Doorway, an innovative Italian fintech that operates in venture capital, as well as several family offices and business angels, participated in the round. Vitesy has already...
For individuals, Satispay simplifies daily life by grouping all their financial transactions in one place, avoiding the need to juggle between different applications and platforms. Recently,...
In most cases, debt collection for SMEs is done through law firms with fees that often do not justify the recovery of smaller amounts. In addition,...
According to Federico Shaw, CFO of the company, the total amount of funding raised by EvenFi during 2022, including equity and debt, was more than €2.2...
In the first half of this year, Reviva counted 108,137 auctions throughout Italy, a figure up 16.1 percent compared to the same period in 2021, although...
With Pay Later, Opyn completes its offering to companies of all sizes, from micro-enterprises to large corporations, bringing digital lending also to that segment of users...
Tinaba had required 2 years and a half of work and $34 million (€30 million) of investment to be launched, Matteo Arpe had said in a...
Conio, an Italian fintech company active in the cryptocurrency sector, has cashed in a $14 million round. The round was led by Banca Generali (Generali Group),...