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Macbook celebrates 10th year anniversary

As the MacBook celebrates its 10th anniversary, users around the world remember how Steve Jobs “changed laptops forever”.



The MacBook turned 10 years old recently and people have been reminiscing how the late Apple CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs whipped it out of an envelope on stage at MacWorld.

Since then, as Mashable pointed out, the launching of what’s considered as Apple’s best product even “changed laptops forever.”

A shadow of its old self

But 10 years after Mr. Jobs introduced it, the MacBook’s first model—MacBook Air—is a mere “shadow of its former self,” according to Mashable.

The site recalled that the MacBook Air wasn’t a huge hit among consumers at first.

While it was the “thinnest and lightest laptop the world had ever seen,” it was an underpowered laptop so consumers would be better off buying the bulky MacBook or MacBook Pro.

Macbook has had several upgrades in the past, with the most recent in 2010. But since then, no developments have been made, according to users.

MacBook Air has had several upgrades in the past, with the most recent in 2010. But since then, no developments have been made, according to users. (Source)

Minus points of the original MacBook Air

The first MacBook Air model had an underpowered Intel processor, slow 4,200 RPM hard drive, poor battery life. It also only had one USB port, Micro DVI port, and headphone jack.

Apple then came up with a redesigned MacBook Air in 2010. The upgraded machine had faster processors and storage by switching to solid drives. It had two 2.0 USB ports that were replaced by 3.0 ports, SD card slot, longer battery life, among other improvements.

Since then, the MacBook Air has not had an upgrade.

Meanwhile, the MacBook Pro is also still the same. Reports said that while Apple “is listening” to suggestions to upgrade the machine, the company won’t release any major upgrade this year.

DISCLAIMER: This article expresses my own ideas and opinions. Any information I have shared are from sources that I believe to be reliable and accurate. I did not receive any financial compensation in writing this post, nor do I own any shares in any company I’ve mentioned. I encourage any reader to do their own diligent research first before making any investment decisions.

Jimmy Rodela is a Freelance Writer and a Content Marketer. He is the Founder of the Guild of Bloggers. He is a contributor to websites with millions of monthly traffic like,,, Business2Community and