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Lombardi Letter

With Lombardi Letter, you are receiving the news, reports, and investment commentaries of economic events from seasoned financial analysts and economists. We analyze the actions of the stock market, precious metals, interest rates, real estate, and other investments so we can tell you what we believe today’s financial news will mean for you tomorrow! Combined, we have over 100 years’ experience in analyzing various investment markets. Our analysts include MBAs, BAs, B.Comms, P.Engs, MAs, LLBs… and most importantly, years of experience investing and managing our own money successfully! Started by its founder Michael Lombardi, MBA, Lombardi Letter is a financial news and opinion site. It is published by Lombardi Publishing Corporation, founded in 1986. The purpose of the site is to post timely financial news that may impact investors while our opinion articles are aimed at helping investors make more money from their investments.