Revolut has secured a restricted UK banking license after a years-long wait, allowing it to prepare for full-service deployment over the next year. Despite exponential growth...
Mercury Bank will stop supporting fintech startups based in or founded by individuals from 14 African countries and six non-African nations, including Ukraine, due to increased...
Explore how Freedom Holding Corp., a Nasdaq-listed diversified financial services firm from Kazakhstan, achieved a 105% revenue increase to $1.6 billion in FY 2024, and is...
Precious metal investments like gold are often overlooked in exchange for more ‘exciting’ opportunities. As a result, they are frequently undervalued. Now, however, the approach of...
The private banks in Switzerland are fundamentally well positioned to take on a leading role in sustainability in the future thanks to their strong domestic market,...
The fintech ecosystem in Argentina grew over 70% in the past year. It is now the third-largest in Latin America, closing the gap with the main...
Tariffs imposed on Brazil and Argentina spooked the markets but by week’s end suggestions of calm with the U.S./China trade war and a gangbuster nonfarm payrolls...
Migrant workers all across the world send billions of dollars back home to their families every year and Argentina is no different. Remittances in the country...
SEBA is a licensed Swiss bank that provides a secure and easy-to-use bridge between digital and traditional assets. The bank has announced that it is extending...
Open banking enables third parties to develop new services through the use of APIs. Banks and fintech companies can work to their strengths, enhancing the customer...