In Japan, maintenance and risk management of power plants are to be made more efficient through the use of artificial intelligence and automatic data acquisition. The...
The EU Parliament has just approved to increase the THC content in industrial hemp. The new limit of 0.3% THC is seen as a step in...
The real estate lending crowdfunding platform Housers has just launched a crowdfunding campaign. The capital raised by Housers will be used for the study, definition and...
Record economic growth, but insufficient social policy and persistent poverty characterize the economic and social record of Alassane Ouattara's decade in power. Growth is based on...
The organization Best of Swiss Gastro wants to save the Swiss gastronomy with crowdfunding. The company is donating part of the money to the SOS Children's...
For the first time, the EU issued bonds in October 2020 to mitigate the damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The new EU bonds met with...
N26 recently announced that will introduce a custodian fee of 0.5% on transactions over $59,000 (€50,000). Custodian fees in Germany are usually introduced from $118,000 (€100,000)...
A large body of research is making a case for the revolutionary benefits of putting AR and VR in the classroom. Unfortunately, just like all early-stage...
The French laboratory Pierre Fabre announced an investment of $5.3 million (€4.5 million) to produce the active ingredients for binimetinib and encorafenib at its Gaillac site....
Italy has just classified CBD as a narcotic. The decree is a threat to the entire cannabis industry in Italy, which is currently valued at $177...