The president of UNEF pointed out that solar energy is the cheapest source of energy available on the market. Extremadura has all the elements to offer...
Pfizer closed the first quarter of 2022 with a profit of $7.86 billion, up from $4.88 billion collected between January and March 2021. The pharma developer...
The growth dynamic has weakened since the beginning of the crisis, indicating the impact of the economic situation on the least well-off households. From an annual...
FCOJ was higher last week and tested the recent highs on the weekly charts. Inflation and central bank actions to counter inflation have many concerns about how...
This week will be important for the Bitcoin price from a monetary policy perspective. The US will release the latest consumer inflation data on Wednesday. Analysts...
It was a week of fresh 52-week lows for some stock market indices, and some currencies. Conversely it was also a week of fresh 52-week highs...
In the past two weeks, Mr Bear was a bad bear, with his five Dow Jones 2% days, and one NYSE 70% A-D day. They had...
The diversity in the cannabis market and the way various companies are trying to make the market inclusive was addressed by Paiva,from Money Transfer Expert at...
The strategic considerations at Pliant are not a direct reaction to the problems other fintech companies are having with Bafin. However, the seemingly unusual idea of...
In total, the budgetary envelope dedicated to the realization of these projects has been set at $4 million (40 MDH). They will be financed by the...