Since its launch, the Worldcoin project has seen impressive growth, with significant increases in user registrations and application usage. However, the project is also coming under...
Last week the Dow Jones broke into scoring position. This week? Senator Schumer called to declassify secret UFO documents, Fitch Downgrade US treasuries from AAA to...
From UBI and digital ID to crowdfunding and private capital markets: Worldcoin and KoreChain are two of the hottest new blockchain projects that promise to usher...
Despite Thursday's reversal day, the markets continue to rise, hinting at a Goldilocks economy. That said, the inverted yield curve is a concern; a recession typically...
When world powers combine to attack your freedom to make yo mama jokes and market how you please, what do you do? That's right. You make...
The 400 million FCFA were distributed by first making compulsory deductions for structures such as OBM and AEJPLN, each of which received eight million FCFA. The...
I haven’t covered Barron’s Confidence Index (CI), for a while. As something odd happened with the CI last week, something that has never happened before, this...
While software might have worked its way into most aspects of life and industry, there are still a few frontiers it has yet to conquer. Mining...
Last year, GAV Projects introduced Miniverse, immersive websites that combine the strengths of traditional websites with the strengths of the metaverse. Now, GAV is launching the...
The future of the US dollar is growing dim, and in the growing darkness, so too is any reason for holding dollar-denominated debt; Treasury, corporate bonds,...