KFSHRC has improved diagnoses, patient care, and treatment outcomes through AI-driven predictive models, identifying high-risk patients early. AI advancements in radiology increased diagnostic accuracy by 25%,...
Thanks to a new generation of experts, and the backing of investors like Tej Kohli, the bionic age of affordable prosthetics has now arrived.
The development of artificial intelligence has asserted the roles of robots in daily life, with many of them able to accomplish what human hands can do.
The European Parliament encourages the use of robotics as a growth engine but calls for rules on ethics, legal issues and employment.
Could artificial intelligence someday eliminate the need for our efforts or professional services? This article takes a closer look at the dilemma.
Will robots take over from humans in every aspect of life?
In order to ensure a lasting career for yourself, don’t just watch and comment on the news. Think about how what you are seeing and hearing...