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Starting a company? Listen to these podcasts

Listening to podcasts is becoming popular to those wanting to build a startups.




In 2014, statistics gathered by Mashable and the Harvard Business School revealed that the success rate of startups is surprisingly low. While this could scare away potential founders, the low success rate of startups did not stop companies from being born. A hunger for success is always present among the business-minded, and company heads are coming up with more unique ideas on how to run an enterprise to avoid becoming one of the 25 percent of start-ups that fail on the first year. So, how do they do it? By learning, nonetheless.


Startup entrepreneurs working on their businesses. (Source)

The learning never stops for business-minded individuals. There can be a handful of sources when it comes to inspiration: books, courses, or lessons. However, some still opt for the most convenient form of expert-level advice that one can get, and that is through listening to start-up-themed podcasts.

Though not assuring instant successes, these podcasts serve as reliable sources of information and guidelines for those who are inching their way into the bushes of start-up success.

Star Business Podcast

If there’s one trait that successful start-up founders have in common, it is safe to say that it’s their ambition. With the right knowledge and drive, ambition can turn into success, and this is exactly what founders of start-up and early stage businesses talk about in Star Business Podcast. Streamed via Audioboom (LSE: BOOM), this podcast gives founders of exciting new companies a chance to be heard by investors, future employees, and partners. Ideas are exchanged by the show’s interviewees about how to dominate fast-growth markets, making it a go-to hub for like-minded individuals in the industry.

AudioBoom CEO on how he plans to make business cash generative


Perhaps one of the most interesting business-centric podcasts is Mixergy. Aside from featured interviews, the show offers actual courses on running businesses. What makes the courses extra special is the fact that the hosts are founders from companies such as Groupon or Wikipedia. The mission of the podcast says it all, to introduce budding entrepreneurs “to doers and thinkers whose ideas and stories are so powerful that just hearing them will change you.” The paid “Premium Content” plan gives listeners access to hundreds of interviews featuring well-known entrepreneurs, as well as business courses fit for the modern day start-up founder.


StartUp follows the quest of Alex Blumberg and Matt Leiber in their journey to found Gimlet Media. As those who are into podcasts know, Gimlet Media is now one of the most popular podcast networks there is. Alex Blumberg opens his doors to those who are willing to look at his experience as a learning tool. The format is narrative and journalistic, and teaches a thing or two about timing and how to take advantage of it, since Gimlet Media was founded right at the wake of Serial’s success.

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French-American social entrepreneur Dom Einhorn is the founder and CEO of TopRanked and CXSports. TopRanked is an authoritative directory of top-rated affiliate programs. CXSports is an odds content hub.