The International Cannabis Forum hosted by Germany was an opportunity to discuss different approaches to legalizing cannabis. Canada and Malta, which have already legalized cannabis, shared...
The Peruvian fintech company Rextie has 13,000 companies and nearly 170,000 registered people for whom it has carried out 1.6 million successful operations, generating savings of...
In the Brazilian regenerative agriculture program, there are no plans to pay bonuses to participating producers. However, ADM believes that, as consumers are increasingly aware of...
Founded in 2015, Vive Biotech is controlled by its founders, although since 2020 Inverready (13.4%), the Kutxa Foundation (12.3%), and the Cdti (10.7%) also participate in the...
Juan Esteban Saldarriaga, the founder of Juancho Te Presta, underscores the transformative impact of fintech companies on the financial sector. He emphasizes their ability to challenge...
The estimates of the emissions into the atmosphere account are made from the National Inventories of Emissions into the Atmosphere, prepared by the Ministry for the...
The legalization of cannabis in South Africa is a significant step toward liberalizing drug policy, respecting civil rights and economic development, although many challenges and questions...
In March 2023 Yeldo launched Yeldo Crowd, an Italian real estate crowdfunding platform now authorized to operate in the equity and debt crowdfunding markets under the...
Binance is under pressure in the US because various lawsuits from authorities are pending. Binance majority owner CZ will probably have to decide for himself whether...
In November, Moderna already confirmed its bad omens, recording losses of $3.6 billion in the third quarter of 2023, compared to the million dollars in revenue...