Business Weekly Affiliate Digest: What’s Hot in Affiliate Marketing [Nutriprofits Affiliates Review]
If you wanna set goals and stick to them, make an eff ton of money, and learn how to legally “steal” a bunch of high-value intellectual property (Disney, Alfred Hitchcock, Popeye, etc.), then this week’s edition is for you. Or, if all of that sounds too vague and non-descript, then how does a hot affiliate program paying 30-40% rev share sound? If that sounds good, then read on.

Quick Disclosure: We’re about to tell you how great NutriProfits Affiliates is. And we really mean it. Just know that if you click on a NutriProfits Affiliates link, we may earn a small commission. Your choice.
Hey there fellow affiliate marketer and a happy new year to you.

And now that all that festive stuff’s out of the way, it’s time to get back to doing something that makes some sense. Affiliate Partner Program of the Week — Nutriprofits Affiliates
Quiz time.
Q: What makes more sense than money?
A: Even more money.
Q: Name one way to get even more money as an affiliate?
A: Work with programs paying phat commissions.
Q: Name one program paying phat commissions.
A: Nutriprofits Affiliates.
And on that note, let’s take a closer look at Nutriprofits Affiliates.

Nutriprofits Affiliates — The Product
As the name Nutriprofits Affiliates might suggest, Nutriprofits Affiliates is all about selling stuff with some sort of “nutri” bent for profit.
So, any guesses what this “nutri” bent behind everything at Nutriprofits Affiliates is?
Yep, its nutri for nutrition.
But don’t worry, Nutriprofits Affiliates isn’t some lame grocery store affiliate program or anything like that, so you won’t be selling boring old products.
Oh no. Nutriprofits Affiliates is way more interesting than that. Especially for people like my who like to shortcut their way to everything.
That’s because Nutriprofits Affiliates is all about selling… wait for it… diet supplements.
And that’s pretty much all you need to know about the product side of Nutriprofits Affiliates.
Well, you almost know everything you need to know about Nutriprofits Affiliates. But there’s still one more thing.
There are 65 products you can promote with Nutriprofits Affiliates across just about every imaginable supplements niche.
Here’s the full Nutriprofits Affiliates list as proof.
Name | Category | Commission | Avg Commission |
Uticarin | Urinary Tract Support | 30% | $26.99 |
Crave Burner | Appetite Suppressant | 30% | $35.40 |
Flexomore | Joint Health | 30% | $29.99 |
Eyevita Plus | Eye Health | 30% | $29.99 |
Matcha Extreme | Weight Loss | 30% | $29.99 |
Prenatalin | Prenatal Care | 30% | $29.99 |
Prostan Plus | Prostate | 30% | $29.99 |
LactiFresh Gel | Female Intimate Care | 30% | $29.97 |
Folicerin | Hair Loss | 30% | $29.99 |
NuviaLab Female Fertility | Fertility | 30% | $23.40 |
NuviaLab Sugar Control | Blood Sugar | 30% | $29.40 |
Night Mega Burner | Weight Loss | 30% | $29.40 |
Dentolan | Fresh Breath | 30% | $29.40 |
NuviaLab Flex | Joint Health | 30% | $29.40 |
Meltamin | Weight Loss | 30% | $29.40 |
GOAT Stamina | Energy Drink | 30% | $29.40 |
Lipid Control Plus | Cholesterol | 30% | $29.40 |
NuviaLab Meno | Menopause | 30% | $29.40 |
Bravona Forte | Breast Enhancement | 30% | $35.40 |
NuviaLab Immune | Immunity | 30% | $29.40 |
NuviaLab Relax | Stress | 30% | $29.40 |
Erisil Plus | Male Enhancement | 30% | $29.40 |
Fat Burn Active | Weight Loss | 30% | $29.40 |
Bulk Extreme | Bodybuilding | 30% | $29.40 |
NuviaLab Vitality | Male Enhancement | 30% | $29.40 |
NuviaLab Keto | Weight Loss | 30% | $29.40 |
GigantX | Male Enhancement | 30% | $29.40 |
Moringa Actives | Weight Loss | 30% | $29.40 |
Zinamax | Acne | 35% | $34.30 |
Revamin Stretch Mark | Stretch Marks | 30% | $37.26 |
Expansil Cream | Male Enhancement | 30% | $31.86 |
Restilen | Stress | 30% | $41.40 |
Cappuccino MCT | Weight Loss | 30% | $29.40 |
Nutrigo Lab Burner | Weight Loss | 35% | $34.30 |
Nutrigo Lab Strength | Bodybuilding | 35% | $41.30 |
Folisin | Hair Loss | 30% | $35.40 |
Brain Actives | Nootropics | 30% | $35.40 |
Semaxin | Male Enhancement | 30% | $41.40 |
Keto Actives | Weight Loss | 30% | $29.40 |
Collagen Select | Anti-Aging | 30% | $35.40 |
Varicorin | Varicose Veins | 30% | $29.40 |
Thyrolin | Thyroid | 30% | $29.40 |
ProFlexen | Joint Health | 30% | $29.40 |
Locerin | Hair Loss | 30% | $29.40 |
Piperinox | Weight Loss | 35% | $34.30 |
Fast Burn Extreme | Weight Loss | 40% | $47.20 |
Probiosin Plus | Weight Loss | 30% | $32.40 |
Femin Plus | Female Libido | 30% | $29.40 |
Testolan | Testosterone | 30% | $32.40 |
Spirulin Plus | Colon Cleansing | 30% | $29.40 |
Green Barley Plus | Weight Loss | 30% | $29.40 |
Snoran Plus | Snoring | 30% | $24.00 |
Fibre Select | Colon Cleansing | 30% | $24.00 |
Member XXL | Male Enhancement | 30% | $35.40 |
Mass Extreme | Bodybuilding | 30% | $35.40 |
ProBreast Plus | Breast Enhancement | 30% | $36.60 |
Eron Plus | Male Enhancement | 30% | $35.40 |
African Mango | Weight Loss | 40% | $47.20 |
Acai Berry Extreme | Weight Loss | 30% | $22.80 |
Garcinia Cambogia Actives | Weight Loss | 30% | $25.20 |
Green Coffee 5K | Weight Loss | 30% | $22.20 |
Nonacne | Acne | 30% | $23.40 |
Profolan | Hair Loss | 30% | $33.00 |
NuviaLab | General | 30% | $29.40 |
Silvets | Weight Loss | 30% | $35.40 |

Nutriprofits Affiliates — The Commissions
If you actually read that list of Nutriprofits Affiliates products above, then this section is pretty much irrelevant.
But, I know that list was long, and there were a heck of a lot of numbers. So, in the interest of simplicity, here’s a quick summary of the Nutriprofits Affiliates commissions.
- Nutriprofits Affiliates pays out between 30-40% rev share, depending on which products you promote.
- Nutriprofits Affiliates commission percentages aren’t always indicative of the highest payouts.
- For example, Nutriprofits Affiliates pays 35% on Zinamax, which nets you an average commission of $34.30 a sale.
- Nutriprofits Affiliates “only” pays out 30% on Nutrigo Lab Strength, but that nets you an average commission of $41.30 per sale.
- The entire Nutriprofits Affiliates per-sale commission range falls between $22.20 on the low end for Green Coffee 5K, and tops out at $47.20 for Fast Burn Extreme and African Mango.
- This isn’t a commission related point, but Nutriprofits Affiliates is also pretty good to work with.
- Nutriprofits Affiliates also pays out on time, as you should expect.
And that pretty much sums up the Nutriprofits Affiliates commissions.

Nutriprofits Affiliates — Next Steps
Look, the above should pretty much speak for itself. Nutriprofits Affiliates pays great commissions on a bunch of products that convert really well if you target the right niche.
With that said, if you want more info, then go take a look at for our full Nutriprofits Affiliates review.
Or, if you know what’s best for you, go here to sign up with Nutriprofits Affiliates today.

Affiliate News Takeaways
Look What Just Went Public Domain
If you’ve been publishing stuff on the internet for any amount of time, then you’re probably already pretty familiar with the concept of copyrighted works.

What you may be less familiar with, however, is when it’s okay to use copyrighted works without permission from the copyright owner.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I ain’t no lawyer. So don’t go expecting some sort of hacked-together guide to DIY copyright lawyering here.
What I am going to do, however, is show you some cool stuff I found by reading this article.
So, for those who didn’t click it, that article’s about a whole bunch of stuff that’s entering into the public domain this year.
What’s public domain?
Well, if you’re anything like me…

…then you probably already know that public domain == free.
And as for the rest of you, now you know. And yeah, when I say free, I mean free free. As in, do whatever you want with it. No permission or payments required.
Now, if you thought that was cool, wait until you see the next bit — every film, book, and character from 1929 just entered the public domain.
As for why that’s cool — that’s because a heap of stuff that’s actually relevant today came out in 1929.
Case in point — 1929 is the year sound came to films in a big way. And by big, I mean “I know that you know some of this stuff” big. For example, Alfred Hitchcock released his first sound film in April of 1929 (Blackmail). Then Mickey Mouse spoke his first words in July 1929.
See, I knew you knew some of this stuff.

It’s not just movies, either.
There are also a bunch of books dropping into the public domain from a few names worth mentioning. Nothing big, though… Just random nobodies like Virginia Woolf, Agatha Christie, and some dude named Ernest Hemingway.

[PS: Before you get too excited and start uploading audio books to every online receptacle that will accept your AI-generated audio files, take note — not all works by the authors listed above have entered the public domain. Only anything published in 1929 or earlier.]
Now, as for what you actually do with all of this free stuff… well, if you read my PS note above, then there’s one idea already. Just go get an AI to read the public domain books and upload them as audiobooks wherever you can.
Dito for all the films entering into the public domain, just without the AI step in between slowing you down. Just rip it from somewhere, and upload it somewhere else… or maybe even just reupload it to the same platform because… why not? Optimize it better than the other jerk who beat you to it and you could win the viewer war.
But all that’s just low-hanging fruit. Sure, it costs you nothing apart form a little bit of time. But, the same applies to anyone else, and there’s only so much of a unique spin you can put on a reuploaded movie, so expect high competition.
There is, however, something that could be a little more fun to play with that I haven’t mentioned yet.
Specifically, there are also a couple of characters entering into the public domain. And by characters, I mean, the actual character now becomes something you can use however you want.
And yeah, that means you can get away with using that character in whatever way you want. And that probably includes product endorsements. (But like I said before, I ain’t no lawyer, so maybe check with a lawyer first.)
Alright, so there’s a bunch of free books and films you can use to spam all the streaming platforms with. That bit’s already taken care of.
But I think the real fun will be with the latest editions to the public domain insofar as entire characters are concerned. I mean, what could be more fun than having a well-known “celebrity” endorse whatever you’re going to sell?
Especially when one of them has already proven himself as a major shill.

Yep, that’s right. Popeye is now in the public domain. And that means you can use him to promote whatever it is you want.
As for how you go about using him, here’s one idea.
Build a campaign about what Popeye would eat/take if he was born in the 2020s.
Then ask AI to spin up a bunch of graphics for you.

And as for the supplements you promote, I reckon “GigantX” (Male Enhancement) sounds pretty good. Especially seeing as you can promote it on a 30% rev share deal thanks to our friends at Nutriprofits Affiliates.

“New Year, New Me”
With the festive season now over, it’s now prime time to promote to people who wanna work on their “health”.
For some, it’s nothing more than a little post-holiday tune-up because they reckon a couple week’s worth of excess food and alcohol is what made them fat.

And for others, it’s full-blown New Year’s resolution time.
And then, following on from that, winter’s gonna start coming to an end. And that means summer’s gonna start getting close. And that means more and more people are gonna start obsessing about getting their “beach body” back.

[PS: Winnie the Pooh is also in the public domain since a couple of years now.]
Anyway, knowing what I know (all of the above), while also knowing what I don’t know (what’s “hot” in health and fitness trends for 2025), I went and did some research.
Now, I didn’t exactly get very far (or, at least, I don’t think I learned anything all that new). But, I did stumble on this article from Men’s Health that was kinda handy.
Long story short — two big ones to watch are AI-driven health and fitness insights, along with increasingly sophisticated wearables that track more and more stuff.
Oh, and then there was the perennial favorite — supplementation.

Now, admittedly, there’s nothing all that “new” there on the surface. I mean, wearables, “AI”, and supplements have been a thing for years now.
But then I noticed something.
Here’s a quick quote from the Men’s Health article that’s going to be relevant:
“We’re no longer worried about about step count competitions and standing up every hour. We’re watching sleep habits, cholesterol levels, even blood glucose trends with new over the counter continuous glucose monitors like Abbott’s Lingo, and Dexcom’s Stelo.”
Now, do you see where I’m heading with this?
Here, let me explain my theory.
To start with, the key point about the whole AI/advanced wearable technology is that it’s being used to track/detect an increasing number of things. I mean, did your fitbit of yesteryear also track your cholesterol levels and blood glucose trends?
No, it didn’t.
All it really did was count steps/track your heart rate. And even when it was that crude, people became obsessed with tracking the metrics it spat out.

So, whate do you think’s gonna happen now that wearables are starting to track more than just heart rates and step counts?
If you guessed, “Peepz gonna start obsessing over blood glucose, cholesterol levels, and whatever else these things track”, then I reckon you’re right.
That’s exactly what people are gonna do.
And that’s where I think there’s some money to be made.
So, how do we use the above to make some money?
Well, first, I’m gonna make what should be a relatively uncontroversial claim — the more people obsess of a metric, the more they try to “improve” it.
And that means, if more people are going to be tracking blood glucose and cholesterol, then more people are gonna be obsessing over blood glucose and cholesterol, which means more people are gonna try to “improve” their blood glucose and cholesterol.
And hopefully, after that long-winded sentence, you’re beginning to see my point here.
If you wanna make money, start promoting supplements that “improve” the stuff AI/fitness trackers are now monitoring.
Simple as that.
Go target people using the relevant devices, and promote the products they absolutely “need”.
As a couple of example products, why not try out NuviaLab Sugar Control (Glucose) and Lipid Control Plus (Cholesterol)? They’re the perfect match.
And, if a niche-perfect product match wasn’t enough, both of those products even pay out 30% commissions. That is, if you promote them with Nutriprofits Affiliates.

Closing Thought
Question time.
Have you ever been so hungry that you were ready to eat just about anything, even if it meant munching on WEF-approved fistfuls of Uncle Klaus’s bugs?

Me too.
What about another question? (Don’t worry, this is going somewhere.)
Have you ever set a New Year’s resolution that you already knew you were going to fail from day one?

Yep, #MeToo.
And so will a billion and one other people each and every year, which probably explains why there’s a billion and one articles popping up right now about how to keep those resolutions.
And that inspired me to come up with my own.
But don’t worry. This one’s not gonna be full of trite, rehashed advice about setting attainable goals or whatever the eff everyone else is on about.
Instead, I wanna go back to my opening question — hunger.
You see. I have a theory here.
Maybe, just maybe, the reason people don’t achieve their goals is because they don’t want them enough.
You know. It’s kinda like if I asked you to eat Uncle Klaus’s bugs right now.
Chances are, you’d say no.
But, if I stuck you out in the middle of nowhere for a month with nothing to eat and you failed to catch anything for yourself… well… you see what I mean?
Now, let’s get one thing straight. None of that is to say that people fail at goals because they don’t actually want to achieve them.
I’m sure there are plenty of people who’ll set out to lose some weight this year whou really would love to lose some weight.
It’s just… maybe, deep down, they actually like the ability to scoop icecream off of their manboobs more than they like the idea of losing a little weight.

And thus, they fail.
So there you have it. My universal, all-encompassing, all-explaining theory for why people fail at achieving their goals.
They’re simply not hungry enough and they actually want something else instead.
So, how does this apply to you?
Well, you’ve got two options.
The first one is to make yourself hungry.
But that one might be kinda hard.
So here’s your second option — set goals that you know you really really want above anything else.
Simple as that.
Now, of course, that does require you to be honest with yourself. And that means you’re actually gonna have to fess up and admit to yourself that your favorite thing in life is scooping ice cream off of your man boobs.
But that’s cool. If that’s what you want, then you do you.
But, if you can get through that part, then chances are, you’re gonna end up with some goals you can actually achieve.
Of course, maybe this is just overcomplicating things and the real answer is even simpler.
Just find something so desirable that it replaces every other wish you ever had.
If you think such a thing doesn’t exist, then I’ve got one question for you — have you seen the commissions paid out by Nutriprofits Affiliates?
Now try and tell me there’s anything else you want more as an affiliate.
If you can, then good on ya. You don’t need Nutriprofits Affiliates. But as for the rest of you, go join Nutriprofits Affiliates today.

(Featured image by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS via Pexels)
DISCLAIMER: This article was written by a third party contributor and does not reflect the opinion of Born2Invest, its management, staff or its associates. Please review our disclaimer for more information.
This article may include forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words “believe,” “project,” “estimate,” “become,” “plan,” “will,” and similar expressions, including with regards to potential earnings in the Empire Flippers affiliate program. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks as well as uncertainties, including those discussed in the following cautionary statements and elsewhere in this article and on this site. Although the Company may believe that its expectations are based on reasonable assumptions, the actual results that the Company may achieve may differ materially from any forward-looking statements, which reflect the opinions of the management of the Company only as of the date hereof. Additionally, please make sure to read these important disclosures.

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