Making cross-platform apps can actually trim down the costs and time spent in developing.
Finding the best web designer can help you create a site that properly represents your business.
The banking industry knows the importance of being on mobile. Many players have developed apps and sites to help them dominate the mobile banking space.
Tech and automotive companies are doing lots of research to integrate mobile technologies in cars.
Improving the user experience on your website can also improve your Google page ranking and ultimately, your brand.
Google is embracing the importance of content and is looking for ways to better gauge its quality.
Europe is seen less aggressive in investing in the tech sector compared to the United States.
Ukraine’s tech industry is attracting more investors. Here are five companies to watch out for.
As part of the deal with Twitter, Google has incorporated tweets in its search engine results page.
Smartphones have various uses these days, from entertainment to games to browsing the internet and more that most people have developed a dependency on them.