Many people who have savings want to put them in a safe and profitable place. The best known ways to invest are to buy real estate,...
Here are the top cryptocurrencies stories of the past week in just two minutes. A collective lawsuit of $1.4 trillion for Tether and Bitfinex. Adoption of...
Marijuana legalization is a trending topic in many countries. In 2013, Uruguay was the first country to legalize recreational cannabis. Canada followed suit and legalized marijuana...
The French Plant Biotechnology Association wants to categorize each published plant according to the genetic modifications made to their genetic heritage and not to the technology...
Oil is a highly liquid commodity in the financial markets because of its popularity. This makes it easier to buy and sell but it does not...
U.S. regulators sued a company that raised $1.7 billion through a cryptocurrency offering that became one of the largest such deals ever. The Securities and Exchange...
Last year, the Repsol Foundation's social investment amounted to 9.5 million euros. In 2019 Repsol reinforced their social commitment and sustainability by launching last June an...
PayPal is doing well and is reporting this in its third-quarter 2019 financial results. The company remains the leader in online payment. Last month, the young...
DNA has been manufactured by chemical synthesis. A particularly long and costly process, with an error rate that increases as the sequence lengthens. Researchers are looking...
Cannabis companies that sell both medicinal weed and recreational pot. Marijuana stocks to buy and watch. Those phrases have become increasingly common as marijuana legalization spreads...