Business Weekly Digest: What’s Hot in Affiliate Marketing [InboxAlly Affiliates Review]
It might be Valentine’s Day, but I’ve got something much more interesting to talk about this week: a new trend that’s just started pumping by 5000%. If you wanna know what it is, then read on for the news. And make sure you stop by our InboxAlly Affiliates review along the way if making mega $$$ from lifetime rev share commissions is something you could get down with this Valentine’s Day.

Quick Disclosure: We’re about to tell you how InboxAlly Afiliates is pretty great. And we really mean it. Just know that if you click on an InboxAlly Affiliates link, we may earn a small commission. Your choice.
Happy Valentine’s day my fellow affiliate marketers.

Now let me show you how much I love you… by sharing a great affiliate program with you. Affiliate Program of the Week — InboxAlly Affiliates Review
This week’s top affiliate program probably wasn’t the most romantic program for a valentine’s day edition. But, it just so happens to be one of the highest paying programs that we’d actually recommend.
So let me introduce you to InboxAlly Affiliates.

InboxAlly Affiliates — The Product
To steal the words right off of their website, InboxAlly Affiliates is all about selling “email deliverability software that works.”
Now, as for what that actually means in more concrete terms, InboxAlly Affiliates is all about selling one of the best email “warmup” services out there.
What’s an email warmup service?
It’s simple:
- Someone wants to start email marketing.
- You send them your InboxAlly Affiliates link.
- After clicking your InboxAlly Affiliates link, they sign up and InboxAlly gives them a bunch of email addresses to send emails to.
- Those email addresses are all controlled by InboxAlly. So when InboxAlly opens the emails, interacts with the emails, and moves those emails out of the promotions tab, they’re effectively teaching Gmail/etc. that these are “important” emails that people definitely want to see.
- After all this, that person you sent an InboxAlly Affiliates link to has much better deliverability.
- And thus, they stay subscribed, netting you a bunch of commissions in your InboxAlly Affiliates account.
Pretty sweet right?
Now let me tell you about those InboxAlly Affiliates commissions.

InboxAlly Affiliates — The Commissions
If there’s one thing we love to see in an affiliate program, it’s a lifetime rev share commission plan. Especially when the rev share % is actually decent.
InboxAlly Affiliates ticks both of those boxes.
Yep, with InboxAlly Affiliates, you get a lifetime, 20% rev share deal right off the bat.
But wait, there’s more.
Because the product you’ll be selling with InboxAlly Affiliates is so valuable, that 20% won’t be 20% of nothing either.
The cheapest plan you’ll be selling with InboxAlly Affiliates is $149 a month. That means, for every conversion you make with InboxAlly Affiliates, you’ll be earning a minimum of about $30 a month.
And that goes way up once you start racking up InboxAlly Affiliates commissions on the $1000+/month plans. Which you will.

InboxAlly Affiliates — Next Steps
That just about does it for now. There’s plenty more I could tell you, like the 120-day cookies InboxAlly Affiliates uses.
But, it’s easier if I just send you over to for our full InboxAlly Affiliates review.
Or, if you’ve already got enough details about InboxAlly Affiliates, then just go sign up with InboxAlly Affiliates right now with this link.

Affiliate News Takeaways — Look What Just Pumped By 5000%
When you think about it, living life ain’t that complicated. All you need is a few golden rules.
- Wash behind your ears.
- Sleep when you’re tired.
- If it smells bad, don’t eat it.

You see. Like I said. It’s simple.
The same also applies to affiliate marketing.
Here, let me give you to a few of my my golden rules.
- If the product converts, promote it (why hello there Inbox Ally Affiliates)
- If the commissions are good, promote it (well hello again InboxAlly Affiliates)
- If some trend is pumping by 5000%, then you’d damn well better pay attention to it

And on that note, here be 5 things that’re pumping by 5000% on Google Trends in recent times.
- “How to delete all photos Facebook”
- “Alternative to Facebook”
- “How to quit Facebook”
- “How to delete Threads account”
- “How to delete Instagram account without logging in”
Are you picking up on a certain vibe here?
I know I am.
So, what’s behind this trend?
Well, there could be a few things happening here. Like, maybe there’s a few people who aren’t so thrilled about Meta no longer wanting to fact check stuff.

And maybe some people don’t like the recent pivot towards “community notes”.

Then there’s also Meta’s move to start pumping up the political content.
Apparently, some people prefer non-partisan memes.

And somehow, I also suspect Zuckabuck’s doubling down on brain-rotting boomer bait isn’t helping the cause either.

Anyway, whatever’s behind the sudden spike in people wanting to break up with Meta, one thing’s clear.
There are a bunch of people wanting to break up with Meta.
Yep, they don’t call me Captain Obvious for nothing.

So, now we’ve got the statements of the obvious out of the way, let’s get to the next bit.
Where are all these fine people going?
Well, if you read out ByBit Affiliates Review and Bonafides Affiliates Review editions, then you might already have one answer.
For those who missed it, we dropped those two editions in the wake of the election. That’s about the time when a little app named Bluesky picked up a million users in a single day, and then kept the growth going.
Anyway, fast forward a few months to today, and that growth is still going.
Maybe not at the rate of a million users a day. But Bluesky did just cross the 31 million users mark this week.
And while that might only be about 10% of the users Zuckabot’s claiming Thread’s has got, remember this — those 31 million users came off the back of honest, organic growth.

And that makes quite a bit of a difference when it comes to actually getting engagement on the app.
I mean, after all, which of these two users do you expect to be more engaged:
- A user who got dark-patterned into clicking a button on Instagram that then auto-magically created a new account for them on a social media platform that said user had no real interest in?
- A user who actively signed up to a new social media platform that said user had to actively search for/download?
Personally, I’m going with B. And that probably explains why, anecdotally at least, engagement tends to be way higher on Bluesky, even with smaller follower counts.
We actually first noted the higher engagement back in our ByBit Affiliates Review edition.
But that sentiment hasn’t really changed since.

Now, of course, Bluesky probably isn’t the only beneficiary in all of this.
According to the same TechCrunch article that tipped me off to the whole “how to delete facebook” craze, search interest in Mastodon has also been up lately.
But, that’s probably nothing to get excited about.
While there was a point in time where Mastodon had a couple million Monthly Active Users (MAUs) — which we covered back in our MegaPari Partners Review edition — those days have long gone.
If anything, the latest burst of interest in Mastodon is doing little more than delaying its slow, steady decline into irrelevance.
Here’s the latest numbers.

But, while Mastodon is probably as good as dead by this stage, that doesn’t mean there aren’t other new competitors entering the fray.
But now that the Xitter-clone wars are seemingly over, the next battleground seems to be Instagram.
Just this last week alone, there’s been a bunch of news about news about new Instagram clones dropping.
The biggest of them is probably whatever BuzzFeed’s cooking up with its Instagram clone.
Although, that’s not actually an actual app yet. Really, it’s more of a promise to build an Instagram alternative and some manifesto about spreading “joy”.
Presumably they’ve taken on Marie Kondo as a consultant.

Anyway, as for what’s actually live right now, here’s a quick list of the latest entrants that I also stole from TechCrunch:
- Pixelfed: A decentralized photo-sharing app built on ActivityPub, similar to Instagram but ad-free, open-source, and chronological. Recently launched mobile apps for iOS and Android.
- Flashes: A Bluesky-based Instagram alternative allowing users to share images and videos. Integrated with Bluesky, it aims to introduce premium subscriptions across multiple apps.
- Pinksky: A photo-first Bluesky client offering a familiar Instagram-like interface, including tappable Stories. It allows users to connect with their Bluesky network.
- Skygram: A work-in-progress web app that provides a photo-centric Bluesky experience, featuring interest-based feeds.
As for which of those actually have traction, that can be something you can find out for yourself if you’re interested.
What I do know, however, is that we’re probably going to see a lot more activity in this space as the months wear on.
Or, at least, I expect to be seeing that if lines I’ve been seeing in all these articles like “consumer demand for alternatives to Big Tech’s social apps is heating up” are halfway true.
But then again, it could just all be fake news.

In any case, it’s probably something you should at least be paying attention to by this stage.
Not saying you need to take immediate action. But I am saying “watch this space”.
Well, if there’s one thing that’s getting harder to ignore, it’s that, in the US at least, Meta’s products have been in a steady state of decline for years now.
To give just one example, in 2014, Facebook was used by 71% of teenagers. In 2022, that had fallen to just 32%. Instagram’s also failing to hold onto younger audiences.
And Meta has sort of tacitly acknowledged this on several occasions, like in this blog post where they drop hints like, “Facebook is still for everyone, but in order to build for the next generation of social media consumers, we’ve made significant changes with young adults in mind.”
Translation — we’re failing to get any traction with the next generation.
It also gets sadder from that point on. Like the next bit where they tell us Facebook is helping young users to find “deals on furniture on Marketplace” or with “connecting with small businesses.”
So basically, Zuck’s grand vision for Facebook’s future is some sort of Frankenstein mashup of Craigslist + Yellow Pages.

Now, I’m not saying he’s not gonna be able to make some money with that kinda play. At some point, Craigslist and Yellow Pages were profitable companies, too.
But, does that sort of platform really leave much room for us humble affiliate marketers?
Probably not… unless you’re willing to run paid campaigns.

Now, I know what you’re thinking at this point — “But Dylan, aren’t there still billions of boomers and middle-aged millennials who’re still using Meta’s stuff?”
And to that I say yes, there are. But your ability to reach them is quickly coming to an end.
Zuckerberg made this pretty clear in Meta’s Q3 earning call when he basically told investors “we’re gonna start cranking out AI slop at hyperscale.”
Now, of course, those weren’t his exact words. To be a little more precise, what he actually said was:
- “There are a lot of consumer products we’re working on with Llama.”
- “If you look at the big trends in Feeds over the history of the company, it started off as friends”
- “Then there was the era where we added in creator content too.”
- “And now we’re we’re going to add a whole new category of content, which is AI generated or AI summarized content.”
- “We don’t know exactly what’s going to work yet, but we’re starting to test different things around this.”
And yeah, I know what you’re thinking here, too.
“But like, can’t I just post AI slop and monetize it like everyone else is doing right now?”
And yeah, for now at least, you can probably scrape a few bucks together posting stuff like this.

But just know that Zuckerberg is spying on you…

… and as he spys on you, he’s taking notes of everything that works for you.
So he can copy you in exactly the same way he copied everything else.

I mean, come on, you don’t think all that talk about building out Llama products was meant to help you, do you?
Look, this isn’t going to happen overnight. But I think it’s pretty safe to say we’re witnessing the slow decline of Meta.
Sure, it’s gonna take years — they’ll keep finding ways to juice their numbers and to extract more and more value out of fewer and fewer (real) users.
But the writing is pretty much on the wall.
This latest 5000% bump in “how to delete Facebook” type searches is just the latest sign.
But that’s good news for us, because that means there’s going to be lots of new social media apps cropping up as we go forward.
Bluesky’s probably just the first of the bunch to actually start getting a reasonably-sized user base. But I reckone there’s probably going to be more. Especially with the recent heating up in the Instagram-clone space.
Now, as for why that’s good news… well, have you seen what people have been saying about engagement rates on Bluesky?
It’s amazing what happens when a platforms not trying to extract every last drop of value for itself.
And that means there should be plenty of value left over for you.
Now, of course, in the early days, while things are still reasonably “wholesome”, that probably does mean there are going to be limits on what you can successfully promote.
So maybe hold off on spamming iGaming offers for the moment.
Instead, maybe try promoting something that says “I mean serious business”. Something like InboxAlly Affiliates is probably a good place to start.

Closing Thought
Hey, so speaking of Meta’s decline, let’s talk about brainrot.

This week, Microsoft (yes, that Microsoft) published some research about “the rise of Generative AI” and “its impact on critical thinking skills.”
And yeah, in case you didn’t catch the hint before, the researchers found that AI pretty much causes brainrot.
That’s right.
AI causes literal brainrot.
Well, okay, they didn’t actually say it causes “brainrot”. But they did say it can cause “the deterioration of cognitive faculties that ought to be preserved” and that it can leave people’s brains “atrophied and unprepared.”
And you know what?
Given that it’s Microsoft behind this study, I’m kinda tempted to believe it.
Not that I trust Microsoft.
After all, would you ever trust a company founded by this man?

I wouldn’t, that’s for sure.
But what did convince me to believe it is the simple fact that the findings are quite simply not in Microsoft’s best interests.
I mean, they’re so deep into AI that publishing this study is kinda the equivalent of some pharma company saying “our weight loss drug causes cancer.”
So anyway, what’s the point of me sharing this with you?
Well, I care about you so I don’t want to see you get brainrot.
That’s why.
Now, obviously this should probably be some sort of nuanced discussion and good and bad ways to use AI.
But instead, I’m just gonna make it real simple with a little analogy.
So here goes.
What do you think would happen if you did nothing but lie around on a couch watching TV all day?

Yeah, that’s right. You’d turn into a fat slob whose body is “atrophied and unprepared” for any sort of physical activity.
So does that mean you shouldn’t sit around on the couch and watch TV at all?
No, of course it doesn’t.
All you really need to do is get out for a little exercise on a regular basis and you’ll be fine.
And, I’m going to argue, the same applies to AI.
So go forth. Use AI to your hearts content.
But don’t get into the habit of offloading everything onto it.
Leave a few difficult tasks for yourself every week so you can give your brain a bit of a challenge.
If you can do that, you’ll turn out fine.
Oh, and in case you’re struggling for ideas about what to challenge your brain with, then here’s one for free.
Go design a killer campaign that you can monetize with InboxAlly Affiliates.
It really is as simple as that.

(Featured image by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS via Pexels)
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