Wecity has introduced real estate crowdfunding in Portugal, focusing on a logistics warehouse project on the outskirts of Lisbon. The platform acts as an intermediary, enabling...
The estimates of the emissions into the atmosphere account are made from the National Inventories of Emissions into the Atmosphere, prepared by the Ministry for the...
A crowdfunding campaign on Mamacrowd has been initiated for Opificio Fred, a Friuli-based company founded by Federico Cremasco. Opificio Fred specializes in the artisanal production of...
For Elena Sgaravatti, vice-president of Assobiotec, the European Biosolutions Coalition is a contribution to bringing down the many cultural and regulatory barriers that are leaving Europe...
Over the past three years, ESG ETFs have attracted some $210 billion in inflows, compared with €234 billion for non-ESG ETFs. These ESG ETFs represent over...
Launched in late 2019, from 2020 to September 2023, Ener2Crowd has funded more than 100 ESG projects for more than €20 million in funding from more...
The lack of clarity in ESG Regulation has led to a large number of readjustments this year. For example, 350 funds classified as Article 9 were...
The pre-sales campaign, which runs from October 5th to November 9th, 2023, has a target of €30,000. Sevun is preparing a subscription offer that includes the...
Real estate equity crowdfunding platform UpsideTown and Revalo, a real estate asset manager, sign a deal flow partnership. Revalo is the only independent company in the...
Apart from 100% electric cars, October's registration figures show that 36.2% of all passenger cars and SUVs were gasoline-powered; 35.3% were non-plug-in hybrid (HEV); and 11.8%...