Real estate is in a bull market and mortgage rates have increased 4.72 percent, a level not seen since May 2011.
Gold is expected to resume its bull market while Dow Jones needs new all-time highs.
The Dow has exceeded the highs it recorded in January while gold is slowly seeing higher prices.
It seems that the gold price posted on August 15, at $1,165.50, is the bottom of its current decline.
Dow Jones can be expected to continue its upward trend in the coming months after closing higher last week while gold slides lower.
The four-month decline in gold and silver could mean that their prices are nearing their bottom, and the precious metals are ready to rebound.
Dow Jones advanced only 0.04 percent on last week's close while gold continues to see an overwhelming number of declining days.
The Dow Jones BEV broke a new record high, closing in on 4.38 percent. Facebook's shares plunge by 19 percent while Twitter's shares drop by 20.5...
Dow Jones remains volatile with highs and lows trending in the market. Global gold stocks decline in the trading market by 10 percent.
Dow Jones experienced more lows than highs for the past three weeks. Gold and other precious metals were also under pressure.