Trends are mixed on the daily charts for the Winter Wheat markets. Corn was lower on Friday but higher for the week in response to the...
Frontwave will open a financing round to develop its product. Once the product is certified by clinical trials, the company expects to have a turnover of...
London has been the leader to the downside on ample supplies of White Sugar available to the market and forecasts for improved growing conditions in Brazil....
July typically is the best month of the third quarter and it is not unusual to see significant highs occur in July and August. The markets...
China has long been considered a good location for Bitcoin miners, as mining can be done cost-effectively due to low electricity prices. Now, Bitcoin mining centers...
Cotton futures were higher on Friday in recovery trading, but lower for the week. Trends are mixed on the daily and weekly charts, but the weekly...
We note the huge rise in money supply although not in our opening piece that looks at the Fed its pronouncements along with debt, debt/GDP and...
Geographically, between 2018 and Q1 2021, the largest funding to DeFi came from North America and Apac (80% of the total) and only 20% from Europe....
Rice prices were lower for the week in good volume trading on demand concerns. It looked like speculators were the best sellers. WASDE decreased ending stocks...
The CPI report is the subject of our Chart of the Week. Pundits are screaming Weimer Republic hyperinflation. But the bond market rallied doing the opposite...