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Sogemi Receives 3 Million from the PNRR for the New Fruit and Vegetable Pavilion 2 South

The Milan Food Market received a €3 million advance for its New Fruit and Vegetable Pavilion 2 South project, part of a €17 million investment. Benefiting from Italy’s PNRR fund, this project includes infrastructure modernization, digitization, and renewable energy integration. Sogemi President Cesare Ferrero emphasized the importance of efficient resource use for market redevelopment and innovation.




Sogemi, the company that manages the Milan Food Market, is among the first to be admitted to PNRR contributions for the project of Development of logistics for wholesale agri-food markets.

The 3 million advance will be used in the New Fruit and Vegetable Pavilion 2 South project, which involves a total investment of over 17 million euros. With approval in 2023, the Milan Food Market is among the beneficiaries of the maximum PNRR contribution recognizable for an investment plan of 10 million euros and, first among the Italian Markets, has recently received the first tranche of financing of 3 million euros as an advance.

The Milanese market is the recipient of the resources made available by the PNRR Call which, with ministerial decree of August 5th, 2022, has provided 150 million euros for logistics development projects for wholesale agri-food markets.

Sogemi is committed to ensuring effective and efficient use of the resources it has obtained

The New Fruit and Vegetable Pavilion 2 South is part of the overall investment New Fruit and Vegetable Markets, and also includes interventions for the digitalization of activities and the adoption of digital solutions. The Pavilion will be designed and built in compliance with high environmental standards, with an energy production system from renewable sources , with a view to improving its performance in this field.

“The awarding of these resources is a strong signal that the path taken is the right one. An important confirmation that allows Sogemi to continue at full speed in the process of redevelopment and relaunching the city market, in compliance with the regulations and obligations required by the PNRR Call” commented Cesare Ferrero , President of Sogemi, Mercato Alimentare Milano.

“We are building a new market that aims to be a modern and innovative food hub capable of facilitating the work of operators and, at the same time, responding to the demands of the current ever-evolving market. As always, Sogemi is committed to ensuring effective and efficient use of the resources obtained in order to guarantee the best implementation of the infrastructures envisaged by the beneficiary project.”


(Featured image by Sushant Vohra via Unsplash)

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First published in ESG NEWS. A third-party contributor translated and adapted the article from the original. In case of discrepancy, the original will prevail.

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Jeremy Whannell loves writing about the great outdoors, business ventures and tech giants, cryptocurrencies, marijuana stocks, and other investment topics. His proficiency in internet culture rivals his obsession with artificial intelligence and gaming developments. A biker and nature enthusiast, he prefers working and writing out in the wild over an afternoon in a coffee shop.