Business Weekly Affiliate Digest: What’s Hot in Affiliate Marketing [Bybit Affiliates Review]
Wanna learn a 100% science-backed marketing hack that’s proven to break people’s brains so hard that they can’t help but BUY NOW? Then you’re in luck. And on the topic of buy now, we’re also gonna look at Bybit Affiliates because, hey, you’d be daft to miss the flood of newbs coming into crypto now it’s going to the moon, right? (PS: If that didn’t get you, then maybe the 50% commissions will?)

Quick Disclosure: We’re about to tell you how Bybit affiliates is a top-notch affiliate program paying great commissions. And we really mean it. Just know that if you click on a Bybit affiliates link, we may earn a small commission. Your choice.
We told you it was happening last week.

And this week, it’s happening even harder.
Yep. Crypto’s hot, and people are all like “BUY! BUY! BUY!”

So if you’ve seen what’s happened and wanna know how you can make a pretty penny off of the action, then check out our top affiliate program of the week. Affiliate Partner Program of the Week — Bybit Affiliates
Another week, another top crypto affiliate program. This week, it’s Bybit Affiliates.
Here’s why we picked ‘em.

Bybit Affiliates — The Product
Yeah, yeah, I know this section’s maybe a bit redundant. We all know Bybit Affiliates is 100% about crypto. Kinda gave that away.
So let me tell you a couple of things about the product behind Bybit Affiliates that you might not know.
First, the platform behind Bybit Affiliates is probably one of, if not the most complete crypto trading platforms.
We’re talking copy trading, “TradeGPT” chatbots, a whole bunch of Web3 stuff, and more. And you can promote all of it with Bybit Affiliates.
Also, there’s one other thing that’s kinda cool about Bybit Affiliates that sets it apart.
When you’re promoting with Bybit Affiliates, you’re gonna have access to more promotions than you’ll know what to do with.
Seriously, check out the top of the landing page here — I’m seriously overwhelmed by what’s going on here.

Here, let me list what’s going on (some of this might be useful when you’re promoting with Bybit Affiliates).
- Win up to $360k in prizes.
- Get a $5050 sign up bonus.
- Get a slice of $130k worth of rewards.
- A “Daily Delight” “spin for treats” promo
And that’s just the banner.
Honestly, if I didn’t know that Bybit Affiliates converts, I’d be tempted to say this is too much — it overwhelms people. But hey, who am I to question what works, and Bybit Affiliates clearl knows what works.
[PS: Read through to our “Closing Thought” for a cool, science-backed marketing hack you can try with all of these Bybit Affiliates promos.]

Bybit Affiliates — The Commissions
Alright, so we’ve established you should have no problem selling the product behind Bybit Affiliates. Now the million dollar question is whether promoting with Bybit Affiliates is even worth it.
Wanna know the answer?
Yes, Bybit Affiliates will make it 100% worth your while.
And here’s the best part. I can explain how Bybit Affiliates makes it worth your while with one number and one word.
50% commissions.
Yep, Bybit Affiliates will pay you a 50% kickback on all your referrals’ trading activity on spot, futures, and options.
And as for other products in the Bybit Affiliates program, the commissions are equally as juicy, but we’ll leave those for you to check out yourself.

Bybit Affiliates — Next Steps
Alright, usually I’d tell you to go sign up for Bybit Affiliates right now. But this week, I’m gonna save that for later.
Instead, right now, I want you to take note of one thing — Bybit Affiliates runs more promos than you can poke a stick at.
Now I want you to promise to read through to our closing thought. It’ll make those Bybit Affiliates promos look a whole lot better.
And now that I’ve said all that, here comes the push — go sign up for Bybit Affiliates right here.
Or, if you really need more information, check for our full, in-depth Bybit Affiliates review.

Affiliate News Takeaways
Lina Khan’s #1 Fan Boy Just Became AG
I think there’s one thing both sides can agree on here. Trump wants to “lock them up”, with “them” basically being anyone who bruised his ego.
That kinda makes the following Truth maybe just a little ironic.
But whatever. We’re not here to talk about who’s locking who up, temper tantrums, Wilhoit’s law, or any of that kinda stuff.
What I really want to talk about is the man Trump just picked for the AG gig — Matt Gaetz.
So, what’s so special about Gaetz?
Well, on more than one point, he looks a hell of a lot like a Democrat.
You know, these people.

Don’t believe me?
Alright, let’s start with this.

Now, of course, we all know that this has little to do with affiliate marketing.
That is, unless you’re somehow impacted by the price of a Comet Ping Pong pizza in Washington DC.
So let’s just leave that whole thing aside for now and move on.
So, where to next?
Well, here’s the big thing I wanted to talk about.
Gaetz is the very definition of a Lina Khan fanboy.
Don’t know who Lina Khan is?
Here’s a quick refresher.

That’s right. It’s the Lina Khan — Biden’s FTC lapdog who’s become a major pain in the collective posterior of big business.
So, now we all know who Khan is, let’s take a look at who Matt is.
— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) April 24, 2024
Yep, he’s a long-time, die-hard, self-proclaimed “Khanservative”.
And can you guess what his hopes for the Trump administration are?
Here’s a quote that might help you out: “I hope her work continues in the Trump administration.” [source]
Wow, talk about a multi-million dollar turkey slap right to the mugs of a bunch of Trump’s backers.
And I’m not just talking about Zuckabucks, Big G, and Big Tech in general here — we all know Trump’s out for blood on this front, whether Gaetz is with him or not… although Gaetz will certainly be frothing to go after them, too.
Some say *sue* Big Tech.
— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) July 8, 2021
I say BREAK UP Big Tech!
I wish the hardest working & most talented Republican in Congress, @Jim_Jordan, would join me.
Take two of the more outspoken from this bunch, for example — the dynamic Andreessen-Horowitz duo and their a16z “Little Tech Agenda”.
One of their main gripes is the “regulatory agencies [that] are punitively blocking startups from being acquired by” Big Tech companies.
Basically, they claim that if Big Tech is blocked from making acquisitions, it kills little tech because… well, why else would someone bother founding a company? Or, more to the point, VCs just want a fast-tracked ride to an overpriced liquidity event, so in their eyes, Khan == not stonks.

Anyway, now we know this, try and guess what chaos Gaetz was sowing during one of those rare bipartisan moments of House Committee agreement?
Yep, rumor has it that both the red and blue teams were ready to carveout a loophole so acquisitions of under $50M would dodge FTC scrutiny. And there was Gaetz hooting and hollering the sort of rhetoric you’d expect to read in Lina Khan’s notebook.
That’s gotta be a kick in the collective a16z gonads if ever there was one… oh well, at least they still get to hold onto hopes that crypto’s going to the moon.
[PS: Since we covered it last week in our KuCoin Affiliates review, crypto has taken off. If you missed it and you wanna make some serious money, go read that edition now. Then come back here — this week’s all about Bybit Affiliates, so I don’t wanna steal their thunder too much.]
Anyway, I could go on and on about all the ways Matt’s a total simp for Khan, but that’s enough for now.
Let’s get to the takeaway.
Look, I’m not gonna pretend to have some magic crystal ball that can predict what’s gonna happen under Trump. He’s just too unpredictable for that.
But here’s a couple of hard facts that we can use.
First, Trump’s out for revenge against his Big Tech foes.
We also know he’s got a track record of doing stuff that would get the Khan tick of approval, like that time he sued to block an AT&T-Time Warner merger.
And then, we know where Gaetz stands. He hopes “[Khan’s] work continues in the Trump administration.”
So, if we add one and one together, it should become apparent that P(doom), at least for Big Tech, is hovering around 85-90%.
Now, as for what this means in practice, it could mean a million things.
Maybe Google and Meta will lose their monopoly on advertising.
This will be good news for anyone running paid campaigns if you put any value on the “cost” part of acronyms like CAC/CPA/etc.
Or maybe Meta will get split up, putting a halt to Threads “growth hacking” its way to a billion users with dark patterns and other trickery targeted at Facebook/Instagram users.
That would be good for the possible growth of other social networks that aren’t controlled by Zukerbucks.

Or maybe a million other things could happen.
The only thing that’s 85-90% certain, is that disruption of some sort is on the cards.
And if that happens, you can bet it’s gonna change something about the way we do affiliate marketing, whether that be the social networks that work, the cost of paid campaigns, SEO, or whatever.
As for how to make money off of this, well, there ain’t much happening right now. This one’s more of a wait and see.
With that said, if you want something that’s happening right now, crypto is red hot, and we just featured Bybit Affiliates as our affiliate program of the week for a very good reason. You should probably go and experience why for yourself right now.

Bluesky Just Hit #1
So, speaking of disruption to social networks, guess who just hit the #1 slot on Apple’s app store this week?

Recognize the name?
Yeah, it’s the same Bluesky social we first covered back in our Nutriprofits Affiliate Program review edition last year.
And boy is that a big rise — last time we looked, Bluesky only had 50k users.
Today, it’s apparently gaining users at a rate of 1 million in 24 hours.
Now, as for what’s driving that growth, there are a couple of things.
First up, we’ve got liberal tears.

Yep, with Trump in office and Xitter falling ever deeper into a red-pilled circle jerk in an echo chamber, libs want out.
And that leaves them with two options.
On one hand, they’ve got Threads and its user base of 200 million brand accounts and 70 odd million unengaged, growth-hacked subscribers.
Or, they’ve got Bluesky which, if the claims are to be believed, has a way more engaged user base than either platform.

And that brings us to point #2 — the user engagement.
Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I have no first-hand experience with Bluesky.
Nor do I have any reliable data sources.
But I do have a blog page that collated a bunch of testimonials that look like this. [You can the page here.]

And that, it seems, is a major drawcard for a bunch of people. I mean, why wouldn’t you want to go somewhere where you’re getting actual engagement?
Anyway, that’s the good news for Bluesky. But, it is still early days.
As of the last count, Bluesky’s only got 16 million users.
Now, I know that’s not exactly nothing. But it is far from the critical mass needed to guarantee that this isn’t all some Clubhouse-esque fad that’ll come, go, and ultimately be forgotten about.

Also, Bluesky’s not the only one who seems to have gotten a major post-election boost, either.
Another app hitting the headlines this week is Spill, which has apparently had “a 10x week-over-week increase in signups.”
Although, I’m a little more skeptical about this one here.
For starters, they don’t really give any real numbers. I mean, what does 10x even mean?
Yeah, that’s right.
It’s completely effing meaningless — after all, if you multiply anything by zero, the result is still zero, no matter what numerical trickery you may try.

And then, there’s also the whole identity politics thing.
Spill leans pretty heavily into its identity politics. To see what I mean here, you only have to dig as deep as its online store, replete with “all-gender” garb slathered in identity-laden motifs.
In a way, it kinda reminds me of Parler, but for libs.
That is, if you grow your user base off of politics alone, you’re bound to fall into irrelevance outside of a few weirdo circles who overstay their welcome.

Anyway, that’s all for now.
Long story short, this one’s a bit like the last story. That is, watch this space.
While it’s probably not worth your time and effort to go chasing after what could just be a momentary fad, there’s a chance that this grows into something bigger.
And by bigger, I mean Bluesky continues growing, people actually stick around, and engagement stays (comparatively) sky-high.

Closing Thought
This week, we’re gonna do something different.
We’re gonna do some science.

So, what’s the sudden interest in science?
Well, it comes from a recent post by one of my favorite newsletters. It’s called Science Says.
As for what science has to do with affiliate marketing, that’s down to the fact it’s a “marketing science” newsletter.
As in, it’s all about marketing stuff that has actual studies backing it up. So none of this cargo-cult hearsay fluff repeated in a thousand, lightly repackaged formats by the world’s top marketing “thought leaders”.

Nope, this stuff’s got numbers to prove it.
So here’s the latest finding — italic text makes promotions more effective.

So, you probably wanna know how much more effective.
Here’s a sample of some of the numbers:
- An italicized “Buy a $5 gift card for $4” promotion from Starbucks got a 3x higher clickthrouhh and 2.6x more purchases compared to the non-italicized version.
- A Mexican restaurant’s “Buy One Entree Get One Free” deal resulted in people being 12.9% more likely to visit and 30.7% more likely to buy.
- An Amazon gift card promo with an italicized “Buy a $50 gift card & $ Get $10 credit” resulted in people feeling 41.6% more like they had a limited time to act.
Now, obviously, there are a bunch of caveats.
The biggest of these is that the italic text actually has to be about a tangible, current, time-limited deal. If it’s just some vague, “Come check out our everyday low prices”, the effect falls away.
There’s also a problem with left-leaning italics. Apparently, italics that lean to the right imply forward motion in time, which creates a sense of urgency. Flip the slant, and you achieve the opposite, no matter how cool your graphic designer might tell you it looks.
Guess that explains why we always see the leaning tower of pisa from this perspective — the Italian tourism board clearly knows how to make us think these photo ops are a limited-time opportunity.

Anyway, that more or less covers the major points. Here’s a link to the original study if you want all the gory science stuff. Or you can go read about it from where I stole this from.
And as for how you can actually put this into practice, here’s an idea. Remember our Bybit Affiliates review? Remember how we said Bybit Affiliates runs so many promos it’s overwhelming?
Might be worth sticking a few of ‘em into some italicized copy just to see what happens. If it works, Bybit Affiliates will pay you well.

(Featured image by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS via Pexels)
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