The Weekly Digest: What’s Hot in Affiliate Marketing [CryptoTab Affiliate Program]
If you were just about to give up on the passive income dream, then stick around. We’ve got plenty for you this week, starting with a massive affiliate program that’s got a 10-tier structure that’ll let you live off of your referrals’ referrals’ referrals’ referrals… I think you get the point. And, of course, we’re gonna drop a hint about how to actually sell it, so stick around to the end.

Quick Disclosure: We’re about to tell you how the CryptoTab affiliate program is a top-notch affiliate program paying great commissions. And we really mean it. Just know that if you click on a CryptoTab affiliate program link, we may earn a small commission. Your choice.
We don’t often give it much thought, but browsers are probably the most useful piece of software ever made.
Well, browsers and the code for Alt+Tab, that is…

But while most of us know the mighty, nigh-on-omnipotent browser can work miracles like providing us with any flavor of pr0n we could ever imagine (and then some), most of us probably doubt its ability to make us money.

This week, we’re going to show you how to make your browser (and other peoples’ browsers) make money for you. Affiliate Program of the Week — CryptoTab Affiliate Program
This week, we’re pulling something a little different from our list of the best affiliate programs. It’s a browser, and it has an affiliate program.
Its name is the CryptoTab affiliate program, and what follows is everything you need to know.

CryptoTab Affiliate Program — The Product
As our intro might have already given away, the CryptoTab affiliate program is all about pawning off a browser. Basically, you sign up to the CryptoTab affiliate program, drive downloads, and make money.
Cool right?
But what make the browser behind the CryptoTab affiliate program worth selling? I mean, do we really need another browser?
Well, yeah… we definitely need the CryptoTab affiliate program browser. That’s because it will literally make you money.
And yeah, unlike the CryptoTab affiliate program itself (yeah, you’re gonna have to do some marketing), the browser is 100% passive income.
All you do is fire it up and it mines crypto in the background for you… but, if you wanna make the big bucks, then you’re gonna have to join the actual CryptoTab affiliate program.

CryptoTab Affiliate Program — The Commissions
Alright, so we already know you can make money without joining the CryptoTab affiliate program. But, as we said, if you want the big bucks, then the CryptoTab affiliate program is kinda mandatory.
That’s because, when you refer someone via the CryptoTab affiliate program, you get a cut of whatever crypto they mine.
Over time, that can really add up. Here’s a table of the CryptoTab affiliate program commissions to show you just how much.
Level | Referrals | Estimated Income (USD per month) | Commission (%) | Qualifying Criteria (Referrals Lead by Each User) |
1st level | 5 | $3 | 15% | Direct referrals from the user (invited directly by you) |
2nd level | 25 | $10 | 10% | Friends referred by your 1st level referrals (5 x 5) |
3rd level | 125 | $25 | 5% | Friends referred by 2nd level referrals (25 x 5) |
4th level | 625 | $75 | 3% | Friends referred by 3rd level referrals (125 x 5) |
5th level | 3,125 | $250 | 2% | Friends referred by 4th level referrals (625 x 5) |
6th level | 15,625 | $625 | 1% | Friends referred by 5th level referrals (3,125 x 5) |
7th level | 78,125 | $1,562 | 0.50% | Friends referred by 6th level referrals (15,625 x 5) |
8th level | 390,625 | $3,906 | 0.25% | Friends referred by 7th level referrals (78,125 x 5) |
9th level | 1,953,125 | $9,765 | 0.13% | Friends referred by 8th level referrals (390,625 x 5) |
10th level | 9,765,625 | $24,414 | 0.06% | Friends referred by 9th level referrals (1,953,125 x 5) |
Now, if that doesn’t look like a totally worthwhile passive income to go chasing after, then I don’t know what is.
But, if it does look like one, then maybe the CryptoTab affiliate program might just be for you.

CryptoTab Affiliate Program — Next Steps
Convincing someone that the need to install a new browser can be a tough sell. But, if there was ever a browser that could do it, it’s the browser you’ll be selling in the CryptoTab affiliate program.
So, if you wanna give it a shot, then why not go sign up for the CryptoTab affiliate program right here.
Otherwise, if you need a bit more information before joining, then head on over to to check out our full CryptoTab affiliate program review.

Affiliate News Takeaways
We Don’t Need No Education… But Zuckerberg Thinks We Do
It’s no secret that Zuccs loves a good tune.

And while we know his tastes are wide (he apparently likes everything from Greenday to Taylor Swift), we also know that his tastes have nothing in common with MAGA man.

As for how I know this, that’s simple.
If you check out the lyrics on Trump’s favorite album, you’ll find the line “We don’t need no education.”
And if you now go and check out Meta’s “newsroom”, guess what you’re gonna see lots of?
Yep, that’s right. Education.

Now, a lot of this education is pretty useless for us affiliate marketers. After all, how many among us needs to learn how to protect ourselves from online sextortion scams?
Oh, you over there in the back? Fine, here’s something for you with love from Meta.
Anyway, for the rest of us normal affiliates, there was one little bit of education that popped up just a few days ago. It was announced here and the announced content appeared here, and that content is all about Threads.
Unfortunately, a lot of that content is little more than the usual generic social media marketing slop with no real substance… unless you’ve been living in a goon cave since the 90s and somehow don’t know the meaning of words like tags and engagement.
But here’s the good news — while most of the content is slop, Meta did drop a few useful bits and pieces that we can take away and use right now.
But before we get to it, a word of warning. Just remember, Metaberg is just like everyone else — full of self-interest. So always realize that when Meta’s “helpful” content suggests you should do something, it’s probably more in their best interest than yours… just saying.

Okay. Here are the points that I thought were most relevant:
- Replies make up half of all views on Threads.1
- There’s a link between posting frequency and views per post.2
- Funny content gets more views. (Speaking of… we here at TopRanked don’t approve of political jokes… we’ve seen too many get elected.)
- Video/photo posts that include text get more views than visual content without text.
- “Posting more frequently on the weekends can help drive higher engagement, so consider logging in on Saturday and Sunday.”3
- Posts that drive conversations are more likely to get recommended.4
- Creators who saw the most replies posted about TV & Movies, Photography, Books & Literature, Fashion & Style, Fitness & Workouts, Sports, Music, Food & Drink, Beauty, Technology and Travel & Leisure, so consider branching out into one of these topics if you haven’t already.
Now, if you were paying attention, you might have noticed some little superscript number marks next to some of those points, sorta as if there are supposed to be terms and conditions…
But here’s the good news — there are no terms and conditions (it’s not like you’d read them anyway).

But there are a few footnotes:
- If you read last week’s Bovada Affiliate Program review edition, you might have noticed I made an assumption that went exactly like this: “People actually read the comments”. If Threads is any indication, then that’s no longer an assumption. Go read that post if you want a good way to make some money (and an equally good affiliate program).
- There’s also a saying that goes a little like this: “Correlation does not imply causation.” There’s a pretty good chance posting frequency is also correlated with how much effort someone puts into a platform. There’s also a pretty good chance that there’s a correlation between effort that goes into a platform, and effort that goes into a post. There’s also an equally good chance that there’s another correlation between the effort that goes into posting and the views that the post garners. I’ll let you figure out what’s causal and what’s merely correlated in that mess. (Oh, and PS: remember how I said Meta is self-interested? This “insight” could also just be a cheap ploy to get you to engage more with the platform so they can make line go up…)
- Speaking of Meta wanting to make line go up, take a look at how this point was worded. I directly quoted it for a reason. There are zero “facts”. Just a pussy-footing ‘oh, it may help’ type of comment that’s made to get more content on Threads, regardless of whether there’s any evidence it will get good engagement rates. Of course, with that said, Threads is well known to be a bit heavy on the whole brand content thing, so maybe there is a legitimate content hole you can take advantage of on the weekends.
- Go read our Parimatch affiliates review edition. There was an X engagement hack outlined there that sounds a hell of a lot like this.
Look, I’ve been sitting Threads out since the day it was launched, so I honestly don’t have any experience with it to say whether it’s worth it or not. All I know is third-hand information from people who have.
I also know that Meta has been getting increasingly screwy with their usage stats over the last couple of years (see our uMobix affiliates review edition for a little taste). Apparently, when you’ve already converted pretty much the entire world, you start getting creative in how you make the line go up for investors.
Or, said a little more directly, when Zuckerberg claims Threads has 175 million users, take that with a grain of salt. For starters, that figure doesn’t actually tell you anything about DAUs, MAUs, engagement rates, or anything like that. That’s just raw users, meaning there’re at least a few million who are nothing more than people who activated their Threads account when Instagram prompted them to, then did nothing with it… kinda like that 100 million who signed up in the first week.
But all is not lost. There are people using it, and there are niches that can work on it. So if you reckon you could make it work for you too, then Meta just handed you a few hints.
Oh, and speaking of hints, there’s one more I forgot to mention above. Meta also detailed the top topics for engagement. One of them was technology, which would be a great fit for the CryptoTab affiliate program.

An “AI-Powered”, “Gen Z” Chat App Just Went Viral
So, on the topic of social media, there’s a new social media app that hit the headlines this week.
And I’m pretty sure its creator probably came up with the name while watching the first presidential debate.
I mean, why else would you call your hot new social media app “Daze”?

Anyway, that’s the name. So now let’s get to the rest of the facts.
For starters, the app hasn’t fully launched yet. There is, however, a closed Beta (which has apparently shown really high retention rates) and a really long waiting list. You can go join it here if you want.
Oh, and speaking of closed Betas and the waiting list, that’s pretty much the reason the app made the news. Already, the app’s hit 156k signups, and that number’s still growing, despite not fully launching yet.
Now, sure, that’s nothing when you compare it to a giant social network. But, remember, the thing hasn’t even launched yet.
In fact, it hasn’t even really been doing all that much marketing. Basically, all that growth has come off the back of a few videos on TikTok that show off how it works.
Now, if you watched the video, then hopefully you got the gist of what the app is.
But, for those who didn’t catch it, it’s basically a chat app. Kinda like WhatsApp/etc., but with the ability to be a bit more freeform.
Of course, if you read about it in the news on places like TechCrunch (here’s their article), then you might have noticed I’m leaving two important bits out.
First, it’s “a messaging app for Gen Z”. (Aren’t all new apps for [insert current young generation]?)
Second, it’s AI-powered… apparently.
On this second point, I say apparently because none of the product demos appear particularly AI-flavored (nor powered). In fact, the whole thing looks rather meat-powered.
Also, it would be kinda weird for a “Gen Z app” to overtly promote itself as AI-powered. I mean, Gen Z’s hugely skeptical of AI compared to older generations — if the surveys are to be believed, only 25% of Gen Z are in favor of AI.
That makes me think the AI bit was a founder’s afterthought when he had to go get funding and realized he wasn’t gonna get funded for yet another social app.
After all, it’s been scientifically proven that muttering sweet nothings about AI results in a 10% increase in erection rigidity among VCs when compared to comparable doses of Viagra.
True story… but it only applies to VCs, so stick with the little blue pills for anything else.

So, Daze might not be a thing yet. But, all the signs are pointing in the direction of this actually having a shot at becoming something.
For starters, 156k on the waiting list (and counting) is no small feat.
And then there’s the stickiness it seems to have had in Beta testing — it apparently has a 50% 60-day retention rate, which is way way more than anything else that’s launched recently.
As for how to make money with it, what else do I need to say?
It’s a messaging app, so any plays you’ve seen or tried on other apps should transfer over.
Or you could try something new… like the CryptoTab affiliate program.

Bonus Takeaway
I don’t usually do this, but I thought someone might have some fun with this.
If you go to the Daze signup page, you can check your status on the waitlist.
Why should we care?
Because, if you punch in an email address, it will instantly tell you if it’s on the waitlist.
So yeah, if you really wanted, you could brute force this form a bajillion times to get exfiltrate thousands of confirmed email addresses.
And, if you’re really evil, you could totally email these people with something about Daze in the subject line. Me thinks open rates would be through the roof on this.
As for how to use this to actually sell something, that’s totally up to you. But, if you’re totally stuck for ideas, go think about how you could parlay something about Daze into a pitch that’ll get people to click on your CryptoTab affiliate program links.

Closing Thought
If you read the story above, then there’s something you might have retained.
Daze has grown fast with minimal marketing — the only thing its done really is push a few videos to TikTok showing off the app in use.
Now, I’m not usually much of a mind reader. But, I think you already know what I’m going to say next (or at least most of you should know it).

Daze’s whole marketing strategy basically revolves around an old adage marketers have been saying for eons — “show, don’t tell”.
If you’ve never heard it before, then the basic gist behind this saying is that it’s better to show someone why a product is great than it is to tell them.
Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done. After all, if you’re trying to sell Viagra via Google AdSense, then you’re probably not gonna get away with showing off pictures of men with boners.
But we can here… so here’s one just for fun.

Anyway, back on topic.
While it’s not always possible to show, when you can show instead of tell, it’s a massively powerful tool.
If you don’t believe me, then go take a look at any infomercial that was halfway successful.

Now think about it. Most people watching these were watching them in the middle of the night.
Most people watching these had zero intent to purchase any of those products.
And yet, the simply act of sitting there and being wow’d by a ShamWow magically sucking up gigalitres of water pushed them to whip out their credit card right there on the spot.
Pretty cool right?
So, how do you apply this to affiliate marketing?
Well, here’s an idea. How about you pump out a bunch of videos showing your browser make money for you while you browse and push them to TikTok?
The only thing you’ll need to get started right now is a quick signup with the CryptoTab affiliate program.

(Featured image by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS via Pexels)
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