, developed by Italia Capitalis Srl, has received Consob approval to operate as a bond crowdfunding platform, supporting Italian SMEs. It aligns with the 2023 EU...
The platform that has finalized and raised the most capital is still Mamacrowd (€130.65 million effective as of June 30th, 2023, €45.87 million in the last...
According to what Wired reports in an article by Luca Francescangeli, France and Spain are ahead of Italy in the transposition of the regulation, and this...
In 2022 Italy will still lead the EU ranking of alternative finance, with a collection that, according to Ener2Crowd analysts, could add up to $4.64 billion...
In the first six months of 2021, capital raising on Italian equity crowdfunding platforms more than doubled, exceeding $102.3 million (€87 million), compared to about $47...
Doorway selects innovative startups and SMEs on the market, evaluating their impact in terms of sustainability through the use of ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) parameters....
Concrete Investing has monetized the investment in via Arena in Bergamo, has closed the campaign for a property in Milan with $1.42 million (€1.2 million) of...
Aster's crowdfunding reward campaign on Produzioni dal Basso, winner of laFeltrinelli's call for proposals, exceeded the economic target of $10,000 (€9,000), with hundreds of pre-orders. After...
The fintech company Soisy has recently launched its third crowdfunding campaign on 200Crowd. The campaign has a minimum collection target of $583,000 (€495,000) and a maximum...