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Why self-care is crucial in boosting productivity

People need to understand that own happiness and overall well-being always come first.



People sometimes forget they are not machines. The demands of their work can take its toll on the psychological and physical well-being of workers. If left unchecked, it could lead to a decrease in productivity and in the worst-case scenario, even death.

Many employees are taking their wellness and happiness for granted in order to earn more money or to advance their professional career. They overlook the factconsciously or notthat in order to become productive, we have to take care of ourselves first.

Open communication

According to, there are several ways a leader can promote self-care and overall wellness in the workplace. One of them is having an open communication. When employees have the freedom to express themselves with the management, they can pinpoint areas that give them the highest level of stress. The management, on the other hand, can implement improvements in the workplace.


Harvard Business Review defined self-care as being attuned to your constructive, effective and authentic self. What business leaders fail to recognize is that self-care policies are a must in today’s working environment. Getting a break goes a long way. Plus, surrounding yourself with positive people helps during rough times. Some may call it vanity but boosting one’s self-confidence and esteem has the ability to turn things around for people badly needing it.

Happy workplace.

Happiness at the workplace increases productivity. (Source)

Not just for employees

Inside Higher Ed noted that self-care is not only for employees. It is applicable to anyone from the top management down to the lower-tier workers. Additionally, it is not only limited to the workplace setting. In the academic setting, the welfare of both the students and teachers must be considered. The effects of self-care in schools have been well-documented. When students and teachers are happy in life overall, greater success is achieved. Students produce excellent academic research while engaged faculty leads to a boost in their productivity.

Prioritizing our own wants and needs is not being selfish. It is learning to say no to others and saying yes to ourselves. It is recalibrating our priorities and focus and putting our own welfare and wellness upfront. In the end, hard work does not really mean instant success. Sometimes, being happy at our own pace and content in small victories are more than enough reasons to celebrate.

J. Frank Sigerson is a business and financial journalist primarily covering crypto, cannabis, crowdfunding, technology, and marketing. He also writes about the movers and shakers in the stock market, especially in biotech, healthcare, mining, and blockchain. In the past, he has shared his thoughts on IT and design, social media, pop culture, food and wine, TV, film, and music. His works have been published in,, Seeking Alpha, Mogul, Small Cap Network, CNN,, among others.