The Weekly Digest: What’s Hot in Affiliate Marketing [Revmasters Affiliates Review]
If you love opportunity, then you’ll love the “double rising tide” opportunity we uncovered this week, where we’ve got two overlapping markets simultaneously exploding. We’ll also cover the fantastic Revmasters (BetUS) affiliate program, which you’ll need if you’re going to make the most of this week’s opportunity. And we’ll finish with a little reminder about the importance of mindset.

Quick Disclosure: We’re about to tell you how BetUS is a great sportsbook to promote. And we really mean it. Just know that if you click on a BetUS affiliate program link (RevMasters), we may earn a small commission. Your choice.
A little while ago, I realized some of my favorite things have names ending in “us”.
Take the Tyrannosaurus (rex), for example. No doubt the undisputed “No Nut November” champion.

And what about the word “Genius” — Without them, we wouldn’t have internets, rockets, and all the other cool stuff

And, of course, let’s not forget the good old “US” in its purest, unadulterated form.

If only there was an affiliate program ending in “US”. Partner Program of the Week – BetUS
Guess what? There is an affiliate program that ends in “US”. And it’s a pretty good one, too. So let’s cut the suspense and get to our affiliate program of the week — BetUS.
Now, technically, the BetUS affiliate program isn’t actually called the BetUS affiliate program. It’s actually called RevMasters. But, with BetUS being the primary brand behind the RevMasters program, we thought it was best to introduce them that way first.

What Is the RevMasters Affiliate Program?
As we said, RevMasters is the affiliate program behind BetUS. And, in case it wasn’t obvious yet, BetUS is a betting brand — both sportsbook and casino.
It’s also a pretty comprehensive sportsbook, too, covering everything from the staples like soccer, basketball, football, and baseball, right through to the less common sports like volleyball.
This last one is important. (Read the news section to find out why)
And, just in case the name didn’t give it away when you join RevMasters, you can also promote BetUS to US bettors.
That point is also important. (Again, read through to the news section to find out why.)

RevMasters Commissions
Now for the fun part — RevMasters commissions.
As with most iGaming and sportsbook programs, RevMasters pays its rev share commissions according to a tiered system. That means, the more bettors you sign up as a RevMasters affiliate (or, the more your referrals spend — RevMasters tiers according to revenue), the more money you earn.
Here’s how those RevMasters rev share commissions look.
Net revenue | Commission |
$0 – $9,999 | 20% |
$10,000 – $14,999 | 25% |
$15,000 – $24,999 | 30% |
$25,000+ | 35% |
For new affiliates, RevMasters is also currently offering a full 50% cut for your first month.
RevMasters also makes CPA deals available for select affiliates — if this is more your thing, then reach out to your affiliate manager.
RevMasters “Good to Know” Details
Alright, now for a few nitty-gritty details.
- Allowed markets: With RevMasters, you can pretty much promote to a global audience. The exceptions to this rule are the Netherlands (Antilles), Costa Rica, Panama, Curacao, Germany, Philippines, the UK, and France — these are the only countries BetUS (the sportsbook/casino brand behind the RevMasters program) can’t accept bettors.
- Promos: RevMasters runs heaps of promo offers to help you convert big time.
- Marketing tools: Again, RevMasters delivers heaps of support here, providing you with highly optimized banners, mailers, and other marketing tools.
- Realtime Reporting: These days, we probably wouldn’t recommend a program here if they didn’t deliver solid reporting. But still, it’s worth mentioning that RevMasters is on point here.
- “Relentless Retention”: These words are straight from RevMasters. What this means is that RevMasters works tirelessly to retain the players you refer — and that means more lifetime commissions for you.

Wanna Learn More About RevMasters?
If any of this sounds like the sort of thing you’d like to be a part of (and if you read the news section, then trust us, you will), there are a few options.
First, if you want to learn more, we’ve covered Revmasters in our full BetUS affiliate program review on TopRanked, and right here in a previous Affiliate Digest edition.
Alternatively, if you want to hear it from the horse’s (Revmasters) mouth, then head here.
Also, that last link is also where you can sign up with RevMasters.
But just in case you missed it, here it is again.

Affiliate News Takeaways
If you know us, then you’d know we like “unusual” opportunities in sports betting, like when we covered the rise in table tennis betting a couple of months ago.
This week, we’ve got the latest “didn’t see that one coming” sports betting opportunity. And it comes to us courtesy of women’s college volleyball.
The story that caught our attention here was this one over at Sportico. This story is about the “Nebraska volleyball juggernaut” that recently packed a record crowd of 92,003 people into Memorial Stadium.
That, for the record, isn’t just a volleyball record. It’s an all-time record for the stadium. The previous record (91,585) was set way back in 2014 by Nebraska’s football team.
What really caught our attention, though, is that this isn’t just a one-off event. The article also points out that, in women’s college sports, the Nebraska volleyball team (Husker volleyball) is now the second-highest-earning team across all sports. The only team that beats it is the UConn Huskies women’s basketball team.
Now, of course, there could be a hundred and one explanations for this. Maybe the Nebraska women’s team just did an exceptionally good job at marketing themselves. Or maybe it’s just a case of Zoomers adopting the Boomer Playboy attitude… “I only read it for the articles…”

In any case, not being one to let a potential opportunity pass by without at least investigating it a little, I went searching for more information.
Here’s what I found out.
Volleyball is… great for poolside reading
Alright, so this one’s not really related to the opportunity. But when I ran into this, I thought I should probably share it in case anyone’s looking for a good poolside read.

You’re welcome.
Now let’s get back to the opportunity.
Women’s volleyball is booming in the US
At the end of last year, Axios did a big roundup of all the latest developments in women’s volleyball (you can find it here).
Their takeaway was simple — “Women’s volleyball is booming”.
Now, this isn’t just a booming in the sense where ‘little girls are putting down the Barbie dolls and picking up the volleyball.’ This is a real, “business is booming” sort of boom.
We’re talking about four professional leagues now in the works (up from zero just a couple of years ago), one of which (Athletes Unlimited) has already signed an agreement with ESPN.
We’re also talking about viewership numbers skyrocketing. For the NCAA volleyball final last year, ESPN recorded 1.2 million viewers for the NCAA final last year. The two seasons prior, those numbers were 696k and 533k, according to Sports Media Watch.
Those numbers pretty much put volleyball on an exponential curve.
And, finally, we’re also talking about participation in the sport doubling in just a few short years. That’s fuelling a massive uptick in the talent coming into the sport, meaning it’s fast turning into a much more exciting game to watch.
And, while we’re at it, don’t forget — we started talking about all this because a volleyball team recently beat the all-time attendance record at the Memorial Stadium, outdoing even the local football team.
NCAA is serious about promoting the sport, as are others
Speaking to Sports Business Journal in the wake of the Nebraska record, NCAA President Charlie Baker said his organization is now looking to capitalize on the growing popularity.
What’s most promising here (if we can take Baker at his word), is that media rights holders and sponsors are “very interested in the volleyball package.”
What makes this even more promising is that there’s already evidence that media outlets are looking to up their coverage. As we already mentioned, one league has already signed with ESPN.

But behind this, there is also a more general movement to up coverage of women’s sports. As Nielsen reported just this July, there are plenty of sports fans out there eager to consume more women’s sports, but hindered by a lack of coverage.
No doubt, volleyball’s meteoric rise will have caught the attention of more than just a handful of sports media execs, meaning big things could be on the horizon.
In the same report, Nielsen also found that fans are rewarding brands that sponsor women’s teams, citing stats such as the “44% of WNBA fans [that] visited the [sponsor’s] website and 28% [who] bought something from the brand.”
The takeaway here is that women’s volleyball is massively on the rise, and it’s showing no signs of slowing down.
In fact, there’s a good chance it’s about to accelerate massively, especially once more sponsors and media outlets get on board, thus kicking the flywheel into motion.
As for what you should do about all this, it’s simple. There are plenty of sportsbooks around that take bets on volleyball. One of them just so happens to be BetUS.

US Sportsbetting Won’t Stop Growing
Speaking of sportsbetting, let’s check in with the state of sports betting in the US, which, much like women’s volleyball, is also on a meteoric rise.
So, to get straight to the point, let’s kick things off with a little Statista action. Here’s the actual and projected (through to 2027) online sports betting revenue for the US market.

To summarize that in a couple of words, the US sports betting market will pretty much double over the next 3-4 years.
Behind the US Sports Betting Boom Part #1 — Legalization
As for what’s shaping this boom, part of that is obviously legalization. To date, 37 states have now legalized sports betting, meaning it’s quicker to provide a list of where sports betting remains illegal than it is to rattle off the legal states.
There are also a bunch of states where sports betting remains illegal, but legislation is being proposed. Those states are Maine, Missouri, North Dakota, and South Carolina. So keep your eyes peeled here.
The other two states worth keeping an eye on are Florida and New Mexico — states that other sources classify the sports betting situation as “it’s complicated.” In fact, the latest update on the Florida case arrived just today, but we won’t go too deep into that one because it really is complicated.

That pretty much leaves us with This basically leaves us with Alabama, Alaska, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Texas, and Utah on the “not legal” list.
Behind the US Sports Betting Boom Part #1 — Consumer Attitudes
It’s easy to forget that, until 2018, sports betting was illegal in the United States. That changed when, in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Supreme Court said the federal ban on sports betting was unconstitutional.
The recent legalization means sports betting still carries a bit of a stigma with it — a stigma that has led to a lot of negative reporting in mainstream media outlets.
However, the tides here seem to be shifting. The stigma around sports betting is slowly easing away, and mainstream media is increasingly on board with the opportunity.
At least, this is how things are shaping up, according to Adam Fiske, CEO of Cipher Sports. He recently sat down with SBC Americas to talk about the ‘symbiotic relationship’ between the media and the sports betting industry.
And, there’s a pretty good chance he’s right here — we’ve already seen high-profile partnerships emerge, like the FanDuel partnership with the Associated Press. Or the partnership between DraftKings and Meadowlark media — a powerhouse in the online creator/podcaster space.
There’s not much to say here about sports betting in the US that hasn’t already been said — something that’s already big is about to get a whole lot bigger.
But here’s where things get even more interesting — if you combine this trend (sports betting in the US), along with our previous story (volleyball’s boom), you’ve basically got two rising tides working in your favor.
And, yes, BetUS accepts bettors from the US (as well as bets on volleyball). Wink wink.

Google Update Update
Yes, that’s two updates in the title.
The first update is the “Google Broad Core Update” that just dropped last week.
The second is because we already reported this last week. This here be an update on that update.
Now, we’re not going to go too much in-depth here — it’s still early days. But, if you feel like doing a bit of a deep dive, there was a nice little “forum chatter” roundup published by SEO Roundtable here.
The “cutting a long story short” version of it is that some people are winners. Others are losers.
Sorry. Scratch that. I forgot the memo about there being no losers these days… only participation trophy holders.

Anyway, back onto the Google update. Here are the first two comments SEO Roundtable covered:
- “Traffic has practically doubled in the past 48 hours. Very interesting.”
- “Mine has halved!”
Elsewhere, we’ve got people talking about getting rubbish traffic, others talking about how they thought their site “went offline”, and others talking about getting “better quality traffic”:
- “Less impressions, like -30%, but the CTR doubled as well the inquiries. So for now it’s good.”
So, we’ve got doubling traffic, halving traffic, rubbish traffic, high-quality traffic, and everything in between.
In other words, we’ve got a good old bit of Google update volatility.
Once again, we don’t have any grand takeaways from this, other than to say it’s still too early to say much about what this algorithm update means.
We’ll be keeping an eye peeled over the coming weeks, and, if there’s anything significant worth reporting, we’ll bring it to you right here.
Meanwhile, we do have one little hint as to what the update has not changed.
Closing Thought
Chances are, you know the name Peter Diamandis. In case you haven’t, the short version goes like this — tech entrepreneur, investor, and thought leader/futurist.
On that last point, he’s best known for promoting the idea of an “abundance mindset.” Here’s a great TED talk that should sum that up for you. (For the career stuff, there’s Wikipedia).
PS: He also has a good YouTube channel/podcast here.
Anyway, if you don’t feel like watching the video, the basic gist goes like this:
- Evolution gifted our brains with the Amygdala.
- The Amygdala means our brains give more weight to things that harm/threaten us.
- This means, that in a world full of negative news, we’re essentially hardwired for pessimism.
- But we’re actually headed into a future of abundance, so this pessimism is misplaced.
Most recently, he’s picked up this thread on his blog in this post.
Here, he expands on the idea by comparing our brains to an AI neural network. In it, he says that, much like training an AI, our brains can be trained with repeated exposure to something.
In other words, if you repeatedly expose your brain to negative news, your brain will learn to see everything with a negative mindset. And, if you repeatedly expose it to positive news, you’ll see things from a positive perspective.
Now enter the abundance mindset — the mindset that sees the world for all the abundance that’s on offer rather than the negativity in the news.
As for where all this abundance is, Peter’s a tech guy. So, obviously, he points out all the things we can enjoy today that even the richest of the rich couldn’t have even dreamed about years ago.
To copy-pate one example, “A child in Zimbabwe can use an AI chatbot or Google to find information they want or even video conference with someone on the other side of the world—for free.”
The Abundance Mindset Is Dangerous
This is all well and good. But here’s the problem.
The abundance mindset is dangerous.
Here’s one example of where this mindset is dangerous.
For decades now, people have been predicting how technology would reduce how much we work. And yet, here we are today, still working just as much as ever.
Still, that’s not stopping anyone from making these same predictions about AI today. Sure, some call it “job destruction,” while others call it “abundance”.
But whether you want to say “potato” or “potatah”, the prediction remains the same — AI will do all the work for us.
But here’s the thing — we live in a competitive world. As soon as AI steps in to take over one thing, everyone will just allocate surplus resources to something else.
To take online marketing as one example of how this plays out, what do you think is happening now that anyone can spit out endless quantities of AI content?
Did we all just pack up, retire to a tropical island, and let the robots do the work?
Instead, we find ourselves stuck in the same place we were before — endlessly competing for a limited number of clicks/views/[insert preferred metric].
Long term, this just means more time/money/[insert preferred resource] will just move away from whatever the AI is doing and into something else — be it link outreach, paid campaigns, development work on new online properties, or whatever.
And that means the lazy “earn $300 a day on autopilot with AI” crowd won’t last for long.
But it’s Not All Bad News
Alright, so don’t get me wrong. Diamandis makes a lot of good points.
He’s bang on about the importance of mindset. If you see everything negatively, you’ll never see the opportunity.
He’s also (probably) on the money about the brain being like a neural network — we do adopt the thinking patterns of whatever we’re repeatedly exposed to.
And, he’s also mostly right about abundance. Life expectancy, technology, world peace… pick your metric, and, chances are, things are better than ever.
And, to a certain extent, I’m misconstruing his words. Ultimately, Diamandis is talking about the abundance mindset being the way to “inspire the best employees to work for you, while visionary brands, partners, and investors will want to work with you.”
So take all of the above on board. It’s all good for you.
But don’t let the abundance mindset distract you from some harsh realities.
There will always be someone willing to allocate more time/money/[insert surplus resource] to something as abundance frees that resource up.
And there will never be a limitless abundance of the things we’re really competing for (traffic/revenue/etc.).
So spot the opportunities for what they are — opportunity — and don’t let negativity or an overabundant mindset get in the way of exploiting it properly.
If you don’t, someone else will shoot right past you, leaving you in their dust as you sit there dreaming of the day the robots will let you finally trade your online marketing gig in for mai tais on the beach.
Oh, and speaking of opportunities — remember that thing about US sports betting, volleyball, and RevMasters / BetUS taking bets on volleyball from US bettors?
That’s called an opportunity — use your well-balanced, competitive mindset and act now.

(Featured image by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS via Pexels)
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This article may include forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words “believe,” “project,” “estimate,” “become,” “plan,” “will,” and similar expressions, including with regards to potential earnings in the Empire Flippers affiliate program. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks as well as uncertainties, including those discussed in the following cautionary statements and elsewhere in this article and on this site. Although the Company may believe that its expectations are based on reasonable assumptions, the actual results that the Company may achieve may differ materially from any forward-looking statements, which reflect the opinions of the management of the Company only as of the date hereof. Additionally, please make sure to read these important disclosures.

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