While we live in an ever-changing world we have events today that could leave the world dramatically changed from where it was prior. We re-chronicle the...
Throughout 2023-2024, Heuristik has the objective of opening a financing round of €5 million, which will allow the Spanish company to continue growing in the European...
Spain ranks 14th in Europe with this indicator and in the world ranking it surprises with Estonia in the lead (238 fintech companies per million inhabitants),...
Cotton was a little lower last week and held to the recent trading range. The market acts firm and might work higher over time. The USDA...
Oil prices (along with all commodities) have played a role in inflation particularly over the past 75 years. We show how rising and falling oil prices...
When your affiliate marketing is getting a little stale and you want to shake things up, what do you do? Do you throw it all to...
Those who had GPT on their radar early on and got in at the stock market debut at the beginning of April are now looking at...
New York and London closed higher last week on ideas of little on offer from producers and reports of increasing coffee demand. Demand ideas remain strong,...
We look at price performance for some selected assets over time. Gold is a leader which may surprise many. Worst performer is bonds. We also examine...
As reported by the company, in 2022 all the markets in which it operates experienced growth in terms of revenues, although in the last stretch, there...