Dealing with a vast amount of information, the investment industry could utilize artificial intelligence, aiding investors in decision making.
Asset managers can utilize artificial intelligence as a support tool. Here's what to know first before doing so.
Equipped with a software tailored to an operating brokerage, introduces a new and affordable way to manage brokerage fees.
Recent developments in fintech at Wales makes the country one of the most competitive sectors in the Welsh economy, being valued at an estimated £8.2bn.
Here are a few robo-advisors that go beyond the traditional approach of investing, focus on downside risk protection, and actively invest.
Hacking group JokerStash was suspected to be responsible for the data breach.
Google just made online shopping easier by launching "Google Pay". Works via mobile payment, Google Pay is a combined Google Wallet and Android Pay.
The U.K. has introduced a new law that allows major banks to share information with third-party financial services.
The pitfalls and blessings of financial technology can propel industries toward a more competitive 2018.
The banking and financial institutions have to adapt or make improvements to remain relevant next year.