Hundreds of school officials are making budget decisions for 2022 and discussing potential uses of ESSER grants. Many school districts will use the funding to launch...
The cost of gasoline and diesel fuels in Spain has increased as much as 24% last year. Repsol gas stations in the Community of Madrid set...
UNL will start the quality control of cannabis based products in Santa Fe. Currently, the service deals with the quality control of extracts, tinctures, resins, oils,...
The fintech ecosystem has seen a huge growth around the world. The boom in fintech financing has been led mainly by entities in North America, Asia...
ESG investments have increased in recent years. The environmental category has grown the most in the last two years by 57%, followed by the social category,...
The health portal based on payment for use of medical services SaludOnNet billed $6.6 million (€5.4 million) in 2020 as a result of a stabilization policy....
One measure included in the development model is the progressive substitution of the Agency for the State in the capital of the public companies of its...
Crowdium, positioned as the largest real estate crowdfunding platform in Latin America, with a community of more than 100,000 registered investors, has currently funded more than...
The announced DevNet for IOTA 2.0 is associated with a change in strategy. Previously, the Pollen testnet was to be followed by two others, Nectar and...
Rice prices were a little higher in slow trading on Friday and a little higher for the week, Old crop to new crop spreads were firm...