Next weekend, senators will decide whether or not to comply with the changes in form and substance that the Chamber of Deputies made in March. Recently,...
With a financial envelope of $89,800 (50 million CFA francs), this edition will reward the ten best media projects, or $8,900 (5 million CFA francs) per...
Following a change in the law, CBD shops have started to be opened across France. In Orleans, a third point of sale will be open, right...
A total of 83,806 legal and individual companies were created last year, a year-on-year underperformance of 11.7%. The trend was predictable: in 2020, the volume of...
The new maritime trade connection between the port of Tangier Med and that of Poole (Great Britain) is viewed with a bad eye by the Spanish...
According to the RIA Institute, which investigates drug policy in Mexico, cannabis production in this country ranges between 15,000 and 27,000 tons per year. The cultivation...
An analysis by the Center for Public Finance Studies estimated that the collection would be $722,000 (15.54 million pesos) in IEPS, $71.000 (1.53 million pesos) in...
Bank of Africa-BMCE Group multiplies its cooperation projects with leading economic actors. Through these partnerships, the group is strengthening its power on the continental financial market...
ARisk, a university spin-off of the Polytechnic of Turin, founded by former Consob chairman Giuseppe Vegas, which develops predictive risk algorithms, has concluded the long-awaited $428,000...
TXT e-Solutions invested approximately $17.3 million (€14.3 million) in Banca del Fucino, against the issue of new shares amounting to approximately 9% of the post-money share...