Revolut Ultra, or "Revolut for the rich" has taken off and, as it turns out, the high price has not deterred customers, on the contrary. There...
The Elephants platform allows users to buy and own fractions of iconic luxury watches in co-ownership, using a data-driven approach to select the luxury watch. Users...
For individuals, Satispay simplifies daily life by grouping all their financial transactions in one place, avoiding the need to juggle between different applications and platforms. Recently,...
Fintech companies have begun a new revolutionary period, where instead of delivering seamless day-to-day financial services solutions to emerging markets, and previously unbanked consumers, they now...
All communication between the ViennaPay backend and participating devices takes place on an encrypted basis. No transaction data is stored on the devices or exchanged directly...
Despite the popularity of trading financial markets having worn off since Covid, retail trading volumes are still hitting record highs. So who are these mysterious "retail...
In most cases, debt collection for SMEs is done through law firms with fees that often do not justify the recovery of smaller amounts. In addition,...
The integration of DLTs into corporate law starting with the representation of financial products and instruments in digital form is a key piece in stimulating the...
Regarding financial inclusion in Colombia, Liza Villabona, vice president of digital transformation at Crezcamos, believes that informal credit continues to be a major problem that undermines...
A well-defined regulatory context will provide investors with greater legal guarantees and will probably contribute to incentivizing investment in the fintech sector. It is therefore imperative...