The new product, which can only be activated online, offers four constraint options (involving the unavailability of the amounts paid in): 12, 18, 24 and 36...
Since the beginning of the health crisis, the number of fintech companies’ customers has tripled, with a 30% increase in usage. The Paylib mobile payment application...
Even though the free standard account is retained, the introduction of the "Smart" account gives the impression that N26 wants to leave the free approach behind...
The fintech sector becomes more and more strategic for the major Italian network of companies Confidi, shows the latest survey carried out by Crif. From the...
Bitcoin investor Lyn Alden said that Bitcoin market capitalization could reach 10% of that of gold in the future. This means that BTC would be at...
In agreement with the Ircca, of the total of 45,067 consumers registered at the beginning of the last year, 34,696 buy cannabis in pharmacies, whereas 6,965...
The fintech company Cashbee launches into life insurance. It hopes to open several hundred contracts by the end of the year. Cashbee has gone from $2.34...
The Spanish economy rebounded by 16.7% in the third quarter of the year, thanks to the boom in household consumption during the summer, and reduced the...
Workinvoice and Passepartout launched the invoice integrated in the management software. Invoice trading allows companies to assign outstanding trade receivables to qualified institutional investors. The service...
The coronavirus pandemic has clearly affected the Fintech sector in Germany. However, some of the companies that are currently struggling, have had problems before the outburst...