Cotton futures were a little lower last week as a tropical system formed in the Gulf of Mexico and missed Cotton production in the Southeast and...
Rice closed a little lower last week after trading both sides unchanged. Spreads between September and November were the most active trade. Harvesting continues in Louisiana and...
You know what they say about living in interesting times. Well, there is no doubt that the futures markets are full of interesting tidbits that reflect...
New York and London closed higher last week on the adverse weather for Brazil Arabica Coffee areas. Prices have stayed firm as the current Brazil harvest...
FCOJ closed higher again last week as Florida weather remains non-threatening and the cold weather has passed in Brazil. Reports of freezing temperatures in Sao Paulo...
Soybeans and the products were lower on Friday. Soybeans closed the week a little higher while the products were narrowly mixed. US weather is still a...
Cotton futures were lower last week on demand concerns as ideas of strong demand continue. The weekly export sales report was called positive for prices. Analysts...
Rice closed a little higher again Friday in limited volume trading on what appeared to be speculative buying. Futures were higher for the week. Growing conditions...
New York closed lower last week after reports of cold weather in Brazil that did little damage to Coffee. Temperatures are now warmer and there are...
Trends are mixed on the daily charts for the Winter Wheat markets. Corn was lower on Friday but higher for the week in response to the...