Coined as 'altcoin', alternative cryptocurrencies are shaking up virtual banking, with more and more people cashing up less on Bitcoin.
The value of the US dollar is currently inflated but might crash down during the mid-term elections.
The buying power of the U.S. dollar has remained fluctuant this year.
The US constitutional crisis, U.S. conflict with North Korea and other geopolitical issues are expected to affect markets.
Bubbles have been emerging in various markets, but there hasn't been one in commodities.
China is planning a broader launch date this year for Yuan-denominated gold futures contracts.
North Korea's recent testing of a hydrogen bomb may have alarmed leading global powers. Stock markets did wobble but showed no signs of failure.
Should the US Dollar lose its status as the premier currency, it would lose the ability to print money.
The national debt is expected to rise to over $22 trillion by 2021.
Making 32 new all-time highs in the past 77 NYSE trading sessions, or seeing a new all-time high in 41% of the daily closings since the...