The Weekly Affiliate Marketing Digest [+ MegaPari Partners Review]
Thought ChatGPT was the fastest-growing consumer app of all time? Think again. Meta just launched Threads, and it’s already hit 70 million users. But before you go all in on the new shiny thing, let’s take a moment to survey the broader landscape. There’s a bit more to this story. And while you’re at it, be sure to check out our partner program of the week. Like always, it’s a good one.

Quick Disclosure: We’re about to tell you how MegaPari runs a top-notch affiliate program to promote. And we really mean it. Just know that if you click on a MegaPari link, we may earn a small commission. Your choice.
This last week, the Tour de France started. And that means two things.

And French people doing stupid stuff live on air.

Of course, we didn’t need “Le Tour” and live TV to expose French stupidity. All we have to do is listen to how they speak.

This week, I got first-hand experience of this when I went to put a bet on the Tour just for funsies. Since this was a French-flavored betting experience, I thought, “Hey, wouldn’t it be fun to know the French word for a bet?”
So I looked it up.
It’s “pari”.
That’s right. It’s basically the same word that they used to name their capital city once you realize the s in Paris is silent.
Anyway, one thing turned to another, and my mind started playing word games.
Big bet, big race, big city… capital city = Paris… a bet = pari… big = mega…
Hey, wouldn’t MegaPari be a cool name for a sportsbook? Affiliate Program of the Week — MegaPari
Turns out, I’m not as original as I’d like to be, and someone had already beaten me to the “cool name for a sportsbook.”
So let me introduce you to MegaPari.
Turns out, they’ve also got a Mega partner program that you really should know about.

MegaPari Partner Program — All the Juicy Details
Let’s get the most important MegaPari details out of the way first — commissions.
Like any good sportsbook, MegaPari offers Rev Share and CPA. And, like every good sportsbook, the rates MegaPari pays are based on how many players you can bring to the platform.
Now, MegaPari doesn’t make any CPA rates public. So, if this interests you, you’re going to have to reach out to your MegaPari affiliate manager and come to an agreement.
As for the Rev Share commissions MegaPari offers, these are in the public domain.
And they’re solid (we wouldn’t recommend their partner program if they weren’t).
Number of New Customers | Rev Share % |
1-20 | 25% |
21-30 | 30% |
31-40 | 35% |
41-50 | 40% |
51-70 | 45% |
71+ | 50% |
See, told you MegaPari had decent commissions. And, if that wasn’t enough, they’re also paid on a lifetime basis, meaning if your players stick around and keep betting with MegaPari for a while, you keep getting paid.

What’s the MegaPari Affiliate Experience Like?
MegaPari looks after its affiliates well. That means you can count on there being all the good stuff, like fast payouts (automatic, made weekly), comprehensive marketing materials, and A-grade personalized affiliate support.
MegaPari also provides plenty of bells and whistles to make your affiliate journey smoother and more productive, like a slick dash where you have live tracking of link clicks and other useful data.
And as for those timely payouts we mentioned, it’s worth highlighting that MegaPari has one of the lowest minimum payouts going around — just $30. And while we fully expect you to make more than this (if you’re reading this, you’re clearly a clued in affiliate 😉), it’s a nice-to-have just in case.
Oh, you also get heaps of promos/vouchers to use, and your MegaPari cookies will stick around for 30 days.
And I almost forgot to mention — MegaPari has an average 70% conversion rate. So if you can pull the traffic, you’re gonna earn.
Wanna Join MegaPari? Here’s How
Joining is simple and takes 2 minutes. Simply fill out the form you’ll find here.
Or, if you’re still on the fence and want more details, check out our in-depth MegaPari affiliate program review.

Affiliate News Takeaways
Enshittification, the Fastest Growing Consumer App of All Time, and the New New Internet
This week’s big news is, of course, the launch of Meta’s Twitter ripoff.
It’s called Threads.
And when I say it launched, what I really mean is it took off like an over-caffeinated child on a rocket-powered pogo stick.
Post by @zuckView on Threads
At this rate, there’s a chance that it’ll cross the 100 million user mark before the weekend. And if that happens, it will officially become the fastest-growing consumer app, bar none.
To put this into perspective, the current winner in this category of unofficial internet awards is ChatGPT. That hit 100 million users in 2 months. Then, following behind, we have TikTok at 9 months, and Instagram at 2.5 years.
What makes this growth all the more impressive is that Threads currently has restricted availability. For now, it’s only available in the US and UK.
Of course, how long this growth actually lasts is anyone’s guess. It’s also pretty hard to tell how many Threads users actually plan to use the app. After all, if you already have an Instagram account, then you pretty much have a Threads account, so I’m sure there are a bunch of people signing up just because.
Then, of course, there’s also that little enshittification thing going on over at Twitter where Musk seems to be burning the house down.
In just the last week, we’ve seen the announcement of a “new, improved version of TweetDeck,” which has largely been slated as vastly inferior to the old version. Not to mention that it will now become a paid feature. And then, just to top things off, we have the infamous rate limits that are causing even some of Musk’s most ardent fanboys to start losing faith.

No doubt, that made it a particularly opportune moment to launch, as BlueSky’s record growth this past week might attest to. Just over the last weekend, it added another 58k users. And while that sounds paltry compared to Thread’s mega-millions growth rate, BlueSky is still an invite-only “private beta” for now.
And finally, let’s also not forget about what’s also happening over in the fediverse, where Mastodon saw a nice little 400k bump in MAUs.

Of course, whether any of this growth actually has any staying power is hard to predict. It’s also highly unlikely that Twitter is actually going to die. Will it have a massive exodus, sure. But die… I doubt it.
In any case, the thing to pay attention to here is that there are changes in the air. New platforms are popping up faster than you can say “affiliate marketing’s fun and profitable,” and people are actually jumping onto them.
As for how easy it’s going to be to market on some of these alternatives, that’s going to be a case-by-case basis.
Threads is obviously going to be a lot harder right out of the gate. Between the Instagram account requirement and Meta’s already strong moderation, you can pretty much bet that if you can’t get away with something on Instagram, then you’re not going to get away with it on Threads.
And yes, that means if you’ve previously had success in an adult niche on Twitter, it’s going to be a lot harder to replicate that on Threads.

As for how BlueSky will fare once it exits beta and enters general availability, only time will tell. However, you can be sure there will be a bunch of opportunities if you look. Inevitably, there will be cracks in the system to be exploited. And, for those looking for a more longterm play, there’ll be plenty of those two — here’s one idea we wrote about in a previous affiliate marketing digest.
And then, of course, let’s not forget the fediverse. Between the Reddit thing and Twitter’s steady decline, it’s definitely worth keeping an eye out over there. Even now that Reddit mods have mostly caved in and reopened communities, fediverse alternatives like Kbin pretty much doubled their users in the last week.
And let’s also not forget what’s likely to happen as the platform moves towards IPO. The brutal reality is, profiteering “optimizations” done simply to please investors in the short term rarely do great things for online platforms in the long run. Anyone who’s followed Jeff Bezos from afar can tell you that. And, if the API brouhaha is any sort of useful foreshadowing, Reddit’s not going to be an exception.
Obviously, knowing how all this is going to play out for reals is impossible to tell. But, one thing’s clear. There are many more well-aligned stars than anything we’ve seen before, like when Parler came along.
It’s probably also worth noting that the social internet is about to get a whole lot more important. And not just in a “people being social” way.
Just last week, Google finally admitted that its SERPs were basically trash after the Reddit blackouts caused user “discontent.” And that situation is only going to get worse as low-grade AI-generated content swarms the internet. Just in putting this little news piece together, I’ve already hit multiple AI-generated articles riddled with factual errors, like this one that informed me that Threads was available in a bunch of European countries…
To spell out what this means, people are just going to start turning to social media for all their fact-gathering stuff, too. That, and whatever handful of “trusted” sources they have. (PS: That doesn’t mean SEO’s dead… it’s just going to be different… here’s one idea for how you can take advantage of this.)
Basically, you have a big shift in the social media landscape in the making. And you have a moment in time when social is also about to get a whole lot more important.
If that doesn’t spell out “potential to be an early mover and make some serious bucks,” then I don’t know what will.
Speaking of AI and SEO…
Remember that whole “code red” for Google thing back when ChatGPT came out?
Turns out, that was a false alarm.

This week, Bank of America analysts dropped a bunch of data. And the findings point to anything but a code red.
First, Google actually increased its market share slightly compared to one year ago. And, in a somewhat humiliating defeat for Sydney/Microsoft, Bing actually lost market share.
Now, of course, market share is market “share,” not “size.” So an increasing market share doesn’t mean much if the market is shrinking.
But here’s the thing. It’s not. And it probably won’t for a long time.
To illustrate why, look at what’s happening with ChatGPT. Over the last few weeks, it has seen a significant drop in users. And while some of this is surely attributable to the summer slowdown, the drop is big enough to suggest the hype bubble for ChatGPT is coming to an end.
Now, if this drop is a sign that things are starting to settle, that should leave ChatGPT with about 50 million regular weekly users. Or, about 1-2% of what Google has.
With it looking like the dust is finally settling on the AI vs Search scuffle, it’s probably safe to say things are going to remain the same as before. Long live SEO.
Doing Things the Meat-Powered Way
This week, SBC Americas put up an article exploring why sportsbooks were running loss-making retail betting shops in arenas.
Turns out, the answer was “because it’s good for brand exposure.”
The logic here should be pretty obvious. People turning up to sports games are highly likely to be interested in betting on sports. And, even if in-arena activity doesn’t cover the cost of running the retail operation, brand exposure to a highly-targeted audience more than makes up for it.
Let’s keep this one short as there’s not much more to report here.
The key point here is that offline marketing can have a huge impact. So maybe there’s something here for affiliates starting out who are struggling with traditional online traffic generation methods.
So here’s one idea an affiliate can take away from this.
- Go get a bunch of business cards printed. On each card, have a QR code pointing to a website.
- Go to a sporting event. College. Major league. Whatever. The only requirements here are that there are lots of people interested in sports crammed into one location.
- Go and hand out your “business cards” and tell people that they might wanna “check this out.”
- Profit.
As for what you put on your website, it could be something as simple as an odds feed. If you want to get really cheeky, make it an odds feed that compares whatever sportsbook is running in that arena against whatever sportsbook you’re promoting (if the odds are better).
Now throw a welcome bonus or two front and center, and tell people, “Don’t place a single bet until you see this.” And, with a little luck, you might actually start making some serious money.
Just don’t forget to sign up with MegaPari first…

Closing Thought
Before when I dropped Bezos’s name, it got me thinking, “You know what, this Jeff guy’s done alright making money online. Wonder what he’s got to teach us.”
Of course, at first glance, there’s maybe not that much for affiliates to take away. After all, his “crowning” achievement, if there is one, was to put customer satisfaction ahead of everything else, including profit.
And while the success this philosophy has delivered is impressive, it’s not that useful when you don’t actually serve your own customers. It’s also not that useful for anyone who’s looking to play the short game rather than the multi-decade game Bezos is playing.
But then I started looking around at what else Bezos had to say. Turns out, he talks a lot about inventing.
Here’s just one of his quotes on the topic.

And here’s another one.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. What’s inventing got to do with affiliate marketing? We’re not trying to revolutionize online retail and usher in the cloud computing age, so why do we need to be inventive?
Well, there’s one really good reason, and it’s something we’ve written about before. That is, your chances of success in affiliate marketing are going to be pretty slim if you just copy what everyone else is doing.
Now, of course, this isn’t to say don’t copy. There’s a reason we don’t reinvent the wheel. The idea here is to think of things like Bezos did — find something that already exists, and make it better.
That’s what he did when he started out with Amazon. Bookstores already existed. Online commerce already existed (even if it was only just getting started). All he did was reinvent some elements of them.
And it’s what he did when he started AWS. Servers already existed. Software running on servers already existed. He just found a way to reinvent that as a “cloud” computing service.
So if you take anything away, it’s that it’s okay to reinvent parts of the wheel. (The key word here is parts — don’t reinvent the whole wheel.)
Clearly, the formula has worked for Bezos.
And it’s one that can work for you too.
And if you’re still wondering how this applies to affiliate marketing, just look at the takeaway from the last news item. That’s called reinventing parts of the wheel.
And don’t forget, if you ever want to monetize that wheel, go sign up with MegaPari.

(Featured image by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS via Pexels)
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