Business Weekly Affiliate Digest: What’s Hot in Affiliate Marketing [Changelly Affiliates Review]
小红书 is top of the US app store (not a typo), crypto’s pumping (again), and social media’s about to get turned on its head (maybe). So here’s a little something to help you get on top of it all and turn a profit, along with a healthy dose of 1980s clickbait and 1800s YouTube thumbnails (read to the end). And finally, we’ll also review Changelly Affiliates to help you monetize it all.

Quick Disclosure: We’re about to tell you how great the Changelly Affiliates Program is. And we really mean it. Just know that if you click on a Changelly Affiliates link, we may earn a small commission. Your choice.
Listen up affiliates. This’ll be our last edition before Trump’s inauguration.

And yeah, that means BTC’s pumping again.
So just in case you missed our first three post-election editions (our KuCoin Affiliates Review, ByBit Affiliates Review, and our Bonafides Affiliates Review), here’s one final crypto program to help you make the most of the fever. Affiliate Partner Program of the Week — Changelly Affiliates
With three killer crypto affiliate programs reviewed in the last few months, that doesn’t leave us with much choice for this edition.
But lucky for us, there was still one more name on our list that stood out — Changelly Affiliates.
Here’s everything you need to know.

Changelly Affiliates — The Product
The product behind Changelly Affiliates is a surprisingly simple one for the crypto space.
Essentially, the only thing you’ll be promoting with Changelly Affiliates is an instant crypto exchange that promises to deliver some of the best rates on the market.
And that’s pretty much all there is behind Changelly Affiliates. No fancy trading platforms. No shiny features.
All Changelly Affiliates gives you is a simple, fast, great value place where you can send people to buy/sell crypto.
And, in a way, that’s pretty much what makes Changelly Affiliates perfect.
Just think about it for a second. When crypto pumps, that’s when noobs rush in.
And, when noobs rush in, do you really think some sophisticated trading platform is the best experience?
Or, do you think the fast, simple, great value platform you’ll be promoting with Changelly Affiliates is?
My vote’s with Changelly Affiliates here.

Changelly Affiliates — The Commissions
Alright, now you know the Changelly Affiliates product, let’s get down to business. Time to talk about the Changelly Affiliates commissions.
So let’s start with the default Changelly Affiliates commission plan — rev share.
Now, as for how it works, Changelly Affiliates will basically give you a cut of their profits of any transaction (up to 50%). As for how that actually works out into something more concrete, Changelly Affiliates splits the product into two basic sides.
The first is the “Buy Crypto” side (fiat-crypto). Here, on a 50% rev share plan, Changelly Affiliates will pay you about 2% of the total “transaction value”. For example, if your Changelly Affiliates referrals purchase $10k worth of crypto, you’ll get $200 in commissions.
The other side of the Changelly Affiliates rev share deal is the “trade crypto” (crypto-crypto) side. That also pays out about 50%. Unfortunately, Changelly Affiliates makes much less on these transactions.
And that means, you will too.
In fact, on this side of the Changelly Affiliates program, you’ll only be getting about 0.125% of the total transaction value. Or, more concretely, if your Changelly Affiliates referrals trade 100 BTC worth of crypto, you’ll earn 0.125 BTC.
Now, that might look like a raw deal. But remember, you’re taking a 50% cut of whatever Changelly Affiliates is earning on that transaction. And that is actually kinda huge. (It’s as big as you’re gonna find in any other crypto affiliate program.)

Changelly Affiliates — Next Steps
Let’s face it, this year’s gonna be huge for crypto. So, at the very least, you should probably sign up with Changelly Affiliates “just in case” you need access to a crypto program fast.
After all, the commissions are great, and the product is great. So what more could you want?
If it’s details that you want, then go take a look on for our full Changelly Affiliates program review.
Or, if there’s nothing else you want than great commissions on a great product, then go sign up with Changelly Affiliates here.

Affiliate News Takeaways
TikTok, Time’s Up… Or Not.
Another week, another social media app hit #1 on the app store.
Also, Duolingo has seen a 216% increase in US users learning Chinese.
And yes, the two are totally related.
How so?
Enter 小红书.
And no, I didn’t just mash the keyboard and make a bunch of funny-looking characters appear.
小红书 is now the #1 app on the US App Store (and yeah, it’s Chinese).

For the curious, 小红书 is apparently pronounced “Xiaohongshu”. And that apparently translates to RedNote.
So why the sudden interest in learning Chinese and communist-themed apps? (Come on, is the “red” in RedNote anything but a thinly-veiled nod to China’s red-tinted past?)

The answer to that question is simple.
January 19, 2025.
That’s the deadline the “Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act” (the ‘Ban TikTok Act’) set for ByteDance to divest or die.
Or, in other words, that’s the last day before the TikTok ban kicks in… unless, of course, you’re in Sleepy Joe’s entourage… but that’s a whole ‘nother story.
And that’s why Americans are looking for the next TikTok.
So, does this sudden rise to the top of the social app downloads mean 小红书 will be heir to the TikTok throne?
That I’m not so sure about.
I can’t help but feel like there’s something suspicious about the way 小红书 suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Kinda like it wasn’t entirely organic.
If you don’t know what I mean, just go read some of the reviews left on the app.
Go on, do it.
Now tell me they don’t sound like something out of a Chinese click farm staffed by bored teens copy-pasting stuff off of Aliexpress. I mean, is anyone in the US seriously writing “I am will buy some procreate brushes on this site” with a straight face?

I don’t think so.
Instead, I think this smells more like the work of Jin Yang’s “Girl Code Camp”.
Now, maybe this ploy will work — hit number one, post fake reviews, and hope America’s youth are dumb enough to just download whatever crawled its way to the top with 4+ stars.
Or maybe it won’t work.
Who knows?
Heck, we don’t even know if TikTok will really end up getting banned.
After all, maybe TikTok will manage to pull something out of the hat and turn around its otherwise abysmal Supreme Court appeal.

Or maybe Senator Markey might manage to push through his Extend the TikTok Deadline Act. But I’m not sure what good that will do apart from delaying the inevitable. I mean, let’s face it, Bytedance is never gonna sell TikTok.
Or maybe, just maybe, come January 20, something big will happen once Trump gets the keys to America.

Yep. Rumor has it, Trump might be considering a little executive order to save TikTok.
Which is kinda funny if you remember the last time he put out a TikTok executive order.
Talk about a 360.
As for what’s going on in his head, that I don’t know. All I got are theories.
The most obvious of these theories would be the whole “Trump’s a demagogue” thing.
Except, that doesn’t quite make sense anymore.
He’s already been elected.
He won the popular vote.
And, come 2028, he’ll probably just declare some sort of national emergency around election time…
In other words, he won. He doesn’t need to win over the TikTok kids anymore. So why’s he pandering to them today?
Well, here’s an alternate explanation.
As the years have worn on, whoever’s advising him on TikTok affairs might have realized something.
TikTok is about as much of a mind-control ray gun as Puppet the Psycho Dwarf was a sumo wrestler.

So if China’s not actually controlling the minds of America’s most impressionable youths, what’s it actually doing?
Hint — did you ever notice that time when TikTok started pivoting to social shopping?
Yeah, that’s pretty much the game plan. Turn TikTok into one more shopfront for the wonderful wares China has to offer.

And Trump’s gonna kill that whole gambit with tariffs now, isn’t he?
And if he doesn’t kill it and Americans suck up those sweet 60% price hikes, then that just means more money in the Government’s coffers to spend on annexing Canada/Greenland/whatever and making them great again.

So there you have it — Trump’s grand plan.
Either way he wins.
Either his tariffs kill TikTok’s master plan of becoming the social shopping epicenter of America.
Or, he just bleeds America’s youth dry with sky-high tariffs on the chintzy Chinese imports they can’t stop buying because TikTok’s mind-control ray gun told them to.
And either way, those same youths will love him for it.
Gotta love the genius there.
Or maybe there’s a simpler explanation…
Right now, so much of this is up in the air it’s hard to know what’s gonna happen. So maybe make this story more of a wait and see.
In the meantime, if you wanna do something productive, go sign up with Changelly Affiliates and start pumping crypto.

Everyone, Everywhere, All at Once Want the Same Thing
Just as the Bluesky growth spurt started to slow down, this, this, and this all dropped.
As for what “this, this, and this” are, here they are in no particular order:
- Mark Cuban (the Shark Tank guy) wants to fund a TikTok alternative built on Bluesky’s AT protocol.
- A new startup wants to “Free Our Feeds” (build a decentralized social network) using… Bluesky’s AT protocol.
- A bunch of opinion pieces have come out in the last week, all of them about… Bluesky’s AT protocol.
So, what’s the AT protocol thing? And why are a million and one people who pretty much have nothing to do with each other suddenly so interested in it?
Well, let’s start with the easy question first.
The AT protocol is basically the “decentralized” protocol on which Bluesky was built.
Just think of it as the social network equivalent of HTTP for websites… or SMTP for emails… or TOR for shopping…

That’s pretty much what the AT protocol is. It’s just a ‘protocol’ that computers can use when connecting/communicating/sharing stuff/etc.
See, that bit was simple. Now onto the hard stuff.
Why are people suddenly so interested in the AT protocol?
Here, there are a few elements.
First, Bluesky’s gaining a serious user base. This first kicked off around election time (massive growth — see our Bonafides Affiliate Program Review edition). That’s slowed recently, but it’s still sustaining a month-on-month growth rate that’s a double-digit percentage… if that keeps up, then compound that over 1-2 years, and you pretty much overtake Xitter.
Second, see the above story — if a government can just ban a social network, then maybe we might want a decentralized one so they can’t ban it (so easily…). (Also, it kinda makes sense that the moment everyone’s looking for a new social network is the moment everyone’s thinking about building it.)
And third, there’s the whole “vibe-shift” thing that’s going on with Zuck and co. suddenly brown-nosing Trump with zero shame.
That’s got the libs in tears. Which probably includes Cuban.

There’s probably a bit more going on that I’ve missed. But they’re the big three.
So, what does all of this mean in the grand scheme of things?
Well, like the whole TikTok thing, it’s a massive wait and see.
For starters, none of the ideas being floated around are even close to being anything concrete. It’s just a bunch of think pieces, billionaire brain farts, and another one of six trillion other startups trying to strike it lucky with the next big thing.
With that said, all of the above have been getting a heck of a lot more attention than similar ideas have in the past.
For instance, the “Free Our Feeds” thing is literally just a crowdfunding campaign at this stage. And yet it’s already picking up a bunch of press.

And that kinda sets up the next year to be an interesting one.
If TikTok actually does get banned and 小红书’s fake reviews fail to bring it into the epicenter of America’s online world, then there’ll certainly be room for a TikTok-esque social network to make a major splash.
There’s also a chance that interest in alternatives like Bluesky might get a few additional boosts at certain points along the way, too.
After all, plenty of people are slowly waking up to the fact that Elon “free speech” Musk was never about free speech and that new Xitter is basically just the same as old Titter… just with different political alliances.
This was perhaps most bleedingly apparent when Musk censored the JD Vance dossier under the exact same circumstances and on the exact same grounds that old Twitter censored the Hunter Biden story. (tl;dr — Trump’s campaign wanted the Vance story killed… Xitter stepped in with all the usual “hacking”/“personal information”/etc. stuff old Twitter used to justify censoring the Biden leak.)

And then there was also that one time when Musk started censoring MAGA diehards if they didn’t agree his views on immigration.
At this rate, it’s not hard to imagine Xitter will start losing more than just its libtard userbase as the year wears on. Especially with names like Bannon and Loomer already warring with Musk.
And if all of this happens, you kinda gotta wonder where they’ll all go.
Maybe Zuckerberg’s “More Speech and Fewer Mistakes” charade might work. But I doubt it.
Or, maybe, just maybe, the idea of a decentralized social network that can’t be controlled by billionaires or the government might just catch on.
And hey, who knows… maybe both sides of the political spectrum might just come together for a change. After all, in the last month we’ve already seen that happen twice. Between the Luigi Mangione thing (see our Affiliate2Day review edition) and Grandpa Tankie (Bernie Sanders) siding with certain MAGA factions, we’re definitely living in weird times.
Look, I’m sorry to do this to you, but this one’s like the last story. I don’t really have much of a concrete takeaway here.
So to make it up to you, here’s an actual prediction about 2025 that you can actually take to the bank. Crypto’s gonna pump hard. Harder than it’s ever pumped.
And, when it does, you’re gonna regret it if you haven’t already signed up with Changelly Affiliates.

Closing Thought
Watching the way Xitter’s turning into the exact same thing as old Twitter, I couldn’t help but think… it’s funny how some things never change.
And that sent me down a rabbit hole.
A rabbit hole that landed me on a bunch of 1-900 number commercials from the 80s.
Kinda like this one.
Or this one.
And when I landed on them, I couldn’t help but notice something.
They almost look like the kinda stuff you’d find on a modern-day Taboola feed today.
After all, what else is a Taboola feed aside from “saucy singles” and “Is Elvis Alive”-style clickbait?
So then I was like, what happens if we go even further back in marketing history?
So I went and found the first ad created by the greatest ad man ever (David Ogilcy) when he launched his own agency.

And then I couldn’t help but notice something else.
That looks a hell of a lot like content marketing.
So then I was like, “That’s too many coincidences. I’m rewinding a full 100 years.”
And that’s when I started seeing stuff like this.

And again, I couldn’t help but think something — if you cropped that 16:9, that almost looks like a YouTube thumbnail.
And just like that, I unscientifically proved that it’s true — some things never change.
Sure, the aesthetics might change.
And maybe a few other tweaks might be made here and there.
But the basic mechanics of clickbaiting/content marketing/brain hacking/etc. all seem to have remained very much the same.
And, if that wasn’t enough proof, then just go take a look at crypto and tell me that it’s anything more than regular old assets/currency wrapped up in a new, blockchain-flavored package?
It’s not.
And that’s kinda the point.
That’s pretty much why it works — all crypto did was take something that was proven to work, and made a few tweaks to bring it into the modern age.
So then I thought something else.
All this marketing from years gone by — it’s already proven to work. So why not go and recycle some of it with a modern twist?
And while you’re at it, why not sell an old-school product with a twist? And yeah, I’m talking about crypto. Changelly Affiliates will help you out there.

(Featured image by SevenStorm via Pexels)
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