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Laminar Pharma Opens a €5 Million Round through Capital Cell

Looking ahead to 2024, the group plans to reach break-even, when the European Medicines Agency approves its drug against glioblastoma, an aggressive type of cancer that occurs in the brain or spinal cord, which will boost its income to €1 billion in 2026. The drug, which is considered a  blockbuster (forecast sales of more than one billion a year), would fight against a disease that so far has no cure.



Laminar Pharma seeks more money. The Balearic company, specializing in the rational design of drugs, will seek up to €5 million through the Spanish crowdfunding platform  Capital Cell, according to David Roberto, the company’s financial director.

Until now, Capital Cell only allowed up to €2 million to be raised, but with the launch of the so-called “European rounds,” which will be launched by Laminar Pharma, this figure will increase to €5 million.

The round, which will open on June 1st, is part of Laminar Pharma’s plan to increase its financial muscle. “This year we expect to raise up to fifteen million euros, the largest amount in our history, of which we have already exceeded €5 million,” said Roberto.

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Laminar Pharma has incorporated Dentol Capital as an investor

Among the shareholders that have entered the company this year is Dentol Capital, David Devesa’s investment vehicle, which has invested €2.7 million in the company, as well as the entry into the capital of the owner of an Alicante hospital, whose name has not been released.

The company expects to generate a turnover of €30 million in 2023, of which €20 million will be through an agreement with “some pharmaceutical company” and €10 million through “activation of R&D”. This year, Laminar has already tested its medication on 21 patients, multiplying the recruitment rate by four.

Looking ahead to 2024, the group plans to reach break-even, when the European Medicines Agency approves its drug against glioblastoma, an aggressive type of cancer that occurs in the brain or spinal cord, which will boost its income to €1 billion in 2026. The drug, which is considered a  blockbuster (forecast sales of more than one billion a year), would fight against a disease that so far has no cure.

The group expects to reach ‘break even’ in 2024

In addition to the drug against brain tumors, Laminar has two other drugs licensed in phase two: one, developed together with Ability Pharma, against pancreatic cancer, and another for spinal cord injuries. In addition, it plans to continue developing drugs against Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and anti-infectious diseases in the coming years.

Laminar Pharma was born in 2006 as a project of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) by the researcher Pablo V. Escribá. Currently, it has 1,800 investors in total, although 80% of the company is in the hands of a group of between fifteen and twenty shareholders, including Escribá.

Another of the company’s shareholders is the Matutes family. In fact, on the board of Laminar Pharma is Manuel Matutes Mestre, director of the Palladium Hotel Group and founding partner of Aguaduna and Kei Cities.


(Featured image by Ri_Ya via Pixabay)

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First published in PlantaDoce, a third-party contributor translated and adapted the article from the original. In case of discrepancy, the original will prevail.

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Michael Jermaine Cards is a business executive and a financial journalist, with a focus on IT, innovation and transportation, as well as crypto and AI. He writes about robotics, automation, deep learning, multimodal transit, among others. He updates his readers on the latest market developments, tech and CBD stocks, and even the commodities industry. He does management consulting parallel to his writing, and has been based in Singapore for the past 15 years.