The Weekly Digest: What’s Hot in Affiliate Marketing [Week 51]
With the new year approaching, we thought it was time we taught you how to turn 2024 into a year where you make a 3778% improvement by combining a couple of hacks from some very smart people (including Einstein). We’ll also take a look at how you can turn other peoples’ NY resolutions into some affiliate cash, along with a potential virgin niche that’s just waiting for you to exploit in 2024.

Quick Disclosure: We’re about to tell you the Health Trader afiliate program is pretty great. And we really mean it. Just know that if you click on a Health Trader affiliate program link, we may earn a small commission. Your choice.
It’s almost New Year’s.
And we all know what that means for most people.

Of course, you could just be more like Good Guy Greg.

In fact, you should be more like Good Guy Greg (more on that in the closing thought… but warning, 3000%+ self-improvement strategy ahead).
But, for most people, New Year’s is a time to set one “big” goal.
And usually, that involves some variation of health/diet/exercise habits.

So let’s use this to make some money. Partner Program of the Week
When it comes to making money off of people’s New Year’s resolutions, can you think of a better way to do that than with a health-related program?
Thought you’d agree.
So let me introduce you to the only health-related program you’ll need to make bank this coming 2024 — Health Trader.

Here’s What Health Trader Is All About
As the name probably gave away, Health Trader is all about buying and selling health-related products.
Here’s a very small sample of what Health Trader has on offer.

Basically, Health Trader has got something for everyone, from the weight-loss diehard (Slendarol, paying out 40% commission) to the gym rat looking to maximize his gains (Max Gain, paying out 30% commission).
There are even some more generic products, like Probiotic Support (again, 40% commissions).
Or, if you want to get into the real medicines category, Health Trader also has a bunch of online clinics/pharmacies you can promote, which all seem to pay out at about 13%.

In Case You Weren’t Paying Attention, Here’s What Health Trader Commissions Look Like
If you followed along with the above, you probably already know what the comissions are at Health Trader.
But, just in case you missed it, here’s what you’re looking at earning:
- High Commission products (25 in total): The highest commission products on Health Trader pay out between 40-50% commissions on each sale.
- Medium Commission Products (2 in total): Health Trader also has a couple of medium commission products paying out between 20-30%.
- Low Commission Products (4 in total): At the low end are the Health Trader programs paying out 13%. And while that seems low, these are the online clinic/pharmacy programs — comparable programs usually pay out closer to 2% (e.g., Walgreens).

This Ain’t Our First Health Trader Rodeo… But Maybe it Should Be Yours
Clued-in readers will probably notice we previously reviewed the Health Trader affiliate network earlier this year.
As for why we’re bringing it back — that’s simple. NYE is coming, and so are the resolutions. And Health Trader helps you monetize.
So if you want to know more, head over to our Health Trader Affiliate Network review from June.
Alternatively, you can catch a more complete Health Trader Affiliates Review over on
Or, if you just wanna get started with Health Trader (as you should… NYE isn’t far off), then simply click the banner below to get a super-simple signup process rolling.

Affiliate News Takeaways
Because everyone else is doing it, here are some predictions for 2024.
We’ll kick off with the big one (AI) and finish off on a weird niche that might just catch on.
Let’s take a look.
If You Want AI Superpowers in 2024, Don’t Hold Your Breath for AGI
In 2023, it’s been fun to stand around gossiping like schoolgirls and invent make-believe stories about “what did Ilya see?”

But let’s face the facts for a moment.
The probability that this is just hype is way higher than the chances of there being anything actually indicative of impending AGI/ASI/whatever.
To illustrate, just look at the track record of AI. Between OpenAI’s initially overblown “saftey concerns” about GPT2, to some Google engineer’s “dude, that AI’s sentient” leak, hyperventilating magical thinking is rife in this space.
Or, maybe a better way to illustrate where things are headed is to just show where the big advances in LLMs have come from.
- $50k: The estimated cost to train GPT-2.
- $4.6M: The estimated cost to train GPT-3.
- “Over $100M”: The estimated cost to train GPT-4, according to Altman.
Now, I get that there’s a lot of money sloshing around in the AI space right now. So there’s still a little room left to “just scale it, bro.” And, with $10 billion worth of $MSFT bucks to play with, I’m sure there are a few minds at OpenAI who are at least a little curious to find out what a multi-billion dollar model will look like.
But we can also clearly see a sort of power law playing out here (where the x-axis is $ and the y-axis is improvements). And, sadly, with “just” $68.7 billion worth of VC money to play around with in 2023 (split across all AI companies that raised), it’s pretty clear that log-scale thinking is about to hit some limits… unless we start hearing about multi-trillion dollar funding rounds in 2024.
But that doesn’t mean we’re not going to see some big advancements in the next year.
If 2023 Was the Year of the Proompt Enjinr, 2024 Will Be the Year of the Tool Builder
2023 was the year of “Dude, tell it has no hands for longer output”… “Think of it like the “expert in a room”… “Make it play a role”… etc.
Or, more concretely, 2023 was the year of the “prompt engineer”.

Now, admittedly, this has been a lot of fun. But I also think we’re hitting a limit on how far we can progress here.
Especially if the holy grail of prompt engineering — prompt chaining — is going to live up to its potential.
And that’s why I think 2024 is not going to be about prompting. Instead, 2024 will be all about AI tooling instead.

This, in reality, is probably where we’re going to have our minds blown — not by some quantum leap in AI itself, but by some company that duck-tapes a bunch of stuff together to make something so massively automated that, for a moment, we’ll almost feel like we’re living in the AGI age.
Of course, behind the scenes, what will really be going on is a bunch of databases, APIs, and other stuff the AI is fetching data from/talking to/coordinating between.
And all this fetching/coordinating/talking is going to take some serious tooling.
2024 will be the year we see way more people doing that.
You probably should be too.
Vector databases, Zapier, whatever… it’s time to think bigger than simply hammering away at a chatbox like a well-trained trained monkey bashing at a keyboard. Instead, it’s time to scale this stuff to the moon.
Either that or start looking towards companies that are already building the tools to scale AI in a big way. A great example here is Content At Scale (follow the link to read our review).
Or build you own tools.
If you need ideas, how about hooking up to the Threads API when it’s available, monitoring for health-related conversations, and then having your AI post high-context replies suggesting a related product?
That would probably net you some hands-off sales if you remember to join Health Trader first.

That One Weird Trend That Could Take Off in 2024 — #NewYearNewMe
If you read the above headline and thought you already know what this trend is about, then too bad, you just missed out.
It is not about #NewYearNewMe (although, this will help).
For those of you who stuck around, however, I’m going to talk about an untouched, near-virgin niche where there are countless dollars to be made.
Meet Bryan — He’s Spending Millions to Be 18 Again
To kick this off, meet Bryan Johnson (founder of Braintree).

On the left, you have him a few years ago.
And, on the right, you have him today.
And he swears he hasn’t done cosmetic surgery.
Instead, this is what he’s been doing instead.
But Anti-Aging Ain’t Nothing New… What’s This a Hot Trend for 2024?
Now, admittedly, anti-aging is nothing new. People have been creating anti-aging pills and potions, or dreaming about finding the fountain of youth for thousands of years.

So if anti-aging is nothing new, then why’s Bryan potentially about to set off a mega-$$$ affiliate niche?
If you’ve been around any niche for long enough, you’ve probably realized most people involved in it usually have some sort of sub-niche.
Take dieting, for example. You’ve got Keto, Paleo, Atkins… and this weirdo (@durianrider) who eats 70 bananas a day…

You get the point.
When you wanna promote diets, you don’t just promote dieting per se. You hone in on a niche and hammer away.
Unfortunately, anti-aging has so far been relatively one-dimensional. Sure, there are anti-aging creams, anti-aging cosmetic surgery, etc. etc.
But, until now, we haven’t seen nearly as much in the way of “protocols” as we have with dieting.
I think 2024 might be the year that all changes.
What Makes Bryan So Special?
To understand why I think Bryan might be the one to set off a much bigger interest in specific anti-aging niches, we first need to acknowledge that he’s not the first to try and establish a “blueprint”/”protocol”.
Take Tony Robbins, for example.
Working together with Peter Diamandis and Robert Hariri, he put out “Life Force: How New Breakthroughs in Precision Medicine Can Transform the Quality of Your Life & Those You Love”.
However, these sorts of efforts, as well-intentioned as they are, probably aren’t what’s going to bring anti-aging into the mainstream.
For starters, Robbins is involved. And, whether you love him or hate him, you have to admit he’s an “acquired” taste, for want of a better word. Either you’re a Robbins believer, and you lap up every word he says. Or, you mostly go about your life ignoring him.

That makes Robbins a great figure for selling to his audience. But probably not so great at breaking stuff into the broader public.
And then we’ve got the fact the Life Force book is almost 700 pages long.
And the fact that, ultimately, the entire thing feels like it is trying to push you towards buying Life Force branded supplements and diagnostic tests.
Now, again, I don’t question the success here. I’m sure the entire franchise is doing quite well among Robbins’s fans.
What I am questioning, though, is whether such a setup can really push something into the mainstream.
As for how Bryan is different, here’s a few observations:
- Aside from his own line of EVOO (olive oil), he doesn’t really seem to be trying to sell anything.
- Unlike Robbins, he’s not a love him or hate him character — most people barely even know he exists yet.
- Unlike Robbins, he’s not just dumping a giant “here’s the literature to date, read it” book on the world. Instead, he’s doing experiments and going on a journey, and then making great content around it.
- The broader media seems to be getting quite interested in his “Protocol” (even if the angle is just a “look how weird billionaires are”), giving him some pretty big exposure.
- So far, Bryan’s content basically boils down to shortish videos and common sense advice like “eat your veggies, get some sleep, and work out”. For the average Joe, that’s a hell of a lot more approachable than words like “precision medicine” and “700-page book”.
What’s more, Bryan seems like he’s able to sustain the buzz around his project. Earlier this year, he spiked.

Since then, search interest has been sustained, his YouTube channel has continued to grow, and more media outlets (and YouTubers) are covering what he’s up to. There’s even the odd celebrity appearance, like Steve Aoki.
If the emergence of Bryan is indicative of one thing, it’s that anti-aging is starting to get a new niche.
Instead of the traditional ‘beauty product’ approach of anti-aging pills and lotions, this new generation of “epigenetics” hackers is approaching things from a sciencey angle. What’s more, that angle is also very marketable. (Take the Rejuvenation Olympics leaderboard, for example — who doesn’t want to watch a bunch of billionaires battle it out to see who can age the least?)
And, aside from looking like a borderline alien, Bryan is very approachable.
It’s also a niche you can worm into pretty easily.
As I said, Bryan’s not really pushing any products himself. He’s just publishing his results, and telling people how he did it.
And that means you can capture a bunch of traffic from him and sell all the supplements and gadgets that he recommends.
Just make sure you’ve signed up to Health Trader first.

Closing Thought
A few weeks ago (in our Showcase IDX Affiliates edition), we brought you this meme.

I was reminded of it when talking about how 2024 is going to be the year of AI tooling (see news section).
As for why, that’s easy.
The broader idea behind that meme is, of course, that once things move to a massive scale (such as the human population), our little brains don’t intuitively understand the true impact of seemingly tiny things.
That’s not to say that we can’t — the maths is generally really easy. It’s just that, intuitively, we don’t immediately get it.
To illustrate (and this is why I think 2024 is the year of AI tooling), think of a simple task you do when prompting ChatGPT.
Maybe it’s copying in some data and writing out your prompts to get it to write an article.
And maybe it takes you a total of 1 minute to do that all up.
Go you, you just beat a human-written article by a factor of several hundred. Feels good right?
Now it’s time to scale.
The only problem is, did you ever think about what that 1 minute turns into at scale?
How about this:
- 1 minute x 60 = 1 hour
- 1 minute x 480 = 8 hours
- 1 minute x 2500 = 40+ hours
Suddenly, that doesn’t look half as scaleable as it should be, does it?
Now, in all honesty, this isn’t the most earth-shattering insight ever. Most people could figure it out by themselves.
But, having it also made me think that we don’t do anywhere near as much “numbery stuff” in the closing thought as we should.
And thus, to close out the year, I’d like to take the opportunity to do one final numbery thing for the year.
To start with, here are a couple of principles.
- The eighth wonder of the world: This is what Einstein called compound interest. It’s also how Warren Buffett got mega f***ing rich.
- The 1% improvement principle: Self-improvement is hard. That’s why millions of New Year’s resolution makers will fail. Don’t fall into this trap. Instead, do what James Clear suggests in Atomic Habits — improve by 1% a day.
Now, again, like our last calculation, this one is kinda simple.
But it’s also not one everyone’s going to think to do.
So let’s do it now…. crunching numbers…

A 1% improvement for 365 days straight will net you a total 3778% improvement for the year.
And yes, that’s three thousand, seven hundred and seventy-eight percent.
Now go see if you can grow your affiliate business the same way.
Might I suggest starting with Health Trader?

(Featured image by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS via Pexels)
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