bowl.
So, what’s the meaning of this?
Are DraftKings and Nyx planning a little rebellion against president Trump’s agenda?

Nah, I don’t think so.
What they are doing, however, is running a campaign called “The Big Fat Kiss”, which is supposed to focus on celebratory post-game on-field kisses.
You know, kinda like Tay Tay Swift’s Super Bowl appearance last year?

Well, maybe not that… but I swear it happened.
What I’m actually talking about is her and Trav kissing on the field.
And this year, Nyx and DraftKings are offering players free-play bets on who might put on a little PDA at this year’s Super Bowl.
Presumably, that would include whether Tay Tay will be making a comeback appearance this year.
Now, as for what Nyx has to do with any of that, I honestly don’t know.
What I do know, however, is that this campaign has like a 99% probability of being targeted at females.
And that makes sense for Nyx… but what about DraftKings?
What do they get out of free-to-play bets about celebrity kisses?
Well, that’s where this stat comes in.
12% of women said they would bet on sports this year.
Now, that might not sound like a lot at first. But consider this — the same survey also found that only 26% of men would bet on sports.
If you crunch the numbers on that, then you might find something you didn’t expect to see — 32% of all sports bettors are female.
Now, obviously, this tells you nothing about how much each respective gender actually spends. So that’s not to say that 32% of the market in terms of gross gaming revenue or anything like that is made up of female bettors.
But, it is at least a good indication that there are plenty of ladies that like to test their luck, at least on the odd occasion.
Last year in the Gambling Affiliation Review edition we put out ahead of the Super Bowl, we picked up on something similar here.
But that time, it was the Tay Tay effect — basically, more and more women were getting down with the Super Bowl because… well.. Because Tay Tay.
This year, it seems, we’ve maybe dug up an even more interesting statistic — that almost ⅓ of sports bettors are female.
Who would’a thunk it?
Not me, that’s for sure.
Anyway, hopefully the takeaway here is pretty clear — it might be worth dedicating some time to marketing a little sports betting directly to female audiences.
Basically no one else is doing it, so you pretty much got the niche to yourself.
And if DraftKings seems to think there’s something here… well, maybe there is.
Oh, and speaking of DraftKings, do you know what commission rate they pay their affiliates?
40% rev share… for the first 30 days (then it tanks to 25%).
And do you know who else pays 40% rev share commissions… for your first infinity days?
Yeah, that’s right — ComeOn Connect Affiliates.

Superspreading Event
If you read the title above and thought I was gonna talk about Covid-19…

…then think again.
I got something much more interesting to talk about here that I read about in this article.
Now, for those of you who don’t want to read it, here’s a quick summary — the NFL wants to expand overseas.
That’s basically it.
As for specifics, the NFL Commissioner — a guy named Roger Goodell — says he wants to expand the number of international NFL games each year. (And, because business is business, he wants to sell them as a separate media rights package.)
And yeah, I did say “expand” — in case you didn’t know already, the NFL currently hosts 5 international games each year in countries like the UK, Germany, and Brazil.
But that’s not enough for Goodell. He wants to boost that number by 3.2x to 16 international games a year.
So, where’s he gonna spread the NFL?
For now, we don’t actually know. Apparently Mexico, Ireland, and Australia are possibilities. There’s even a few rumors that the LA Rams and Philly Eagles are going to play in Melbourne, Australia in 2026.
But that’s just rumors… a bit like the existence of Australia.

Anyway, that’s basically the story.
About the only relevant bit that I left out was the bit about how the NFL expansion is part of a strategy to grow it into a global brand.
Remember a few weeks ago when we told you how Ice Hockey was more popular in Europe than in North America?
No? Then go read our 22Bet Affiliate Program Review and report back when you’re done.
Anyway, this is maybe shaping up to be a little bit like that — NFL betting could be set to take off in a bunch of international locations. So maybe, just maybe, if the NFL does succeed in growing its brand internationally, there’s gonna be a bunch of money to make here.
Now the only question is, what’s a good, international sportsbook affiliate program that also pays some handsome commissions?
That’s an easy question to answer — the ComeOn Connect Affiliate Program.

Closing Thought
If you’ve been following the circus act that is US politics right now, you might have noticed something funny.
People are talking about “unelected bureaucrats” again.
They’re even wanting to “Stop the Steal”.
But this time ‘round, something in the air has changed.

Yep, this time, it’s the libs who’ve been swept up in the conspiracy mania.
Who wouldda thunk it?
So why’s this interesting?
Well, think about it — how much of the language coming from libs right now sounds like it was copy-pasted out of a MAGA playbook?
Pretty much all of it, if you ask me.
And somehow, I don’t think they’re trying to be ironic or anything clever like that.
And that’s despite the libs basically making fun of MAGA conspiracy theories for years.
So, what’s so interesting about this?
Well, I don’t wanna talk about politics.
I wanna talk about marketing, of course.
Specifically, how good messaging is only part of the story.
To see what I mean here, just think about it — all this language the libs are suddenly adopting was the butt of lib jokes for years.
But now they’re all parroting the same words with a straight face.
Weird right?
So what happened?
Well, the “product” changed. That’s what happened.
Back in the good old days, the “product” behind this sort of language was “Trump”.
Today, the “product” is “not Trump”.
Moral of the story — catchy slogans are no good to you if you’re selling the right product to the wrong crowd… or the wrong product to the right crowd…
In other words, you gotta match the trifecta up — the product, the crowd, and the message.
Here, let me give you an example.
Imagine you’re trying to sell bullets and you come up with the slogan “shreds through flesh”.
“Yeah, that’ll work” you say to yourself. “After all, that’s what people want bullets to do.”
Now imagine you’re also trying to sell razor blades. You know, like for shaving.
Suddenly, the same messaging no longer works.
“But yeah, that’s kinda obvious!”, I can hear you say.
Okay, sure. Maybe.
But what if you’re actually selling to some guy named Sweeney Todd, the demon barber of Fleet Street?
Suddenly, you matched the product, the message, and the audience.
Now, I get it, that’s kinda super hypothetical.
Sweeny Todd doesn’t exist.
So let me give you another example.
Let’s say you’re promoting a sportsbook by publishing a bunch of predictions about some prop bets.
And let’s say it’s time to post some Travis Kelce prop bets.
“✨💖 Calling all Swifties! 💖✨ Get ready, because Travis Kelce is about to dish up a delicious football fairytale! 🏈✨. With his gracious talent and the magic of Swift’s love and support, he’ll be poetry in motion this Super Bowl. Sparkling like a Super Bowl ring, you can count on him dancing past 49.5 receiving yards. 🌟💪”
Now, that might sound like a sick joke if you’re used to the usual sports betting talk.
And, you know what, you might have zero hope in hell of that ever working if you applied it to certain other NFL players.
But, if you read the news section and picked up on the popularity of sports betting among females, then maybe you might see something here.
That kinda messaging could actually be really profitable.
Just make sure you team it up with a decent affiliate program. ComeOn Connect has you covered.

(Featured image by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS via Pexels)
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This article may include forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words “believe,” “project,” “estimate,” “become,” “plan,” “will,” and similar expressions, including with regards to potential earnings in the Empire Flippers affiliate program. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks as well as uncertainties, including those discussed in the following cautionary statements and elsewhere in this article and on this site. Although the Company may believe that its expectations are based on reasonable assumptions, the actual results that the Company may achieve may differ materially from any forward-looking statements, which reflect the opinions of the management of the Company only as of the date hereof. Additionally, please make sure to read these important disclosures.

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