6 creative ways to generate more conversions for your e-commerce business
Striking the right chord with your customers is very crucial in order to thrive with your online business.

What fascinates you the most about having an online business? Probably, the fact that you will get the much-needed flexibility and quality time to spend with your family or that you will not have customers breathing over your neck asking for different items. Well, it’s time to acquaint you with the harsh truth – having an online store is all about your customers, not yourself. Once you are through with your e-commerce website development process, you can’t sit back and relax. You need to nurture your business and acquire more customers with each passing day.
“Growth Hack” is the new term used for bringing in more customers and converting them into permanent clients. It is a creative marketing technique for you to be able to generate more customers. Through this article, we aim to bring to you different methods of getting more conversions for your e-commerce business. Check out some of the techniques given below:
Conduct website speed check
Slow and steady wins the race no more! No matter how big your brand is, waiting for the pages to load is the last thing that any customer would want to do. One experience of cart abandonment and people will never come back to your website. To avoid this from happening, make sure you test the speed of your website at regular intervals by using tools like GTMetrix and Google page Speed Insights. Some websites do it for free and some charge a reasonable amount. But it is all worth it if you want to enhance the speed of your e-commerce website.
Display social proof
Testimonials, reviews and ratings are the biggest ways to convince your customers that your brand is reliable and trustworthy. Flashing the testimonials on your website along with the number of social media followers on Twitter and Facebook is a sure shot way to boost conversions. This is because people take decisions about buying from you by reading the past experiences of people with your company. Put the social proof in the form of text, image or video format on the sidebars. If you have more than 100,000 Twitter followers, people would love to get associated with you. You may call it bragging, but even highlighting the accolades you have won and putting the logos of publications you have featured in helps a lot.
Triumph with discounts and offers
When it comes to discounts, e-commerce giants like Groupon have set some excellent examples. The company provided better and bigger discounts with each referral that came in from the client. And customers seemed to love this game. In no time, it shot to fame. You do not have to spend a lot of money when you provide discounts to your customers. In fact, you can attract more customers through the current ones.
Hold promotional campaigns and give out free items to promote your business. By doing so, you can get people to subscribe to your emails making it easier for you to approach them. Once you have formed a loyal customer base, you can also offer free shipping facility on certain products.
Have a perfect landing page
Gone are the days of raving about all your products and services at once. You must curtail your tendencies of flashing too much content and product categories on the homepage. If people are looking for a particular product from your brand, they can Google and directly visit the page pertaining to the product. So your purpose should be to highlight a couple of messages centralized around your brand. Have a sliding banner that talks about the upcoming events or gives the right amount of information is good enough to spark the interest of customers.
Create customized navigations
There are new visitors and there are regular ones. Navigating around your website should prove to be a unique experience for each one of them. A website should be smart enough to interact with both kinds of customers in the right way. For example, a new visitor can be given different prompts and tips that lead him/her to buying. With old visitors, the approach can be different. You can introduce products, discounts and offers that they can relate to. Several websites have incorporated such features and it has helped them to improve their sales.
Simplify customer’s purchase journey
Every click that a customer has to make on your website makes more unlikely that he/she will end up buying a product. So you should do everything possible in your store to ensure fast checkout with minimal steps. If you are using popular e-commerce platforms like Magento or WooCommerce you can purchase suitable Magento extensions or WooCommerce plugins to extend functionalities of your store and make it more conversion friendly, for example, a one-page checkout, multiple shipping options, disclosing shipping charges beforehand, offering pre-scheduled deliveries, etc.
Striking the right chord with your customers is very crucial in order to thrive with your online business. But it’s up to you how you prefer to do it. Try the above-mentioned ways of generating conversions and feel free to share your experiences with us.
DISCLAIMER: This article expresses my own ideas and opinions. Any information I have shared are from sources that I believe to be reliable and accurate. I did not receive any financial compensation in writing this post, nor do I own any shares in any company I’ve mentioned. I encourage any reader to do their own diligent research first before making any investment decisions.

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