The Weekly Digest: What’s Hot in Affiliate Marketing [Seeking Alpha Affiliates]
Here’s a challenge. Imagine if Fischer Price made a Baby Meth Lab set. How would you make some serious affiliate bucks off of it? If you want our answer, then you should probably read on. Just make sure you stop by our short Seeking Alpha Affiliates review along the way. And stick around to the end for a sweet marketing hack that proves the law of sh*tty click-throughs is very much alive and well.

Quick Disclosure: We’re about to tell you how Seeking Alpha Affiliates is pretty great. And we really mean it. Just know that if you click on a Seeking Alpha Affiliates link, we may earn a small commission. Your choice.
Imagine you’re Andrew Tate.

Only, you didn’t make the stupid mistake of telling some dumb kid about your plans.

Wanna guess what the Romanian authorities might be doing right now?
Yep, they’d be seeking alpha.
Oh, and that remind me… time to make some money. Affiliate Partner Program of the Week — Seeking Alpha Affiliates
Speeking of Seeking Alpha, wanna know about a pretty decent affiliate program?
Of course you do.
It’s called Seeking Alpha Affiliates, and it could make you a lot of money.
Here’s what you need to know.

Seeking Alpha Affiliates — The Product
There’s a pretty good chance you already know the product you’re gonna be selling with Seeking Alpha Affiliates. But for the cavemen living under literal rocks in our audience, here’s a quick overview.
To start with, if you’re gonna join Seeking Alpha Affiliates, the basic gist of what you’ll be selling is stuff that helps people find good stocks to buy. So there’s a tick for Seeking Alpha Affiliates already, because that sets up a nice little win-win-win for everyone involved.
As for what kinda stuff you’ll be pawning off in Seeking Alpha Affiliates to help people pick stocks, you’ll find a bunch of products like stock screeners, investing ideas, quant analysis, and more.
But, if there’s one reason you already knew about Seeking Alpha Affiliates before reading this, then it’s probably because you’ve read some of their expert analysis before. And that’s really the highlight here. Especially as an affiliate, because it realy gives you a flagship product to point at and say “here, this is why you should click my Seeking Alpha Affiliates link and go buy what’s on the other side of it.”
And when people see the quality they’re getting, they probably will. Enough said.
Let’s go take a look at the Seeking Alpha Affiliates commissions.

Seeking Alpha Affiliates — The Commissions
If you sign up with Seeking Alpha Affiliates and actually manage to sell the product (don’t worry, you will… it’s a great product that sells itself) then get ready for some tasty commissions.
As a new recruit to Seeking Alpha Affiliates, expect to start off on a CPA plan which will see Seeking Alpha Affiliates pay you about $90 a pop. Although, that’s just a starting point, and Seeking Alpha Affiliates is definitely 100% open to discussing custom commission plans with you if you want. You just gotta ask your Seeking Alpha Affiliates manager.
Also, now’s probably a good time to point out that there’s more than just some decent commissions worth talking about at Seeking Alpha Affiliates.
For starters, Seeking Alpha Affiliates uses 30-day cookies, meaning you’re pretty much got a whole month from a click to sign up to snag a commission, which is kinda nice.
Also, Seeking Alpha Affiliates is way better with payouts than plenty of other programs out there. So, if you managed to at least sell a few subscriptions through your Seeking Alpha Affiliates links, expect prompt net-30 payments every month from Seeking Alpha Affiliates.

Seeking Alpha Affiliates — Next Steps
As usual, the first thing I’m gonna recommend you do is go check out for our full Seeking Alpha Affiliates review if you’re still looking for more info.
And, as for those of you who know what’s best for you, then your next step is to head here to sig up with Seeking Alpha Affiliates today.

Affiliate News Takeaways — Building Baby Meth Labs for Fun and Profit
This week I came across something that’s got more ethical question marks over it than there are over Sleepy Joe’s ability to keep running the country.

Nah, just kidding about the Sleepy Joe thing. We all know the answer to that one — no question marks needed.
But the other thing I found this week… well… let’s just say that’s something else entirely.
Here, I’ll just show you the thing and let you decide how many ethical question marks it deserves.
Now, if you watched the whole video before reading this and you’re now thinking “but how the heck am I meant to make money with that?”, then skip to the takeaway.
For everyone else, here’s the main thing you missed in the video:

If you don’t know what that is, that’s the closest you’re ever gonna get to a real life Fischer Price “Baby Meth Lab” kit.

Now, of course, Fishcer Price doesn’t really make such a thing. But as for the little lab shown in the video… yeah, it probably can cook up a batch of meth if that’s your thing.
Plus a whole lot more.
And that’s kinda the point of the video above.
Now, for background, the video’s basically just a presentation by some guy named Dr. Michael Laufer. He’s presenting as the chief spokesperson for a group called the Four Theives Vinegar Collective. And, according to the group’s website, they’re “an anarchist collective dedicated to enabling access to medicines and medical technologies to those who need them but don’t have them.”
So now you’ve got the background, any guesses as to what that Fischer Price Baby Meth Lab is all about?
Yep, that’s right. It’s a lab for pirating pharmaceutical products so you don’t have to pay big pharma a dime.
Cue the first ethical dillema.

Now, we’ll get to the whole ethics thing later. But first, let’s take a look at what makes the Baby Meth Lab cool.

If you look in the image above, the main thing you should pay attention to is the little box on the left with the screen on it. (Also, PS… it isn’t actually called the “Baby Meth Lab”… I’m just calling it that because it sounds cooler.)
That’s the brains of the lab, and its job is to automate complicated chemistry.
It’ll mix things, stir things, time things, temperature control things, and basically take all the guesswork out of cooking up your own batch of whatever drug it is you wanna make.
The only caveat is that someone needs to have already created a “recipe” for it. That and you need to be able to get your hands on the precursor chemicals.
And that’s where the other part of the project comes in. It’s called ChemHacktica, and it’s a tool that automatically scrapes all the chemistry research out there to help you create a recipe to synthesize pretty much anything under the sun.
And, if you can’t get one of the precursors needed in a recipe, it’ll tell you how to synthesize the precursor with another recipe. And so on, and so on.
So now you know everything, wanna make a guess about what happens when you put ChemHacktica and the Baby Meth Lab together?
That’s right, you can cook up Sovaldi pills in your own backyard $3.57 a pop.
And yeah, you can probably cook up some meth on the side if that’s your thing.

Nah, just kidding about the meth thing.
Don’t do that.
It’s bad for your teeth.

Anyway, jokes aside, the Sovaldi thing is real. Apparently that little lab can really cook it up for $3.57 a pill. And, when they got the pills tested at a real lab, it turned out they were even more pure than the real thing.
True story.
Oh, and speaking of the real thing, here’s where we get to the bit about why people might be interested in buying their own Baby Meth Lab.
Sovaldi (a Hep-C medicine) usually costs $1000 a pill, which works out to $84k for a full course. Compare that with the $300 needed to cook up a full course at home, and you might see why the Baby Meth Lab might hace some appeal.
But, like I said, this thing has more ethical question marks hanging over its head than Sleepy Joe’s got holes in his head.

Now, if you ask the Four Theives Vinegar guys, they’ll tell you what they’re doing is all righteous and moral and stuff.
And, yeah, there’s a case to be made. I mean, it’s not like big pharma’s got the best track record when it comes to acting with even a modicum of human decency.
If you don’t know what I mean here, then probably don’t know the name Martin Shkreli.

And it’s not like Shkreli’s alone here, either.
Take insulin, for example. The patent for that was sold for $1 about a hundred years ago. And then it just kept going up and up in price before Sleepy Joe made a stink in last year’s state of the union address.
And yeah, the reason insulin prices got so out of hand had nothing to do with “economics”. Instead, it was 100% to do with the handful of companies monopolizing the market for it using a variety of patent tactics like patent thickets, pay-for-delay, evergrening, and product hopping to lock out competitors. Then they’d move prices up in lockstep.
So yeah, that’s the kinda stuff the Four Theives Guys will point to as justification for why what they do is righteous.
And hey, that kinda makes sense. I mean, if you were drowning and I had a giant inflatable swan I could throw your way, I’d kinda be a bit of a douche if I then asked you to cough up $5600 for it when it only cost me $20.

But, of course, the othe side to this story is that pharmaceutical companies need some way to offset the costs of research and development. So, you know, there is a legitimate argument that they need to make up some of those costs through selling drugs at a decent markup… although, how much of that markup goes into R&D is maybe a little questionable.

In any case, I’ll leave that debate up to you. You’re all big kids, so you can make up your own minds.
I kinda gotta admit this is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a a while. It kinda reminds me of what all this internet and technology stuff was supposed to be like back in the day before we got stuck with five giant websites with screenshots of the other four.
I mean, who didn’t imagine downloading drug recipes over Napster that you coul load up into your Baby Meth Lab and automagically cook up a batch of something to fry your brain with?
But, in all seriousness, this is probably something that might have a bunch of appeal to a bunch of people for reasons that have nothing to do with cool tech or illicit substances. The only problem is, there are still a few hurdles they need to get over.
One of those is simply assembling the Fischer Price Baby Meth Lab. It might come as a surprise to you, but this isn’t the sort of thing you can just go and buy off the shelf. However, the good news is that the whole thing’s open source. It was also designed to be put together by non-technical people. And yeah, it pretty much only uses off the shelf parts. Basically, all you need is a screwdriver, the ability to count, and a credit card so you can buy stuff online.
And this is where you, the humble affiliate, could actually stand to make a pretty penny off of this. If you can do a little bit of work to make this whole thing just a little bit more accessible — “here’s where to buy this part”, “here’s where to buy that precursor”, etc. — then I think you know what comes next.
If you don’t, then you should probably go read up a little about affiliate marketing. Then come back here.
Oh, and once you’ve helped people save a bunch of money by teaching them how to DIY their own meds, you know what else you should do?
That’s right. Tell them to go invest the money they just saved. Seeking Alpha Affiliates might be a good place to start monetizing that.

Closing Thought
In 2018, Stanford and University of Chicago researchers put out this paper.
If you don’t wanna read it, then basically all you need to know is that it was about personalizing email subject lines by including someone’s name.
You know, like “Hey John, Here’s a Discount Just for You”
Here’s what they found:
- Email open rates increased by 20%
- Unsubscribes rates decreased by 17%
Anyway, after that paper came out, basically everyone jumped on the personalization bandwagon, spamming inboxes left, right, and center with “highly personalized” emails.
So does that mean that you should?
Well, maybe not before you go take a look at another paper that came out in 2023.
Here’s the link.
And here’s the summary:
- Email open rates decreased by 3.2%
- Unsubscribe rates increase by 15%
See, told you it was probably worth thinking twice before jumping on the bandwagon.
Now, of course, if you’ve been reading our affiliate digest for a while now, this sort of thing probably doesn’t come as a surprise to you.
But, if it does, then maybe take a moment to go read the closing thought in our Libertex Affiliate Program review edition. That’s all about the law of shitty clickthroughs, and it goes someway towards explaining what might be going on here. (Long story short, once everyone starts doing something, people become desensitized to it and, in the worst cases, actively turned off by it.)
Anyway, now you’ve got the law of shitty clickthroughs down, the next finding from the 2023 study probably won’t surprise you:
- Open rates increased by 11.8% and click-through rates by 14% when using someone’s title and last name.
Yep, apparently if you replace “Hey John” with “Hello Mr. Doe”, you’ll get better open rates and clickthroughs.
Of course, there are probably a million and one caveats here. Clearly, if you’re pimping cosmetics to teenagers, calling them “Miss Jenner” is probably gonna backfire hard.
First, it’s kinda stiff and formal. And second, you’ll probaby end up getting canceld when you accidentally “Miss Jenner” someone.

But, whether the last name/title combo is right for you or not, the principle you can takeaway remains the same.
Here, let me explain.
Go take a look at your inbox. Read through the subject lines, and count up the number of times someone calls you by your first name. Now compare that to the number of people calling you by your title and last name.
I bet one of those numbers is way higher than the other.
And that’s probably why the last name/title combo works so well. It’s novel. It’s unexpected. And, it probably hacks your brain a little, convincing you that the email’s more important than it really is.
I mean, who else addresses you like that, apart from the utility company?
But really, I can’t emphasize the novelty thing enough here.
That’s where the real power was back in 2018.
And that’s where the real power still is today.
So here’s what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna think up a bunch of novel techniques that you can use to get people’s attention.
Good. Now on to step two — go sign up with Seeking Alpha Affiliates to start making some serious affiliate bucks with your shiny new attention grabbing techniques.

(Featured image by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS via Pexels)
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