Productive things to do when you’re having a slow day at the office
The more you know – the more prepared you are to do your job.

Are you having one of those rare slow days at the office? If you feel like you never get a chance to catch your breath, it may be tempting to call it quits and head home early when you finally do have a slow day at the office.
But, there are more productive things you could be doing with your time to take advantage of your slow day. Here are a few ideas:
Get organized
Is your inbox full of unread emails from wholesale distributors and co-workers? Do you have a stack of papers on your desk that you need to sort through? These tasks are usually pushed to the bottom of your list when you have a full day of work, but if you’re having a slow day, now is the time to tackle these tasks and get organized. The more cluttered your inbox and desk are, the more stressed you may be when you get to work. Take the time to organize everything now so you can alleviate some of the stress you feel on a daily basis.
Ask others if they need help
Instead of just clocking out and heading home, walk around your office and ask your co-workers if they need any help. Why? You may not be swamped with work now, but it will happen to you one day when you least expect it. When the time comes, your co-workers will remember that you stepped up and helped them when they needed it, and they’ll return the favor.
Read about your industry
What’s going on in your industry? It can be difficult to keep up with the latest news when you’re trying to meet a tight deadline, but now that you have a bit of free time, start reading industry blogs or news articles. The more you know, the more prepared you are to do your job, so this is definitely a productive use of your time.
Talk to your boss
If your boss has a few minutes, ask if you can pop into her office to catch up. Use this time to discuss what you’re working on, clients you’ve acquired, or progress you’ve made with a project. This is a great opportunity for you to bounce ideas off of your boss, ask for feedback on your performance, and show that you’re passionate about what you do. You should also ask your boss if there are any upcoming projects you can be a part of now that you may have a bit of free time. This shows that you are taking initiative and eager to learn new skills, so your boss will certainly be impressed.
Use the free time that you have to organize your to-do list for the remainder of the week. Now that you can think clearly, make a list of the upcoming deadlines you have to meet, and then prioritize what projects need to be done first. You should try to make a timeline that outlines when you want to have things done so you can hold yourself accountable every day when you get to work.
What do you do when you’re having a slow day at the office? Share your tips in the comments below!
DISCLAIMER: This article expresses my own ideas and opinions. Any information I have shared are from sources that I believe to be reliable and accurate. I did not receive any financial compensation in writing this post, nor do I own any shares in any company I’ve mentioned. I encourage any reader to do their own diligent research first before making any investment decisions.

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