Gold and money are closely linked, and we attempt to show that in our opening essay as we examine the explosion in money supply, debt, and...
Following overwhelming selling in the Dow Jones in the two previous weeks, this week the bulls just began buying on this market weakness. That plus bond...
The overall US government debt is now at $26.8 trillion.
The FOMC reduced its balance sheet by $37.91 billion this month, and its quantitative tightening could trigger deflationary forces in the stock market.
The Fed is not just raising interest rates, it is also helping banks create a bull equity and bonds markets.
GDP rose by 4.1 percent, slightly exceeding expectations while Bitcoin bounced back triumphantly at $8,400.
With the ongoing rift between US and China, the mining sector continues to be volatile with gold stocks fluctuating in the stock market.
The US stock market seems to be steady right now, but the possibility of a trade war with China and the Facebook controversy are driving its...
The U.S. is imposing tariffs on about $60 billion Chinese imports, which prompted China to retaliate with its own tariffs on US products.
A financial burden worth a staggering $60,000 is already waiting for every American infant born, due to the US debt ballooning to $20 trillion.