So are we in a depression or not? While you certainly won't hear anyone official saying so any time soon (heck, we're not even "technically" in...
Seeing the week close with eighteen of these indexes in scoring position, or within 5% of their last BEV Zero, it’s best assuming the market has...
Another historic week in the U.S. but markets and the economy continue to rattle on. We are seeing some divergences in the indicators suggesting that volatility...
Rice was lower last week in response to the USDA reports and the weak tone in the domestic cash market. Export demand was weaker again last...
Far off the public’s radar screen Mr Bear is attacking tooth and claw a financial bubble created by the FOMC’s “monetary policy.” Possibly in the OTC...
Is “irrational exuberance” back? Records keep getting broken. Maybe this time it is different. But Friday steadied the market with a downdraft as some economic numbers...
The market has been short in Corn as farmers have been holding. That means that there is very little Corn available to the domestic and international...
Since November, the Dow Jones is once again seeing one new all-time high after another. As of the close of last week, the Dow Jones has...
As the world turns into a potentially pivotal week, a lot is happening: central bank meetings, potential end of negative interest rates, impeachments, and more. The...
The New Year has started off with a bang with some volatile moves this past week for oil and gold in particular and new all-time highs...