As the FOMC reduced its “liquidity injections” in February, market valuations began deflating. And then this week, following a huge reduction in the FOMC’s balance sheet, the...
Looks like the bear market's over and inflation's finally halting. Happy days, right? Not so fast; it's time to exercise a little caution. The bear market...
While market interest rates have seen significant increases, new company financing rates remain lower than they were a year ago. As a reference, the Euro Interbank...
Is a stock market recovery on the cards any time soon? Surely not, right? After all, we're living in an age of inflation, war, energy shortages,...
So are we in a depression or not? While you certainly won't hear anyone official saying so any time soon (heck, we're not even "technically" in...
There are plenty of countries out there with significant US Treasury Bond holdings, and China's right up there with the biggest. And while their holdings peaked...
FCOJ was higher last week and trends are up on the daily and weekly charts. A price recovery has started as the harvest winds down. The recent market...
As August 2022 is about to begin, the stock market has outperformed commodities for the past three decades. The stock market had a good July, and...
It's official. We are in a technical recession. No, not an official recession. That'll be announced later. Although so far Canada is holding better. But Canada's...
Cotton was a little higher last week but spent most of the week trading in a small range. The trade is still worried about demand moving...