It’s time to dispel the myth of the “best social media for business”. Learn more about the demographic data behind social media platforms and get practical...
If you need a website for your business, there are a lot of options out there, to the point of it becoming completely overwhelming. If you’re...
If there’s one thing Google’s known for, it’s the frequent updates to its algorithm. So, if you’ve heard about Google’s latest AI update, and you’re wondering...
Subject lines that perform the best are descriptive and clearly state the benefit the reader will have if they read it. You can have the most...
Back in 2015, Microsoft Canada conducted a study that attempted to analyze people’s attention spans conducted using electroencephalography to monitor brain activity. According to that data,...
If you’re thinking about your marketing strategy for 2022, then you need to understand how SEO has changed. When you’re choosing your keywords and creating your...
Video-based marketing is a great way to stand out from all the messages people get in their inboxes every day. when people are going through their...
A video marketing strategy is a must if you want to engage with your audience, improve brand awareness, and boost leads and sales.Remember: No matter what...
When you set your goals to conquer social media in 2022, keep in mind that you may not attain all of them. But that’s not failure!...
Businesses are starting to plan their holiday marketing as we head into the 2021 holiday shopping season. Communication is always important, and even more so when...