Dow Jones remains volatile with highs and lows trending in the market. Global gold stocks decline in the trading market by 10 percent.
Dow Jones experienced more lows than highs for the past three weeks. Gold and other precious metals were also under pressure.
Despite some short selling, gold rallies appear unflinching. The stock market bounces back from extreme volatility from February to April.
The stock market at current valuations is vulnerable to a significant market decline. Meanwhile, gold dropped to $1,301.96.
The Dow Jones bounces back and scores weekly highs, breaking its record five weeks ago, while gold is holding up pretty well despite overwhelming declines.
Mortgage rates continue to increase and predict what may be a crisis in the real estate market. Despite a fall in trading, gold continues to sell.
Dow Jones plunged at a rate of 6.71 percent, following a benign inflation brought about by Federal Reserve interest rate hikes.
Dow Jones remains highly volatile, and the continuing deflation of the stock market makes gold and silver look better options to invest in.
Over the past weeks, Dow Jones had its highs and lows but never took a side of the curve. On the other hand, gold stocks are...
The national debt of the U.S. is on the rise again and going beyond the $20 trillion mark.