Wages are rising in China, and new environmental regulations cost entrepreneurs a lot of money. The country is transforming itself from a cheap production and export...
Tesla is a pioneer in the e-car industry, however, there are other carmakers who are following their lead. The new E-SUV Mach-E from Ford, which only...
In Brazil, health is a fundamental right granted by the Brazilian Universal Health System (SUS) protected by the Constitution of 1988. Sao Paulo’s government spent about...
The procurement process in the B2B sector is fraught with problems. Complex procedures and slow fulfillment drive up costs and cause bottlenecks. Amazon is taking steps...
Is the market really going to continue to grow to unprecedented heights? Or is the house of cards about to collapse? Arguments are there for both....
To stay up to date organizations need to overhaul their legacy storage solutions. Although they may not need to move all their systems to a new...
A recent study by the Economist Intelligence Unit has looked into China’s exposure to global investors and found that it is on the increase. The study...
Corn was lower and Oats closed a little higher last week. Soybeans and soybean oil were lower too. The market was also affected by news headlines...
The suspense continues. US stock markets continue their record run but many market watchers fear we may be entering a bubble that’s about to burst. In...
The big Africa conference will take place on Tuesday November 19, in Berlin. Chancellor Angela Merkel will welcome the presidents and heads of government from the...