The Weekly Digest: What’s Hot in Affiliate Marketing [ Affiliates]
If one man’s loss is another man’s gain, then how can you turn one sportsbook’s loss into another affiliate’s gain? If you wanna know the (highly profitable) answer to this, then you’d better read on. And while you’re at it, make sure you check out our Affiliates review along the way if snagging a lifetime 50% rev share deal sounds like something you might be interested in.

Quick Disclosure: We’re about to tell you how Affiliates is pretty great. And we really mean it. Just know that if you click on a Affiliates link, we may earn a small commission. Your choice.
As an affiliate, sometimes the most difficult thing is figuring out which affiliate programs to partner up with.

Now, if you want our advice, the first thing you should do is figure out what you want out of the relationship.

Of course, that’s a pretty easy thing to answer as an affiliate.

So, do you know who you’re gonna partner up with yet?
Here’s our answer. Affiliate Partner Program of the Week – Affiliates
Alright, so you’re looking for a hot affiliate partner program to partner up with? Here’s one answer — Affiliates.
Here’s why. Affiliates — The Product
If you’re gonna make money as an affiliate, the first thing you need is a product that actually sells. And that’s the first part that makes affiliates stand out. affiliates is all about selling sportsbooks and casinos — two products that are worth literal billions.
Now, of course, not all sportsbooks and casinos are created equal. Fortunately, if you peek under the hood at the affiliates brands, you’ll find some real gems in there.
And yeah, I did say gems. isn’t a one-trick pony affiliate program. In other words, when you partner up with affiliates, you get access to four killer brands that you can promote —, BitCasino,, and Empire.
Now, of course, if you want, affiliates will totally let you promote all four if you want. Or, if you wanna hone in on something a little more specific, affiliates will also let you promote just one.
The choice is yours. Affiliates — The Commissions
Alright, this is the bit that get’s us really excited about affiliates. I’m just gonna drop it right off the bat:
- With Affiliates, you can earn up to 50% commissions on a lifetime rev share deal.
That, in case you’re new to the game, if absolutely huge. There ain’t too many other affiliate programs besides affiliates that are paying that much.
Now, of course, that 50% commission is the top rate. And affiliates only offer that rate for one of its brands — Empire.
But, hey, guess what! The rest of the affiliates brands also pay top rates, too.
The “worst paying” of all the affiliates brands is That pays “just” 35%. (Which, for a sportsbook, is still insanely good.)
And as for the other two affiliates brands — and BitCasino — they top out at 45%. Affiliates — Next Steps
Let’s be honest. You’re gonna be hard pressed to find a better deal than the 50% lifetime rev share deal affiliates is offering.
And you’re gonna be even harder pressed to find it on a product that’s a slick as their offering.
But, just in case you wanna try your luck and see if you can find better than affiliates, why not start your quest with our full list of the top iGaming affiliate programs?
Or, if you know what’s best for you, why not follow this link to sign up with Affiliates today?

Affiliate News Takeaways
Wanna Win at YouTube? Time to Get Hype
This week we just had the annual YouTube creator event.
And, as you can probably guess, it was all about empowering content creators and building communities (oh, and because it’s 2024, there was AI thrown in for good measure).
But, of course, we all know YouTube doesn’t give a damn about any of that stuff if it’s not gonna make them more money.

And on that note, we get to the announcement that we’re here to talk about.

Yep, the biggest thing to come out of YouTube’s creator event if Hype.
And I’m not talking about its flimsy attempts to get on the AI train.
I’m literally talking about literal Hype.
If you’re as confused as I assume you are right now, let me explain.
Do you know how there’s a like button on YouTube?

Well, soon, there’s gonna be a Hype button. And no, the Hype button isn’t just YouTube re-branding the like button because some exec had a brain fart.
The Hype button is its own thing that’s gonna live alongside the like button.
Now, as for what the purpose of this new button is, there are two answers. The correct answer depends on whether you’re in the c-suite at YouTube, or whether you’re a regular pleb like me.
If you’re in the YouTube c-suite, yep, the Hype button is 100% about making more money.
But for you and I, the Hype button is all about “giving fans a stake in the success of their favorite emerging creators.”
Basically, here’s how it works.
- Step 1: You see a video you really really like.
- Step 2: You smash that hype button.
- Step 3: More people do the same.
- Step 4: Video climbs the “Hype” leaderboard.
- Step 5: The video makes it to the top of the leaderboard and gets exposure to a new audience.
Now, of course, because this is all about supporting “emerging creators”, I’m sure YouTube’s gonna be doing some sort of mathematical wizardry behind the scenes to massage gross Hypes into some sort of average Hype score. You know, like what percentage of views hyped the video… but honestly, I didn’t go that deep into it so you’ll have to figure that out yourself.
And if you’re still wondering how this thing’s actually gonna make YouTube more money, then here’s your answer. It has two parts.
The first part — everyone has a limited number of Hypes they can give.
The second part (which I copy-pasted it straight from YouTube’s own blog post about it) — “In the future, we plan to allow fans to purchase additional hypes.”

If you’ve been promoting on YouTube for a while now and you thought you had your like and subscribe patter down pat, then it’s soon time to re-work your scripts.
If, on the other hand, you’ve always been a bit put off by YouTube because, you know, growing an audience organically is hard, then maybe now’s the time to take the plunge.
Basically, if you can figure out what’s gonna drive people to hype a video, then you’re already halfway there. If you want my opinion, I reckon anything that gives a strong dopamine hit — whether it’s a really hot take, slam-dunking hard on some massively hated person, etc. — is in with a good shot.
Oh, and speaking of dopamine hits, you know what else drives them?
Yep, flashing lights, sound effects, and things that go ca-ching. Especially if you combine all three.
And where do you find something that combines all three?
Yep, slots!
So go join affiliates to start earning 50% rev share of dopamine hits.

The Only Thing Hotter Than Arizona Are the Affiliate Commissions You’re Missing Out On in Arizona
If you’ve been following along with what’s been happening in Arizona over the last year, then you’d be aware there’s a really big affiliate opportunity.
But, of course, why would you follow what’s happening in Arizona… I mean, what is there to follow?

So let me fill you in on what’s been happening. I’ll start you off with a list:
- Churchill Downs
- WynnBET
- Barstool Sports
Any idea what that list is?
Alright, what if I told you that list just grew. As of last night, that list now includes Betfred.
Still no ideas?
Alright, here it is. Every one of those names has pulled out of the Arizona sports betting market in the last year. Betfred is just the latest. It offilially closed its doors to new signups as of last night, and final shutdown is just weeks away (Nov. 4).
Now, as for why all these operators have been pulling out, let me assure you that it’s got nothing to do with Arazonians being afraid to have a little fun. Trust me, there are plenty of ‘em having plenty of fun.
To give some idea of just how much fun they’re having (and, yes, by fun I am absolutely talking about sports betting), take a look at what the top-5 sportsbooks in the state are taking in a month.
Operator | Handle |
FanDuel | $192.7M |
DraftKings | $188.3M |
BetMGM | $63.6M |
Caesars | $35.3M |
bet365 | $25.5M |
Top-5 Combined Total | $505.4M |
That’s not so bad.
So why are so many operators pulling out?
Well, to get there, we’re gonna play a guessing game.
I want you to guess what the combined handle for the state is?
$1 billion?
$750 million?
Getting warmer.
$563.2 million.

Yep, such is the dominance of the top-5 sportsbooks in Arizona that the remaining 15 operators are left to scrap over the other $57.8 million in wagers Arizonians are placing.
And in case you’re thinking “hey, that’s not so bad, that’s still like $3.85 million per operator on average”, don’t forget how much it costs to actually run a sportsbook.
To put some perspective on this, all you gotta do is look at a figure called “adjusted gaming revenue”. It’s basically like net profit. Or, in other words, it’s what sportsbooks are left with after paying out all the other costs directly related to generating that revenue… you know, like those giant affiliate commissions you greedy lot keep demanding.
Anyway, where were we?
Right, looking at adjusted gaming revenue.
While we don’t have numbers for everyone, one thing we do know is that only the top-4 are making north of a mil in AGR. So from that, we can derive that the bottom 16 are making less than million in AGR.
So, just for fun, let’s do some maths. Let’s start with the assumption that #5 on the list — bet365 — is making almost a million in AGR, and just round it up to a million for simplicity.
That works out to a little under 4% of their GGR (Gross Gaming Revenue) of $25.5M.
Now apply that 4% benchmark to the average $3.85 million in GGR that all the other sportsbooks are making. That would mean they’re netting about $154,400 on average.
And, as you can probably imagine, those in positions 5-10 are probably doing a lot better than those in 11-20.
And that would explain why so many sportsbooks are executing on the old pull-out method.

Now, it’s right about here where you’re probably thinking “yo, if it’s so unprofitable that sportsbooks are pulling out en masse, why should I bother?”
And you know what?
That’s a really good question.
Let me answer it for you.
To start with, let’s get one thing straight. Chances are, whatever affiliate operation you’ve got going on (or should have going on) doesn’t have anywhere near the overheads a sportsbook has. I mean, do you need to worry about fluff like legal compliance and customer service?

No, you don’t.
Also, remember how we were talking about AGR? Remember, that’s the amount sportsbooks have left over once they’ve paid out stuff like winnings and promotional costs… promotional costs that include your affiliate checks.
In other words, you’re probably netting more as a percentage of the handle your referrals generate than what the sportsbook is.
Sweet, right?

And finally, because anything good always comes in threes…

Actually, let’s leave it for the takeaway.
Alright, here’s my third and final argument for why “unprofitable” for a sportsbook can still be insanely profitable for you.
Let’s imagine the worst-performing sportsbook in the state is only making $500k a month in gaming revenue. And now that sportsbook shuts down.
That leaves a bunch of people — a bunch of people willing to generate $500k worth of gaming revenue a month — who are all now looking for a sportsbook to place their bets with.
Now let’s do some math on that using a standard 35% rev share deal for simplicity.
35% of $500k means there’s now $175k worth of potential affiliate commissions on the table.
Sounds good right?
Now, what if you could capture just 1% of that?
Yep, you just made yourself an easy $1.75k per month.
And now imagine what would happen if you kept up with the news a little bit. You could literally repeat the same strategy every time a sportsbook shuts down.
And not just in Arizona.
You can literally do this anywhere in the world.
In other words, rinse and repeat and you’re well on your way to an early retirement.
Just make sure you’re with a sportsbook that’s actually willing to pay you a 35% commission. Preferably for life, too.
I hear affiliates offer both if you promote (And don’t forget that affiliates also pay even more on their casinos… up to 50% in case you forgot!)

Closing Thought
When it comes to classic quotes, there ain’t many more classic than that good ol’ quote about desperate men that Thoreau made way back in the mid 1800s.

Now, maybe there’s a chance you’ve read it, thought about it, and understood it.
Or, maybe you just see the bit about desperate men and figure it’s got something to do with sexless incels.

But if that’s all you get out of it, then you’re kinda missing out.
To put some context to the quote, Thoreau wrote it while hiding out in the woods all alone in a little hut he built. He was self-sufficient and had pretty much stripped his life back to the bare necessities.
And when Thoreau talks about desperation, what he’s really talking about is people living unfulfilled lives, resigning themselves to filling their time with “the games and amusements of mankind.” You know, like YouTube Shorts and video games, or buying the latest Lamborghini if any of that stuff existed back then.
All this stuff, “the games and amusements of mankind”, are nothing but a temporary distraction from a much deeper dissatisfaction, apparently.
And the desperation he talked about was nothing more than men failing to live the lives they truly desired.
Maybe it was because they were too worried about conforming to expectations.
Or maybe it was because they were too afraid to break from the norm and try something different.
Whatever the reason, these desperate men were not living in accordance with what was truly important to them, instead resigning themselves to the same old work-consumption cycle.
So, what’s the message here?
Is it to stop working and go become a self-sufficient hermit in the woods?
Well, yeah, maybe if running a mail-order bombs startup sounds like something that fits with your values…

But on a more serious note, the message here isn’t to stop working.
Nor is it to stop consuming.
But it’s to make the decision that, if you’re going to do anything, you’re only going to do it because you truly value it. Not because it helps distract you from your quiet desperation.
So here’s what you’re gonna do.
Go figure out what you really want in life.
Now, chances are, whatever that is, it’s still gonna take a good chunk of change, even if you give up on that idea you had about buying that hybrid Lambo that’s due out next year.
So here’s what you’re gonna do next.
You’re now gonna work towards getting that big chunk of change in a way that fits with your values.
Chances are, if you’re reading this, some of those values probably include gaining the independence that comes with being a top affiliate.
And, if I’m right, then here’s what you should do next — go sign up with affiliates. After all, if you’re gonna be an affiliate, you might as well make sure your quiet desperation’s not also being fueled by inferior commissions. (Yep, you’re gonna be hard-pressed to top the lifetime 50% rev share commissions affiliates pay.)

(Featured image by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS via Pexels)
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