It has been a dramatic and historic month in the stock market. One has to go back a long way to find the drops experienced this...
While the outlook for 2019 doesn’t look particularly good, the first few days of January 2019 will act as a barometer for the year ahead.
The Bitcoin bubble has exploded, with the cryptocurrency falling below $4,000. On the other hand, the energy sector thinks that oil has bottomed.
Given silver's undervalued prices today, the gains would be remarkable should the silver to gold ratio low from four decades ago be matched in the coming...
Aside from silver and gold, Nevada’s geological composition includes huge deposits of various base metals.
Gold is very rare, produced largely in China, and is edible.
Gold forms a strong base at $1,050 while Bitcoin shot down to $5,500.
After being a gross underperformer for the past seven years as the stock markets roared to new heights, gold and gold stocks might be on the...
Gold and silver prices are continuing to go down in favor of a stronger U.S. dollar, so what happens now?
There’s a market turnaround based on rising trade volume while gold’s step sum continues its advance.